Im getting kicked out of college, any advice?

im getting kicked out of college, any advice?
fucking sucks

getting kicked out for plagerism btw

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im getting kicked out of college, any advice?
fucking sucks

getting kicked out for plagerism btw

be original and shoot up the sheep

Get a shit job, learn a trade, get a better job, pay off student debt, save money, go back to college (if you still want to).
Really though I wish I had just gone to a trade school right out of high school.

What would you do? Seems like you were very dumb and copy pasted something for your thesis

surely it wasnt your first offense
why did you do it again after being caught once? also give me your IQ

first offense was me giving my code to another student, that student was a dumbass and didn't change anything so per protocol I got "warned" not to do it again,

second offense was me getting help from some student 3 years ago, thought i could get away wiith it but rip.

Thank god, you don't deserve a degree.

Travel the world and be happy!

Have an advanced combustion exam in 2 days and I didn't pay attention to lectures or study since the midterm. wat do? To much material for all nighter.

Kys retard. You fucks shit up the campus and make my degree useless

Fail or withdraw.


Op shouldve learnt this shit in middle school, unless hes a chink

How does the code part count as an offence on your part? I gave papers to friends for them to look at in college but they weren't retarded enough to turn in my work. Even if they did, how is that your fault?

because he's complicit in the process of plagiarism

Learn not to cheat.
You knew the penalty but you did it anyway.

McDonalds needs more fry chefs.

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>helping people for free when they'll be your competition in the job market
you're unbelievably retarded, you're supposed to crowbar every single one of your classmates knees.

>you're supposed to crowbar every single one of your classmates knees.

100% chance you are either a Non-American or a minority.

>i’m retarded

At least, there’s no chance of me interacting with your copy paste coding

If anything its 100 % chance user is american because that level of unenlightened self deprecating thinking typifies america and its pursuit to turn everyone into nothing more than human capital.

I am going to be expelled from my university, any suggestions? Goddamn blows.
Getting expelled for paraphrasing without citations btw

I've recently been banned for life from Wikipedia, it's a very unpleasant experience.

Getting kicked out for writing original content without a source btw

Stay up all night for 2 nights then

This reminded me to the retarded who gave in the code of the ORIGINAL TETRIS GAME as a Programming homework.
It even had the trademarks and date of origination in the beginning of the code.

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Try again. Idk how it is for academic dishonesty but I dropped out once for low grades, now I'm a PhD student.

>PhD student
>doesn't know that academic dishonesty at gas with you for life
Why are there so many larping undergrads on /sci/? I don't fucking get why you'd want to pretend to be someone you're not on a Gregorian choral online academy

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Why would it not count as offense on his part? He helped him to cheat, surely breaking some of his uni rules.

stay up for 72 hours, drink lots of coffee, then make a Jow Forums post about how you're fucked

Too much protesting.. I was right.

Only minorities and Non-Americans think education is a zero sum game:
"I win only if others lose"

me and literally every single person I know (regardless of industry) avoid hiring idiots like you. we can smell you from a thousand miles away. if you even somehow make it to an interview we never let you past the first round.

NOBODY likes people like you in their company, because you're not a team player. you do anything you need to do to further yourself, not your team. you're not helping yourself by pushing everyone else down. if you're not good enough to stand head and shoulders above the competition even after you helped raise them up, you're not worthy to be hired.

t. upper management with 5000+ employees in my division, all mostly non-descript technical fields (used to be a hiring manager)

>pay to attend college
>get kicked for failing a paper (the context of how shouldn't ever matter)

Why is this allowed?