Should I stick my dick in crazy?

Should I stick my dick in crazy?

I work with her though.

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Do you want to stop working there?

No and no

No and my friends are related to her.

People who say
>never stick your dick in crazy
are just pussies. If she's in for a hookup, why not? "Crazy" chicks fuck so good.

Then you have your answer

who is this semen demon?

Sure if you have nothing to lose unlike him

And what is there for him to lose? He won't lose the job for a hookup.

Never stick your pen in company ink, son. It's just bad policy. Fuck outside of work.

Why is she crazy user? Depression?

Not just any company ink, but crazy company ink.

She got drunk and admitted to cheating on her ex, dating 7 guys one week and being raped when she was 13, all in the same night.


Yeah, that doesn't sound like a recipe for disaster or anything.
That was sarcasm, by the way.

No, don't stick your dick in that. Most of the molested "crazies" aren't worth it and probably make you bite more than you can chew, especially when it comes to coworkers.

> stick it in crazy
> with coworker
Never shit where you eat, and obviously you heard not to stick your dick in crazy bitches.
Go ahead and do it but I hope you don’t care about your job or anywhere/anyone you introduce her to.

no no no no no
This will be fun for 20 min and then a whole lot of drama you couldn't possibly be ready for
Avoid like the plague

Be prepared for her to report that you forced her if you don’t move in with her the next day...

veronica belmont

Shitting where you eat lol

Yes. You should always stick your dick in crazy and it doesn’t matter if you work with her. There’s absolutely nothing that could go wrong


fucking a girl you work with is fine, sticking your dick in crazy is not

>fucking a girl you work with is fine
Why though?

Fucking a coworker is only okay if you don't plan on having a relationship together. When you split up working together is the absolute worst.

The ignorant bliss is strong with this one.

So first off, no, avoid crazy like herpes. Why? Because if you ever slight them, they may go both extremes, and nobody deserves that.
Next: your coworker: no. With all the metoo crap going on, the last thing you want is to get on the bandwagon. Unless you do it to further your career, the last thing you should do is bang a coworker.

Examples as to why:
You bang, you dump, she sabotages you, you lose job and get black marked on your HR file. Have fun finding employment.
You bang, she dumps, she gets a BF, now work is a pain...
You bang, she wants you to commit, you say no, she goes nuts, stabs you at the office.

I'm not a paranoid bitch who's so afraid of complaints to the HR (which are rare in real life) that I'd miss some sexual fun being the OP.

you work with her and she is crazy. These are two giant NO. it's up to you though.

make her scream

Never stick ur dick in crazy

Every girl I ever knew who claimed to have been raped was batshit crazy. And not cool sexy type crazy, but really avoid at all cost crazy.

Lmao I'm dead

Not if they got fucked by their dad.
Sometimes crazy isn't worth the effort.
They have my compassion, but that's I weight can't carry.
I tried once.
Never again.

Going to have to be a no from me. Crazy bitches fuck like a panther in heat, but it is NOT worth having to see her every day at work. If you didn't work together I'd say go for it but you will fuck your work life up if you do this

no, especially not if you're also crazy.

ask yourself why she'd be so attractive and yet single. everyone either had more basic sense than you or dated her and then left because of how crazy she was.

first red flag on any bitch is if they have a rape story. second red flag is if they go through boyfriends or hookups with any regularity. fuckin around with roasties hurts men the most. just make some knuckle children and move on till you find something worth your time imo.

This. 'Crazy chicks are crazy!' is a meme. Stay well away, especially if you work with and it goes tits up. Which inevitably it will.

If you stick your dick in a woman, then your are automatically sticking it in crazy

You are an idiot to even ask for advice. You don't fuck your coworkers unless you want to start some drama. And you definitely don't stick your dick in crazy unless you just don't have much to lose or you are not looking for a relationship. She sounds like a mess. Perhaps you don't really care about yourself though

lol thats crazy alright

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