What are good trades for a black ?

I'm 21, still living with my parents and I currently work at UPS as a package handler but I wanted to make a bit more money so I can live on my own. When asking my dad what I should do he said doing a trade seemed like a good idea. I haven't done too much research on it yet but I figure I would come here for a straight forward answer.

You may be wondering what my race would have to do with getting a job (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Race_and_intelligence)


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fuck off back to pol with your idiotic racebait

Some suggestions, rapper, cotton picker or butler.

You've already failed at life if you've convinced yourself that certain career paths aren't worth pursuing simply because your race makes it more difficult to achieve. No one ever became a successful, well adjusted individual by defeating themselves before other people could do it.

Just keep working at UPS and get in as a driver.

That's racist.

I'm not racebaiting I'm serious about this

I plan on taking the test soon so I can know if life is worth living as a brainlet

The test doesn't matter. You've already defeated yourself. There really is no point to pursuing anything with such a non-existent spine.
Eat a dick. I'm black.

is there a way for me to fix myself ?

Fuck off nigger

Prolly being a Christmas Santa is out, but otherwise just do what you like.

i unironucly want to make games but dont know where to start
wut do?

haha really nigga?

Welder... good money actually... use symbols instead of text and they inspect your shit

>Can I legitimate advice
>I'm stupid because I'm black
>Ignores socio-economic reasons for why blacks do bad at school

I was raised in the middle class and did pretty well in school however I know I may not be smart enough for anything STEM related

First, get a standard calculus text and dive in. You should also get linear algebra and discrete math books as well; make sure the discrete text is proof based.

Once you're a couple chapters in to your discrete book (you will want to have covered basic proposition and higher order logic, and basic proofs), you may begin learning programming and computer architecture. As a litmus test, if you don't know what this statement is


you aren't ready to take the reins of a computer.

Now, forget what you do know about computer programming:

First, you learn boolean logic operations
then, you learn transistor logic
then, you learn how to build functional units from logic gates
then, you learn CPU design
then, and only then, you learn assembly language
then, after you have mastered assembly language (not dabbled, but mastered it), you learn C
then, after you have mastered C, you may learn the higher-level languages of your choice, but you will always use C and assembly as your primary languages because everything else is unnecessary bloat.

By this time you should be finished with your calculus (up to advanced integration techniques and vector basics), discrete, and linear algebra, and are ready for the next wave of math: abstract algebra, analysis, multivariate and vector calculus, and, after you have progressed a way in those, topology.

Finally, you become familiar with topoi, and study the internal logic of categories
then familiarize yourself with (general) type theory, and its applications to programming. I also recommend studying how to reformulate mathematics in terms of globular categories for use in automatic theorem proving, because there is an inherent programming-like 'feel' to it.

Not the guy you were replying to but thanks, that was very well detailed

Drug trades nigga

All this isn't required to build and design games, though it will help one become a much better developer. Calculus isn't used too much in computer science. The only thing I'd say is the important parts of discrete mathematics and linear algebra, but going all the way into logic design is not necessary. And seriously? How to design a CPU? Assembly language as the first language? Let's start with something that isn't so low-level... Not sure if that's really all needed for developing a game.

How to ensure virginity the post

cop killer

Timestamp pic of hand.

>someone who hasn't actually worked on games tells people that fundamental knowledge of computation isn't necessary to understand what's happening and which effect it has.
great, so doctors don't actually need to know the difference between white and red blood cells, because that only makes them better doctors.

you are an idiot

What doctor needs to know the difference between the two? Would only necessary in research. You are retarded. Although your point stands.

If I do timestamp what will this ensure ?

that you are a nignog; and after this, i can put time into creating a sound post.

Why are you putting words in my mouth? Never did I state that people don't need fundamental knowledge of computation. If the person really did want to go into game development, you do need basic fundamental knowledge of how things are computed. That's why discrete math and linear algebra are so important. But all the other shit?

> then, after you have mastered assembly language (not dabbled, but mastered it), you learn C
> then, after you have mastered C, you may learn the higher-level languages of your choice, but you will always use C and assembly as your primary languages because everything else is unnecessary bloat.

Right... C is great, but let's master ALL of Assembly first before we even get into C in order to learn how to make a game. I don't think so. Let's learn about transistors, logic gates, and CPU design. Only then we can make our game. Do you know how ridiculous this sounds?

