Every fucking time

>Be me
>stop by the gas station to pick up something
>Boomer in line "hurr durr can you see if I'm a millionaire"
>clerk checks tickets wins $2 buys $20 more
>nigger in line "ayo hol up, *smacks lips y'all got any dolla scratch offs yo?"
>blue collar trade guy covered in paint and cement buys a pack of smokes pays in change and wants the rest to go to lottery tickets.

How do we get rid of the lottery?

Attached: lottery-02-asgty-181019_hpEmbed_3x2_992.jpg (992x661, 130K)

you'd have to pay more taxes.

KEK I feel your pain

increase taxes

Who cares? Let the idiots spend on the lotto. If it bothers u that much, dont live in the fucking ghetto.

Who needs 401k when u got break the bank scratchers?

Nobody every wins the Lottery.
In NC, somehow it's against the law now to broadcast who actually won.
What better scam is there?

you read a book and educate yourself out of Fantasy land .. when you out of fantasy land you help out get out of it and so on

you help other getting out of it

People like gambling, user. End the lottery and they go private.

Good point.

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lotto is an idiot tax plain and simple if you are dumb enough to play it you deserve to lose your money.

What is more pressing is what the hell you could need to buy at a gas station? You can pay for gas at the pump. Everything else they sell is marked up by 20-30% over a local grocery store.

My calc professor described the lotto as a tax on people who are mathematically illiterate. It's essentially a retard tax.

Tbh idk why you'd wanna get rid of it. If you see it for the scam that it is, just don't participate.

>31 yo
>Been to Las Vegas
>Have never spent a penny on any scratchers or at any casino, ever.
Beat that.

In my experience gas stations are cheaper if you're buying singles but equal or more expensive if you buy bulk.

>there's a tax on morons that helps pay college scholarships of smart kids

What's the problem user?

>>>Hurr durr your vices are stupid and a waste of money, but my vices and entertainment choices are not

kys fagot

>you gotta be in it to win it
>you never know, mayne
>wish me luck
>anything good?
>what's the big one for tonight?
>I'll come back with the winnings tomorrow
>don't worry, when I win, I got you

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Give people a better standard of living.

Social contract and all that. Capitalism is anti-human.

>buys overpriced shit regularly at gas stations
>thinks he is clever because didnt fall for the lotto jew

Buy in bulk, control your spendings. If you are a regular buyer then it must be either alcolol or unhealthy snacks. Do yourself a favor and kick that habit.

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>Stops by gas station to pick something up
> Bothered that people waste their money
At least they're paying normal face value, you're probably paying double or more.

1984. Winston said that no one ever really won the lottery. They just staged the whole thing. Basically a way to get money for the party back from the proles.

hahahahahahaha i love you Jow Forums