Did you ever get over the pain of highschool?

Did you ever get over the pain of highschool?

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I was raped in the back halls on two occasions (guy btw) by niggers. What do you think?

Did they ever get in trouble for it?

Yes, when you encounter tremendously more painful things later in life you'll realize high school was just the tip of the pain iceberg.

Highscool was pretty good. Even with me being a weak fuckling that hid to myself and never did any homework I still connected pretty well with people and they were generally really accepting and nice.

They pulled the race card (I'm not fucking kidding).

And yet the same iceberg.

Will all of life be this painful? Will everyone discriminate against me for no reason/ not living up to their high set standards?

Why do you care what some faggots think of you? Live for yourself asshole.

Thats fucking disgusting, they probably didnt care that much about race that was just their excuse to destroy lives, why are americans so disgusting

>Why do you care what some faggots think of you?
Because what people think of you can ruin your life. If people think you're a pedophile, that's it for it (especially in the metoo era). Hell, if you're black, what people think of you ends up controlling your life daily.

Because everyone who I've considered a friend will laugh in my face because of it, eventually they'll leave me and eventually I'll probably kill myself the worst bit is that no one gives a shit respect is the least of peoples problems I fucking hate the world

My high school experience was good. It wasn't too cliquey and everyone was friends and at least friendly if not actually friends. It's not that I was popular but I was definitely well liked. Got invited to all the parties, got drunk, dated girls, made good memories.

Because im not a normal person****

I don't even think about highschool. Why even waste time? It's not like you can change any of it. It's said and done.

Its a preview to the worst parts of humanity, that I might actually encounter, to what people are really like


You sperg indeed

By my senior year I had a ton of friends and was Jow Forums as fuck and had a great diet and a fun job.
Now I still lift 3 years later with a trash diet, no progress, few friends, no job
Can't complain though, it's a quiet living. Need a job to survive though

my senior year ended 3 days ago.
i thank god that the memories are already starting to fade.


Because out of 30 of us, 23 of them flunked and never progressed with their lives.

Not only do I have the last laugh, I also have a future ahead of me.

I only spent half of my first year in a regular high school and I hated it so much I played hooky all day then I went to group homes, continuation schools and spent the rest of my time in home school.

I literally never think about high school nowadays except when I laugh at my former classmates' failed lives.

I'm on my way to earn a Master's degree now with a full ride scholarship, I'm celebrating our first anniversary with the love of my life in a month and while I still struggle with social situations, I do have a handful of friends. Life is better than I ever thought it would be.

I can relate

I almost wish something bad happened there so I wasn't just the faggot who dropped out and hid from the world for no reason.

Yeah when you transition into the pain of adulthood. Bonus : people don't really mature. You see high-school politics working in the public sector. Have fun.

hs was pretty serene I feel sorry for people who felt otherwise. mine was a in a rich neighborhood btw

Highschool is what you make of it. I personally filled a full size locker floor to ceiling full of garbage. I'm talking like the nastiest shit, meat, cheese, milk over the period of a year during my last year. It was jam packed, by the end of the year the locker door would barely close. Right after graduation I pulled all the trash out, spread it all over the floor and ran for it.

6 years later a buddy's younger bro went to the same highschool and apparently the staff are super paranoid about garbage in lockers now, including monthly inspections, announcements and even a "locker clean up" day. The new students hear rumors of the "garbage incident" and the mysterious perpetrator is held to almost mythical static. This is my magnum opus.

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So long ago now. I graduated 13 years ago. Highschool was terrible I know that but if i rake my brain I can think of an awkward moment or two, but I remember a lot of good times more clearly, and worse things have happened to me since. Like actual problems.

When you've gotta go through your house and see what you can sell to get rent because of a particularly Shakey financial month, or when rumours of lay offs loom at work, suddenly, that mean thing that girl said to you that one time isn't such an issue.

This is where perception comes in. You're fucking up by focusing on that.


Most people will be indifferent to you or won't like you. This is just how it is. No one will ever see you.the way you see yourself and no two people will ever see you the same.


Shit sucks sometimes.

Fact: some people will like you, some will love you, some will see a better version of you than you ever imagine possible of yourself. They're focused on way different shit than you so they might have a running average of fantastic knowledge about you. That parts kind of cool.


Shit has to suck and there has to be pain, or you won't know what's good. They're not mutually exclusive.

You cant know what's right without knowing what's wrong, you can't know how to behave if you don't know how not to behave, you can't have is without isn't.

If life's awesome, it has to fucking blow too.

And if you focus on how much it blows you've missed the point and that's your fault.

Some parts of it were good, some parts of it were bad, but overall i'm happy to move on.

High school was the best 4 years of my life, my life has gone to complete shit right now, thinking about ending it desu

I have cringe flashbacks of HS daily, 80% of my nightmares are HS related. I am 21, when does it stop?

30fag here.

When you start doing shit with your life and hanging around people with positive opinions of you and gaining some skills knowledge hobbies and overall a life you can be satisfied with.

That plus time.

I graduated high school the very first friday of this month. I have a qt in my life who I've grown very close to, and she's leaving to go to school in another state in 2 months. I haven't applied to any colleges. I'm thinking of looking for a job nearby this week just to make money so I can spend these last few weeks with her before she leaves.

Don't know what happens after this. I wish I could relive high school. I wouldn't do anything differently, I just want to be able to remember the years clearer. I wasn't happy, but I want to remember them anyway.

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It's been 7 years, I couldn't care less.