>Dating a qt3.14 girl >Find out she's jew like me >Works as director in a large company >Smart AF, understands everything I say, makes bank >Nympho >Tries to push feminist politics on me >Can't say "little hispanic guy" >Can't say "blacks" >"Mansplaining" >"You're cute when you don't talk"
honestly way too many horror stories of women, oddly enough specifically jews, who treat their partners like this.
hump and dump, user. let her spout her feminist bullshit about how you used her when its clearly mutual, etc.
Angel Gomez
>"You're cute when you don't talk" oi vey >Nympho as long as you understand you're the sub, this could be a good time. Let's face it though, you're a jewish man. You're the sub. Good match.
Sebastian Thomas
>jew sub male Her parents conservative tho. Her dad doms her mom. I blame Hillary and "progress", Would have been different had I lived anywhere but US of A large city.
Dylan Thomas
What do you do? Don't call people racial slurs and don't talk too much and don't talk down to her like she's an idiot. If you feel like she understands everything you talk about then what is she accusing you of mansplaining? Because obviously she feels like you're overdoing it.
Nathaniel Roberts
It was a different time user. That time has ended. If you start at her feet, she may let you work your way up.
Ayden Campbell
The words "blacks" and "hispanics" are hardly slurs though
If I try to dom or be assertive, she dumps, finds someone else.
I can try to fight it off on specific occasions. Usually alternative is dating a prettier one but she spends your money on dumb shit, doesn't understand sci or pol. Does typical blonde girl shit.
I hate when people get offended on behalf of somebody else. I could tell the hispanic guy "little hispanic guy" to his face and he wouldn't gaf. Or he can say "you gringo" or some shit and idgaf.
Thomas Kelly
You might try joining the 21st century and being a little more sensitive to modern standards of acceptable language and attitudes.
If she was smart and not controlling, you would have, and probably did, dismissed her as dumb.
Adam Edwards
Is there any possibility of convincing her to not be a self righteous neo-Marxist? If there is then try and this could be good. If there isn't then keep her at arms length because unless you're of the same political stripe (which I'm guessing you aren't) this cannot work out well for you. Remember that most modern, third wave feminists seek to dominate and/or replace men in many areas, including in relationships. The fact that she's trying to control what you say is not a good sign.
Angel Reyes
You're a cuck and you like it
James Cook
Try to find the courage to argue against her bad political and social views. If you can't, find a new girl.
Matthew Miller
Thanks bros. I think the way she sees it tho is "demeaning" attitudes towards "minorities" are "dusgusting". As in she's physically repulsed by it. I think she's just under social pressure or somehow uses it for personal gain. She wants her partner to be equal but respect her views... I wonder if it can work if our political views are very much opposite. There has to be other shit to talk about.
Justin Sanders
Political views are values not just a conversation topic. If she believes in them enough to do the things she's doing to you the moment she finds out you're right wing, you are done.
Michael Davis
So don't say Hispanic. Say Beaners instead. Don't say blacks, say niggers instead. Problem solved.