All the Krauts here have stopped shilling for the EU

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It was since I called them out!

Anything else is censored or illegal.

Rise, white man.

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Weird how Yellow Vest Protests suddenly stopped in Germany isn't it?

Yes, they stopped about 8 hours ago, so the people could go and rest.

>All the Krauts here have stopped shilling for the EU.
even the most autistic Human have a sense of survival

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You mean they will continue?

Well, what I mean is they suddenly stopped. Krauts here on Jow Forums were shilling for it until I did a thread bashing Krauts for their shitty threads. Did it work, have they turned over a new leaf?

At least in Munich for some weeks for sure. Wagenknecht is organizing many people for her 'stand up' (Aufstehen) movement. The right will also protest to gain more mass and popularity among the people. It will never gain this much traction like in France, but at least it's a start.

60% sure but you still have 40% of the parasitic left

This is simply because these people can not achieve social status in a natural way

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>Have they turned over a new leaf
Was the purpose of your thread to make the Krauts even worse?

That's good. Apparently they are doing Yellow Vest Protests in Britain too, but as usual, it will take a while.

It's almost Christmas, let them have some fun
they do not have much to laugh about.

I had a feeling someone would catch that!

So many people concerned about social status as to virtue signal. Sometimes I don't know what is wrong with people.

He was right!

It was always fun playing catch with you old man, but for real you should have aborted Canada.

Can't disagree with that. Australia was always my favourite son.

>I don't know what is wrong with people.
most people are opportunists
only a few are creators

and opportunists always tend to walk the path of least resistance.

in my opinion

I theorized my own species of Lime. It's easier to take something than to make something.

Less your thread and more the funding cut the EU propaganda wing took recently. There were threads about that a week or so ago, apparently some heads rolled behind the scenes in Brussels. I don't know if any of the current protest movements had a lot to do with that but it's not impossible.

Long story short is that (((Kahane)))'s Amadeu Antonio Foundation was among the first to urge anti hate-speech-laws and such as well as deploy German ("German") online shills. By my understanding they had someone on-board when the UN published its Jow Forums dossier.

They've been pushing demoralization propaganda since around 2015 on here and in other places, now they are more or less blown away in the wake of shareblue, CTR and the Clinton hearing. More than a few of our movers and shakers are no doubt scurrying to save their hides due to being connected to her. More than a few of the rest take the advice from the Jew Division in France and "get the Hell out" due to Yellowjackets.

Good to know the Yellowjackets are doing us a favour.

Rather. There is some good in everything.

They were just trolling you

Have we met before? :D

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