Take The Germanic Pagan Redpill

Unlike christianity which promotes christian-globalism, assimilation & race mixing. Our true European Pagan religions have written laws condemning race mixing as well as homosexuality & other christian degenaracy. Remember a nigger cannot be a Germanic/slavic or a celtic Pagan. Paganism is a blood & soil religion.

Tacitus Germania on Pagan German Morals:

>Germanic Pagans are racially pure and healthy
In Chapter 4, “Racial characteristics of the Germanics“, he attributed to Germanic men & women that they all have common physical characteristics, fierce blue eyes (truces et caerulei oculi = "sky-coloured blue, dark blue), red-blonde hair (rutilae comae = "red, golden-red, reddish yellow, golden-blonde") and tall framers (bodies), vigorous at the first onset but not tolerant of exhausting labour, tolerant of hunger and cold but not of heat.[5]

>Germanic Pagans do not racemix
Tacitus says (Ch. 2, “Origion and descent of the Germanics”) that physically, the Germanic peoples appear to be a distinct (indigenous), racially pure nation, not a blood admixture of their neighbors: "For my own part, I agree with those who think that the tribes of Germany are free from all taint of intermarriages with foreign nations…" They are divided into three large branches, the Ingaevones, the Herminones and the Istaevones, deriving their ancestry from three sons of Mannus, son of Tuisto, their common forefather.

>Germanic Pagans reserve death penalty for deserters, faggots
The death penalty is reserved for two kinds of capital offenses: military treason or desertion was punished by hanging, and moral infamy (cowardice and homosexuality[9]) was punished by throwing the condemned into a bog. The difference in punishment is explained by the idea that "glaring iniquities" must be exposed in plain sight, while "effeminacy and pollution" should best be buried & concealed.[10] Minor legal disputes were settled on a day-to-day basis by elected chiefs assisted by elected officials.[11]

Attached: Sage Vikernes Burns Down An Abrahamic Structure.jpg (800x800, 159K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>Germanic Pagans hold marriage sacred, abortion is criminal
He also records (Ch. 19, “Sanctity of marriage”) that adultery is detested and very rare, and that an adulterous woman is shaved of her hair and exiled by the community regardless of her beauty. To limit childbearing or to kill children (abortion) is considered criminal. “In Germany good morals (customs) are worth more than good laws.”

>Germanic Pagans Practiced monogamy
Tacitus says (Ch. 18) that the Germans are content with one wife, except for a few political marriages.



Germanic Paganism is the most preserved European Paganism today. Who can be Germanic Pagan? Germans, Nords, Anglo-Saxons, French people. Any Pure European with known Germanic heritage can be Germanic Pagan. This includes some Spaniards and northern Italians. A nigger cannot be Germanic Pagan even if he/she is mixed and has Germanic heritage. You have to be 100% European. Because all Europeans once worshiped Óðinn with different names, voodoo niggers didn't they are a different people from a different continent. They are alien to European spirituality. Unlike Abrahamic mind viruses, Germanic Paganism doesn't seek converts. It is a blood and soil religion. It is a religion of the white man. It's in your blood.

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Germanic Pagans - Killed homosexuals and deserters. Were tribal and opposed Mixing. Supported monogamy. Limiting child bearing was seen as evil and adulterers got their head shaved.

Christian Germans - Made homosexuals into priests and nuns giving them unlimited access to little children. The leader of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) Angela Merkel brought in the biggest number of Christian Africans into Germany.

Attached: Angela Merkel Qoute - Daughter of a christian priest and the leader of Christian Democratic Union.jp (807x380, 31K)

Also friendly reminder that Jews fear the rise of Paganism and end of christcuckery

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>Based: [X]
>Redpilled: [X]

They also believed in human sacrifice

Have a meme finbro!

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Human sacrifices in Pagan Europe can be considered a healthy practice since the ones who were sacrificed in the name of Óðinn were either traitors who wanted to help the enemy to destroy their tribe or disabled people who have suffered enough.

What about witch burning? Where the jew worshiping christfaggots burned white women for keeping Pagan traditions? It was a human sacrifice in the name of Jewish God Yahweh.

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Ceremonially killing captured enemies isn’t the same as Jews murdering their own children before Canaanite deities.

