If you need life advice and you're a NEET robot etc. it's pointless. Just get some therapy, meds and cope. Even out and then talk to a professional about setting some realistic goals. This board won't matter.
P.S. Don't listen to your brainlet parents who are holding you back thx.
Life Advice on Jow Forums Only Works For Normies
>parents are brainlets
>uses terms like normies and robot
Just because you're beyond help or repair, doesn't mean you need to damn everyone else on your way down.
Medium iq post.
most people here are complaining about things that don't even matter. Just get yourself an education, get paid, take care of yourself and everything will work out. t. former NEET on the spectrum
Idk man, my best friend is academically superb compared to me, about to graduate in electrical engineering, and he's still a literal KHV. Even works out at the gym, and isn't a midget or something, average looking fella, living the self-improvement meme. But I guess he's just one of a kind, an exception. In general your point stands.
I've been called much worse
That's because most people here are barely out of highschool if they even are. To them it seems like a big deal but to older or more experienced people it's just a part of life.
OP is a faggot
Most likely he has never asked a girl out in his life.
A main issue is that a lot of Jow Forumsisors are people who are in a position of privilege and ease, hence have no idea what life is like for those with less; whether we mean material goods, or shit that's hardly tangible. I hate to bring up "white privilege," but it's the same basic thing. Because of this, a lot of advice is not only solely based on their world and their experiences, instead of who they're giving it to, but also what THEY THINK is right the advice for them, rather than advice that actually works for the person SPECIFICALLY, not broadly. As a result, most advice given, not just from here, lacks basic empathy and awareness of how people other than them (and their echo chamber) function -- leading them to perceive, and assume, life works how they think it does, not how actually it works. A good example of this lack of empathy would be:
>most people here are complaining about things that don't even matter.
Completely unaware that these issues matter to the person; and the fact it doesn't matter to is irrelevant.
You're expecting people to be more understanding for you while refusing to be understanding towards them. Pretty dumb post.
I do understand them, and that the lives they live makes them unable to see things through the perspective of those who aren't as privileged and advantaged as them, thus why their views are very skewed and inaccurate. And even regardless, that's no excuse for the lack of understanding on their part. You're obligated to be understanding and empathic to other people, even if they're not going to do the same. Anything else is simple bigotry.
Hooked me with that bait. Good one, user.
Someone's lack of empathy and understanding towards you is not an excuse for your lack of such. Simple as that.
It looks like you've already written off everyone giving out advice here as being unfit to do so without considering the possibility that there are exceptions to the rule you made up in your head. It's difficult for me to comprehend how you've come to this state of mind.
>It looks like you've already written off everyone giving out advice here as being unfit to do so without considering the possibility that there are exceptions to the rule you made up in your head.
Maybe you should try giving advice that actually works for the person individually, not what you think it does. If they're not accepting it, it's not the right advice.
>It's difficult for me to comprehend how you've come to this state of mind.
We call this empathy, user. Try some.
I'm really trying here, but you're losing me. You're saying one thing, but doing the complete opposite.
>I'm really trying here, but you're losing me.
Then maybe you aren't qualified.
>You're saying one thing, but doing the complete opposite.
Tu quoque, user.
I'm not giving advice right now. I'm just trying to understand your point of view. It isn't consistent. Maybe this is bait.
>I'm just trying to understand your point of view.
Basically: just because someone acts in a certain way, doesn't mean the same is okay for you. What they do, means absolutely nothing for you, and doesn't justify any of your actions and behaviours. And how they operate in reference towards you (if there is any), doesn't legitimise or defend your actions. And what someone does, and how they do it, is completely irrelevant, and unethical to dwell on. Example: just because they are seemingly (keyword) being empathic and understanding towards you, doesn't mean you have to stop being the same towards them; otherwise you become the bad guy, not them.
Yeah, but if someone is being a deliberate git, empathy or no, you have the right to disengage from the conversation, or at least firmly state your disagreement. If they're not taking the advice, that doesn't mean it's the wrong advice definitively, it could mean they're being thick.
Also not that user.
>You're expecting people to be more understanding for you while refusing to be understanding towards them.
that doesn't mean anything :/
>you have the right to disengage from the conversation, or at least firmly state your disagreement
True, but it doesn't justify your prejudices and bigotry. Nor does it justify trying to push something on them (ex.: advice) that they're not willing to accept. You need their consent for that, and rejecting anything you propose to them is a lack of consent.
