My only big stipulation other than personality for women is virginity. Yes I am a virgin by choice

My only big stipulation other than personality for women is virginity. Yes I am a virgin by choice.

I have dated over a hundred women over the years. After 2 or 3 weeks I ask about sexual history. Every single time they have said they've had at least one sexual partner, each time I broke up with them on the spot. I'm now 26. Should I give up on this and try not to care about virginity? Because it's starting to seem like these women don't exist anymore. I live in the US and don't really like the idea of taking some girl out of a 3rd world country to bring back, that's just weird to me.

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OP you're gonna get a lot people basically criticizing you for your stance here, but I'm just here to say you probably shouldn't give up considering the fact plenty of women have much, much more superficial stipulations compared to you.

Anyways, there's women out there who are like you inevitably---they aren't even ugly, nor are all of them even religious either. It just so happens some people actually do have the same if not similar beliefs as yourself.

Though the problem might be the fact that you simply don't notice them over others, most often because they're introverted

You posted the same exact thread yesterday

ITT larping

>Should I give up on this and try not to care about virginity?

No. If it's important to you then it is what it is.

But you should definitely be WAY more upfront about that as a potential dealbreaker than waiting 2-3 weeks to ask about it and then dropping people on the spot when you don't get the answer you want considering how rare virginity is by anyone's mid-20s. You sound like a fucking sperg.

Yeah, and almost all replies were "you're a hypocrite" so I'm doing it again with the added detail that I'm a virgin too

>You sound like a fucking sperg.
I mean I'm not but you're gonna still think that no matter what I say.

Whew, alright user you've made a classic blunder. If you wanted to only date or sleep with another virgin you should have been thinking about that back in high school. By mid-20s most people will have had multiple or at least one sexual partner, so you've really missed your window and your pool is drastically smaller to pull from

That said, don't feel like you have to give up your ideals, but get a little perspective. Why do you want a virgin? And for that matter, what makes you think one of the scant few women you might find who have never had sex will want their first time to be with a fumbling 26 year old?

Not entirely true. OP should start specifically looking online for female virgins. I found one and we took long distance to her becoming my girlfriend and she's now my fiance. If you try to find them in real life you most likely won't, because people who are outside in society often have more social experience. To have an easier time finding real virgins is to find the socially inexperienced.

How the hell do you go ablout finding them online?

>Why do you want a virgin?
I'm insecure. I accidentally fell in love with one of the non virgins by the way. Always wonder if I'm being compared, that I'm not special etc.

So I should just beat myself up for the rest of my life that I didn't get one in highschool? I gotta keep moving forward

Well you can either be realistic and realise that finding a virgin will be near impossible, or you can hold on to this desire for a while longer and beat yourself up for being so stupid in a few years when you're even less desirable.

>I'm now 26.
That's kind of old to have not found someone from my perspective. Don't give up if that's what you want but there's a reason, maybe things you need to work on or you're just not the right type.

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I can get dates like it ain't shit but I just can't find a fucking virgin damnit. Should I give up?

>even less desirable.
I make 100k and look like I'm 19 right now.

Think I'll be fine.

You also have no sexual experience at the age of 26. Don't underestimate how much of a turnoff that is for women. Just because you have a fetish for virgins, doesn't mean women do.

You're 26 and have no relationship experience. I'm not going to pretend to know exactly what your problems are but we can say with a fair amount of certainty that you're doing something wrong. The way you've been doing things doesn't work.

I personally could not imagine living a life where'd I'd break up with someone I had a meaningful connection just because they had sex before. That seems completely non sensical to me. You're well within your rights to keep fetishizing virgins if you want but if thats your choice then you also forfeit the right to complain about your lack of success. You're the one who set such a ridiculous bar for yourself. The fact that you can't succeed is completely on you at this point.

Additionally, it'll be really hilarious if you actually find a virgin, date her, eventually come to the realization that her being a virgin has absolutely no bearing on the quality of your relationship or connection with her and come to the slow realization that you've wasted your entire life waiting for the idealized version of a woman that doesn't exist.

Sex is about being comfortable with one another. Taking the time to see what each other likes.
Maybe, instead of a virgin, just look for a girl who is patient and understanding. Like anything sex takes time to be good at it.
I can't speak for every female, but its more about the emotional connection. A female's attraction to you isn't going to diminish if you don't perform awesome all the time. I care more about how you treat me afterwords that in the moment, if that makes sense.
Sex takes time, and its important to understand your partner's needs.

I hope this helps...

>dates hundreds of girls


Stop living with archaic beliefs like "virginity", it's 2018. You were born 200 years too late, weirdo.

>over a 100 failed relationship
>breaks up if she had a single failed relationship
At some point you need to accept that everyone have a history.
Unless you want to date a 17 year old or an asexual, finding a virgin is hard.
And even if you find one, it does not mean they are marriage material.
Let's reverse it.
Would you date a girl that have been on 100 dates? Would you kiss her knowing she have kissed more than 50 other guys?
How long does a pair of lips need to alone for you to kiss them?
What about a specific food?
Would you kiss a girl after she ate that dish? How long after would you wait?

As I see it, time matters more than virginity.
I wouldn't have sex with someone who slept with another guy the same month, but demanding she has never been fucked is pointless. There are way more fucked up porn out there than there is damaging things about sex.