Most welders get paid poorly, unless you’re working as a freelancer or in an extremly dangerous area though.

carpentry, locksmithing, plumbing, mechanics, welding and a shit ton more.

Just need your high school diploma or specific credit requirements for apprenticeship.

Most of the black people I have met in electricianing seem satisfied with their job and are generally well-adjusted individuals

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Race doesn't have to do anything with a job. Stfu with the race baiting. No black person would ask for a job "for a black"

Give me a second I have to do something really quick.if the thread is still here I'll deliver

Please don't use my meta data

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UPS has loads of jobs that can make you pretty wealthy. Don't go into management. It sucks 37 dicks.

UPS package car drivers cap out at $35-40 an hour. You don't need anything but a clean driving record.

Their feeder divers cap out at $70 per hour, but you need a CDL.

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race and intelligence? fucking really?

my only advice if you're serious is that for certain trades you should avoid wasting time and money at a trade school. I've been a plumber for most of my life and the only couple of trade school kids we hired completely failed in the field with only booksmarts, and even wanted higher pay because of it. with things like electricians, heat and air, and plumbing, you just go work somewhere as a green hand for a couple years and then earn your journeyman license.

trade schools are a joke most of the time.

okay; will make sure it stays up Tyrone.

Race Vs Intelligence is a real argument; and youre an in denile libtard if you say otherwise.

If this isn't bait you might actually be too dumb

Plumber. Sounds shitty I know, but they make fucktons of cash. You also constantly get treated to free food.

This was from earlier today. I got nervous because I thought I'd get doxxed somehow

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Ohhh okay, so you are serious. Dont worry, Im not interested in doxxing you, and I dont think anyone else is. The powers to be leave that to child rapist and whores; self hating blacks are generally left alone. Anyway, Hows your driving/ criminal record? Whats it looking like on them, and which state?

still working on getting a license sadly
>criminal record
Never committed a crime

>what are good trades for a black?
Any if you are willing to work hard and be honest.
Strangely enough, racism isn't a problem any place where there are very few of your race (people aren't threatened by a novelty) There is a black guy that does stucco work around here. He has a great reputation and is constantly working.

Okay, if this is actually real, even if you believe in race realism stuff basing your career path on average statistics of a demographic you belong to instead of your actual skills and interests is a really bad idea.

Seen this pasta before

How old are you? Dude this isn't that bad. no crimes is the big thing; youre a nog, your entire life is opened up. You can become a doctor with a 2.0 gpa lol

yeah that's true. I wanted to actually try something medical but I'm terrible at math and science

You MIGHT be able to become an LPN if you put your mind into it.. but even then youll be a glorified ass whipper. Drive a truck for 2-3 years... Then get a cheap apartment.. and take your time doing school in whatever you want. Be cheap, and dont get crossed up in women you retard. Get school done, and do watcha do.

Seafarers International Union if you don't mind putting in a hard days work. Go out to sea, make some money, live for free on a ship.

Idk what trading for black paint has to do with your problems, but trading blue paint for black paint is generally a good stratagy. You could even trade red for it (I wouldn't suggest it because while you are making a large ammount of profit, red paint is best sold to those that think it isn't worthless). Once you have black paint, I suggest trading 1/4 of it for purple paint. The black and purple mixed makes very nice color, and can sometimes be sold as a low-medium tier advanced paint.

You're already defeated. You shouldnt even try.

If you think you're too dumb to have a proper career and pursue what you want, without considering you could have a 100+ IQ or at least be able to contribute to society in a meaningful way, then you're just a cotton picking nibber.
It doesn't matter what you want to do, you already failed. Kill yourself or reconsider your self-image

> reconsider your self-image
Is there a guide for something like this ?

>learning about globular categories wasn't a redflag

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Being a nog you can easily become a doctor with a 1.6 GPA... just go for it my negro friend!!!

Become president; no prerequisites + 400k a year.

Good meme.

>IQ stats
You should base your decision on your own IQ, not averages on a random trait you have

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if you're able to do a trade well, your race won't matter
looking at the data you're presenting doesn't mean that it directly represents you
be the best you can be, develop good social skills, and be professionally disciplined and you'll be ok
heres a link at high demand jobs

Is brain fog a sign of low IQ ?

So far as I know, no. It's usually a sign of fatigue or depression

don't let Jow Forumstards decide over your life. Most of them are ideologues with no true knowledge. (and I am a right-winger myself) Try different things, see for yourself if you enjoy what you do and if you are good at it.