How do I quit this fucking website
How do I quit this fucking website
You can't. We tried to tell you. We weren't fucking joking when we called this place a shithole.
Once you start coming here you're here forever. Just ask some of the oldfags. It may be a shithole, but it's much more fun than most other websites.
Can't relate dude. I've been here from 2006 to 2009, never came back on then started up again in 2016. I get bored of this place in about 30 minutes. Ironically I hate the anonymity of it.
You can stop coming here, but that's not going to change your life. All you have to do is click the red X on your upper right corner, and never go on Jow again. It's that simple.
You will still be the same person you are now though. Don't blame this site for your misfortune.
I left. I drop in to browse /x/, because I'm a writer and love innawoods threads, and I sometimes check on this board to see if there are threads like yours.
Really, you just find a new, healthier online community to be apart of.
Why do you want to leave?
Why do you want to leave?
This place lets you see the minds of men and women who aren't afraid to say what they want because of anonimity.
Most people out there in your real life won't be as honest as here
Honestly I prefer it when assholes, racists, and raging neckbeards are shamed into shutting the fuck up by respectable normie company. It prevents them from spreading their sickness. At least Jow Forums keeps it contained for the most part.
Easy answer: Download website blockers
Intermediate answer: Ease up your detox, try to limit the time you spend here gradually and find a hobby to replace the time you spend here.
Hard answer: Therapy/cold turkey detox. Fucking put your phone/electronic device in the trash bin. Don’t do anything screen-related for a week, two weeks, a month whatever you need until you recharge. Use this fucking time to meditate and exercice. No tv, no music, no nothing. Embrace boredom, embrace your stress/anxiety. It is very important to sit with those feelings so you understand why you feel the need to come here in the first place.
Godspeed user.
Same way you quit any addiction. Mindfulness, prevention, replacement, distraction, self rewarding for small successes and milestones.
2007 freshman year of high school till now
Kill me
find something better to do
and find people better to associate with
also the introduction of r9k and pol were massive mistakes
Is anyone else grateful that they found this site?
I started in 2007 when I was 13 and it has been a blast
The person I would have become would have killed his family during his mid life crisis
Lol yeah
Me and my roody-poos
This my first time here
No I wish i had actual friends that didn't have any motives
You guys are close enough to that
As long as this site has been around the users haven’t grown with it. It’s mostly populated by gen z’ers. If you gain enough maturity you’ll be able to see how banal the people here are and you’ll grow out of it
Yes. We were the newfriends back then.
I spent two years of my life obsessing over defects in my appearance and perpetually masturbating.
Meant to include, I should have just asked her out. She usually smiled at me, and looked very shy herself.
Now you'll always wonder "what if" ?
meh as toxic as it is, it's the only place where i can read other people's shit without likes or upvotes, which really changes the discourse
i only browse /mu/ /sp/ and this anyway
Don't ask me, I'm still here too after all this time
Should just quit the internet then. Everything else is just a shit flinging contest between extremists or the circle jerks they hang out in. You'd be better off just meeting regular people outside at that point.