Why is it that I envy him?

Why is it that I envy him?

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Nit only did he have the guts to take his life, but he did it in the best and most fun way possible

Because that motherfucker grabbed an actual fucking plane just after playing simulators and then had a casual conversation while doing it until he vaporized?

I'm sure you would envy him if he stole your car, went for a joy ride in it, then wrecked it and died in the crash and stole justice from you.

he actually got to live and experience life

I'd be down if he did something cool like drive off the Grand Canyon right there near the main lookout point

Someone said they couldn't find this in the last thread I saw, but couldn't post for some reason.

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Id rather he do it with his own car

Stop making threads of skyking im not gonna cry again


Yes, goy, you should just kill yourself instead of trying to solve society's problems

the only guy who lost money here was a cocksucking insurance salesman, therefore, i do not care for your retarded comment

I'm insured against theft and vandalism like a normal person

>trying to solve society's problems
check this brainlet out lol

Same, lol
It’s just a car bro. Society needs to wake the fuck up and question why modern life is purposeless.

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>Why is it that I envy him?
Everyone says "do a flip n hero". Nigga did a barrel-fucking-roll n hero. Good night sweet prince.

>shalt not steal
Legally, he didn't steal the plane. The plane was owned by the airline. He was an employee of the airline. He was acting as an agent of the airline at the time. He most certainly violated company policy by flying the plane, but that is not theft.

Is it valid for people stealing your life and youth? Or just materialistic things?

>see you space cowboy

That...that was beautiful...

That potato had some beautiful words to say

I think about it every night and day

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spread my wings and fly away~

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Plus he gave us some of the most aesthetic images ever put to film

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Hahah, yeah. Just vote Trump 2020! Fuck the optics... r-right guys?

You belong to VHEMT, the god of Persecution, Prejudice and Perfection. Do you duty cuck and get the golden snip now!


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