Maoist Rebel News to debate Richard Spencer

Wednesday at 8PM EST on Spencer's show. Who is ready for this shit to go down?

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A match where everyone's a loser, stunning.

Fuck yeah, go Spencer

Two literal morons.

So socialist vs socialist?

Nazbol vs. Nazbol.

Unruhe is also a Maoist Third Worldist.

Isn't Spencer socialist though

Both of them have similar politics.

It is just going to be 2 hours of Spencer agreeing with him. Spencer is a commie who is racist


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Unruhe is a Third Worldist meaning he too is racialist.


>two commies talk to each other

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Why do you think?

the funny thing is that richard spencer is fine with socialism as long as it's for your own people

the only point of disagreement is a maoist thinks racism is mean

Who the fuck cares about these two dick lickers

It's entertaining for us.

Dick Spencer is going to redpill Jason Caden on Alexander Dugin and 4PT.

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>implying Jason isn't already redpilled on Dugin

Jason proves himself NazBol here:

on the channel spencer recently purchased?

Yes. Spencer's channel.

Wait a second, there are way too many options available for it to be Skyrim's dialogue system.

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just like always

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Stop giving these fags attention


You're watching it, right?

Spencer isn't a socialist. He does promote any economic policies. He's for any economic system as long as the country is run by whites for whites.

He doesn't promote*

but... spencer has NEVER provided an argument he just goes on a tangent based around an appeal to emotion

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Most people operate by emotions. Appealing to someone's emotion or feelings is still an argument.

And kys weeb.

we should open all borders! think of the children!

Well done on proving my point, dummy.

Spencer is more or less a socialist himself

Jason opposes open borders as they are a tool of First Worldism.

>literally who vs zog controlled op
Kys my dude

imagine making this many posts because you're a fucking idiot who can't manage to finish a full thought in one

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Spencer is a fucking idiot. He shouldn't be debating anyone and trying to represent white people in any way.

IMO Spencer completely fucked up most of his recent interviews but I'll see how this goes.

he'll deliberately embarrass himself to kill the alt right

>Why Some on the Far Left are actually Alt-Right
another one thrown in the pit

The alt-right is already a complete shitshow, who gives a fuck, it's the ideas that are important.

Too many low IQ normies don't have a fucking clue what is happening in the world and they are told lies from birth.

>oh no they will be talking about taking the money from the rich, someone stop that, we must protect the rich liberal elite MAGA!!!

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Jason Unruhe is the biggest Marxist on Youtube and he hates SJWs.

This. It will be ugliest gaysex followed by bloodshed.

>we must stop people from discussing ideas that threaten capitalism

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Jason is an idiot. Capitalism and Communism are two parts of the same dialectical coin. The spread of one fuels the other, according to their shit theories. Even according to Marx one is not the enemy of the other rather capitalism is the engine of communism. Any good and proper Marxist cheers for capitalism to do its thing.
Truth be told I prefer the critique by Evola in that both are toxic to the world of tradition. They are both materialistic and atheistic ideologies that destroy organic hierarchical society and the divine principle on which they are centered. They will never get their utopia only hell on earth as they dissolve everything that held people together.

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How the fuck someone can be maoist? Even chinese arent maoists. It is like advertising eating shit.

Maoism Third Worldism

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you could tax that rich jew opressing you, but that would be COMMUNISM, so enjoy your fucking trumpian globohomo gayplex, dude

>he does not mod the shit out of skyrim


>Can't debate a cultist on his cult's ideology
When will this faggot get more than 1000 views on a video?

Well said.

National Socialism is very different from (((Marx)))'s international "socialism" and the unobtainable utopian vision that it sells.

Jason or Dick?

>crtl f "arguments"
>no arguments

>"nazbol" retard vs. Maoist retard
they'll probably just agree on everything because they're both idiots

Jason isn't even a Marxist anymore.

Good thar Jason Uneuhe now wants to be part of the Alt-Right by association.

National socialism is shit. It only lasted 12 years.

there's nothing wrong with liberal capitalism as long as you don't have free trade (globalist capitalism), you don't give women the right the vote, and you don't have non-white immigration.
Put these things smack dab in the constitution and you're golden.

You niggers jump the shark way too much. Why not be a based centrist like me?

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Are Christians supposed to feel shamed by this?

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Rather have him go against Striker
Spencer is a retard

there's nothing wrong with being gay, christians are worrying about something unnecessary

but as to that article's headline, im pressing x to doubt

gays are more likely to be pedos, but whatevs. just discourage them from adopting idk.
or encourage them, and then use the resulting statistics to throw them out the window

What cancer, if only it was to the death and a tie.