>If they're not taking the advice, that doesn't mean it's the wrong advice definitively
It does mean it's the wrong advice. Advice depends on the person you're giving to, not what *you* think is right.
>it could mean they're being thick.
It means you're trying to force your ideas and standards onto them, and they're rejecting that.
>I want to kill myself.
>Don't kill yourself, get help.
What if they want to die, and they don't want to take the advice NOT to kill themselves?
Well, you can't force someone to do anything, especially in cases of suicidality where during so, and proposing the wrong advice, makes the situation worse, them less likely to seek and accept help, and just further deteriorates their condition.
>they don't want to take the advice NOT to kill themselves
Chances are the advice includes tips that doesn't work (for them personally). And plus, since you (presumably) lack suicidality or anything resembling it, you're in a position of privilege that makes you virtually incapable of comprehending them and their perspectives; like most people. So you're not going to find many tricks that'll do them justice, and probably are going to end up giving them something that makes their situation worse.
You're dodging the question. So either this is bait, or you just don't value human life, and are a classic example of an enabler.
Move along everyone, this guy is just another self-righteous sociopath.
>You're dodging the question.
I answered it completely, especially in paragraph two.
>you just don't value human life
Forcing someone to do what they don't want, or forcing just about anything on them, is devaluing human life, their life specifically.
>are a classic example of an enabler
I've been called the same any time I call someone out for slutshaming or racism.
How so?
What part of the question did he dodge?
>Just get some therapy, meds and cope. Even out and then talk to a professional about setting some realistic goals.
that doesn't help with everybody. in fact, i've seen people coming out of those worse.
If everyone is smart enough to know how to deal with their own personal special problems then what's the point in asking for advice?
They don't, actually. They come up with their own solutions and assistance. They only seek others when most, if not all, their attempts at fixing their problems fail. And by then, it simply means their issues are more prevailing than you would normally think.
>If everyone is smart enough to know how to deal with their own personal special problems
... Are you implying that everyone seeking is dumber than you?
Yeah smart wasn't the correct word there. Perhaps wise or experienced is more fitting.
If that's the case it sounds like the person in need of help needs more than just advice. To my understanding, advice is what people pass on to others when common circumstances are experienced by both parties. Chances are someone has had to deal with a similar predicament as yours before you.
How does one know if they are a NEET robot etc.?
I imagine a lot of people that come here don't, so your thread accomplishes next to nothing.
>brainlet parents who are holding you back
Go back to /tttt/, you fag.
>If that's the case it sounds like the person in need of help needs more than just advice.
Or better advice than just...
>advice is what people pass on to others when common circumstances are experienced by both parties
>Chances are someone has had to deal with a similar predicament as yours before you.
Or some kind of experience with it (ex.: a person who's had a suicide in their life; or worked a suicide hotline).
That's still assuming lesser from them.
>Or some kind of experience with it (ex.: a person who's had a suicide in their life; or worked a suicide hotline).
Yes, something like that works as well. Or it could even be based on advice that others have often given.
>Or it could even be based on advice that others have often given.
As long as it also works for the person it's being further passed to. If not, a different one might be needed.
Are you saying that people aren't different from one another? Some people don't know more than others?
Yeah, that makes sense.
> make a serious post close to hitting character limit, explaining your situation thoroughly
> anons come and respond to either something barely related (wtf) or to what was said in the title / the beginning / near the end without taking into account the bigger picture I drew at fucking all
> mfw
Some anons aren't good at giving advice, some aren't good at reading, and some just wanna have fun.
>I-I'm too special to take advices!!!!
There's a site for people like you.
You're right, OP. If I had a dollar for everytime I saw some reddit-tier "advice" I'd be a very rich man. Especially the dating advice.
AS a normalfag, I can guarantee you most people are terrible at giving advice, and worse at taking it.
Fair enough, but a lot of the questions have to do with interaction with normies and incels' inability to understand the latter, so hearing the other perspective is actually useful to them.
>If they're not accepting it, it's not the right advice.
Sometimes people need to be told a harsh truth. Not that every advice here is the right one, often it comes from lack of understanding of a different situation, but it's ridiculous to claim that anything that isn't to OP's liking is bad advice