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>it's this thread again with meme flag fags

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>zero argument

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>using a memeflag
>expecting arguments
Maybe if you stoped hiding people would take you seriously and actually give you an argument

>go to a local pagan germanic festival
>most are wicca tumblr fags
>a few confused metalheads in it for the music
>a bunch of guys arguing whether their DnD barbarian LARP loadout is "Germanic" or not
>nobody can even agree on whether the gods literally exist or are they just archetypes
>nothing gets done
>continue for decades

Here, history of the neopagan movement for the last 30 years. At least the christcucks an get someone elected from time to time and BTFO some fags or feminists in the legislature. What have "Germanic pagans" achieved in recent decades?

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>What have "Germanic pagans" achieved in recent decades?
They have made the christcucks infinitely salty and triggered.

What if i'm not gay?

Come home, Germanic man

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Tacitus was no biologist and had a political axe to grind, writing his Germania. So he could not know the biological purity which is so precious to pagan 'spirituality'. Tacitus wrote this to contrast the Roman degeneracy with Germanic purity, he was arguing against the degeneracy amongst his own, of course. It's like those memes where we are told Islam is superior because they keep their women in check compared to the modern West. We can rightly suspect Tacitus trying to depict Germanics as noble savages for political intereset.

Secondly, you wrote that
>European Pagan religions have written laws condemning race mixing
and I was hoping for a quote on that. I don't remember a lot of writing survived from that era.

and now compare the best with the best of both for fairness. What does paganism say about liers and decievers? I have read some pagan saying they should follow the example of their gods. Is following Loki honorable and recommended? Or can we follow Zeus' example and lie with many women?

all cults "beliefs" are bad
to a scientist

European Pagan religions are ethnic in nature and do not seek converts. This leads to homogeneity and progress. Homogeneous Pagan European societies are a proof of that.

Abrahamic religions (except Judaism which is based on ancient paganism) are globalist in nature, depend on converts. This leads to violent mixed races christian/muslin shit holes. Current modern christian nations such as Brazil, USA and South Africa are a proof of this.

Is it really that hard for you to understand? Why are you so dumb? It's not my problem if you don't trust redpilled Pagan historians.

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If christians BTFOED anyone it's straight white males. Christians are the biggest funders of Israel (their desert holy land). Christianity led to feminism (christian monarchism the original feminism) women had more power than men in Europe for the first time.

Germanic Paganism explicitly states that homosexuality is a crime. Christianity does not. Due to this many churches today tolerate and promote homosexuality but most importantly race mixing. Many gays and lesbians today have unlimited access to little children just because they are priests and nuns. Just think about that for a moment.

Paganism is growing in Poland

Christcucks in Poland want more shitskin Christian immigrants

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But really, why should we follow any of these sandnigger religions?

Neopagans: "We wuz Viking raiders and BTFO those pussy priests! XD Hail Thor!"

Also neopagans: "Grr! Those mean old Christians wiped out our sacred culture and religion! No fair! >:( Pls Odin halp"

For a warrior religion it lost pretty hard to the Prince of Peace.

Reminder that Varg is a D&C shill who's just looking to sell his books. He murdered his best buddy and these days lives off of welfare. He's the epitome of white trash.

Are you keks actual traditional Pagans or romanticised, women lead Neo-Pagan larpers?
How was it morally right for VIKANGZ to go around and rob fellow white inhabitants of Europe?
Do you consider slavery to be righteous and kidnapping women from neighbourhood to be used as sex slaves your right, like nogs do in the US and South Africa all the time?
Is raping others morally righteous in your opinion?

What kind of God commanded morals do pagans even have lmao?
Are you going to follow your ancestral traditions and conduct human sacrifices on regular bases in time of celebration to receive blessing from Odin and other gods?
Did you kek even know that Odin demanded you to sacrifice 9 person for every 9 years as per Ynglinga's saga?
And that Viking chieftains did even murder their own sons to receive longer life from gods?

If Paganism is superior to other religions, why is the practise dead in Europe?
Why is it only such shitholes as Amazons and African jungles where pagan traditions are alive and ruling their KANGZ societies?
How did Christian steal your traditions when your own ancestors chose to convert their ritual habits for embracing Christ?
Is there even existing any sacred literature that's not written by Christians years later?
Why wasn't it preserved if such texts were worth of preserving?

> at least pagans are not divided & cucked

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