have the hots for girl from uni

> have the hots for girl from uni
>We have a lot of chemistry
> Text her for the first time just ask her out.
> "Im already seeing someone so sorry, we can make plans with groups tho"
>Dont reply.
> It's no biggie tho, she already has a guy and thats perfectly fine.
> She comes today to my classrooms entrance (we take another class together but she knows I take that class at that time at that classroom) and starts talking to me all flirty and nice

Whats up with women?

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Don't pay attention to her

Nah if she comes to talk to me and shit ill be polite, otherwise she doesnt exist.

>Whats up with women?

Let's try something first:

>starts talking to me all flirty and nice

What did she do? Are you sure she was flirting?

Look, I'm not saying I don't believe you. I've known manipulative girls, so I know they actually exist. I'm just saying, that if I had to bet, I'd bet the guy that asks a girl out over text is probably not that good at flirting and reading signals. Just a guess.

> Whyd you ask her thru text?
I texted her because I wanted to ask her out for the weekend and she didnt come to class (where I usually see her) the last day of the week.
I generally dont like texting just because of that, no body language and no real interaction.
> Was she really flirty
Im not gonna pretend im not autismo (after all im on Jow Forums) but I can read this sort of thing decently well.
She was chatty, her voice was high-pitchy and she kept asking me dumb shit that doesnt really matter.
She wasnt overly flirty but she was definitely flirty.

Wether I fucked up with the girl or she now wants me its not the point of the thread, Im legitimately asking why do women act like this and whats their end goal.

Ignore her. If she even went and dated you after saying she has a bf then she either is lying about having a bf or has one and will cheat to be with you. Both of which is not good for a relationship. Just banish the hoes to the shadow realm and continue fishing OP

The dude aint exactly her boyfriend According to her.
Either way I lost interest the moment she said another dude was in the picture.
But this aint the point of the thread.
Im asking why is it that women act this way? Ive had similar shit happen to me in the past and it gets on my nerves.

>Wether I fucked up with the girl or she now wants me its not the point of the thread, Im legitimately asking why do women act like this and whats their end goal.

The point of this thread is that you probably read too much into things. Why rush the date? Did you have some time sensitive activity planned that couldn't wait for the next weekend? You didn't HAVE to text her out, you could've asked her out in person.

Own what you did, because deflection doesn't make you look good. It sounds like you like to put the blame on others. Like right now.

>It doesn't matter what I did! I just want reassurance that bitches be crazy!

That's what your avoidance makes you sound like.

>she kept asking me dumb shit that doesnt really matter.
You mean stuff that isn't about your penis?

Quit projecting.
I wanted to go out with her that weekend and I already had other plans so I had to know If I was going out with her.
Its also not explicitly bad to ask someone out thru text, mate, if she wants to go out with you she'll say yes even if you fucking ask her via e-mail.
How Im I putting "blame" on others? Blame for what? Not wanting to go out with me? I already said that was fine, I don't take it personally when I get turned down, much less when the girl is already dating a guy.
Im just saying she acted flirty today and made the point of going to talk to me and I find it fucking weird and that ive been on similar situations where girls show interest if and only if you show disinterest first.
What in the fuck? No dude just very random casual shit, like hows my weekend, how im I preparing for the next test, etc. The point wasnt really the topic of the conversation but that she kept trying to bring something up to talk about.

>How Im I putting "blame" on others?

You have said this happened before, and you still defend that you are good at reading people instead of admitting that maybe you are too eager to see interest in their attitude.

You came to this thread to lump all women into the "crazy" pile, when, again, maybe it's you that doesn't know how to handle them and that's why they always look crazy to you.

And the text. Yes, the text. You can ask someone out over text. BUT you picked a weekend where you already had plans to ask her out over text instead of doing it in person. It's like you were expecting it to fail. That's why, added to the fact that you only want to say women are crazy, leads me to believe you avoid shit. That's not projecting, it's deducing.

> I already had other plans so I had to know If I was going out with her.

That's the funniest part. You had to know what? You didn't have plans with her, what did you "have" to know, dude? Come on, don't act like this.

Women act this way because they line up their potential mates. If she is seeing someone right now and you want her, tell her "When you're single and ready to go, give me a call, otherwise, I'm not interested." and cut contact. If she calls you up, good for you. Otherwise, don't be #2.

she wants your attention, good for her ego

Because women these days constantly want to have men competing for them so they can have the best of whatever worlds are available. She'll fuck the big dick guy, get free meals from the cute guy with a little money, she'll get the smart guy to help her in class, etc.

Girls are fucking horrible and manipulative, about 95% of them anyway.

>maybe its you who doesnt know how to handle them?

now whos lumping people in to groups lol

your hypocrisy is embarrasing

Because I'm saying you get flustered around girls? How is that lumping anyone? Stop avoiding, you are attacking me instead of my point. You are just proving me right.

She's being nice to minimise the awkwardness of the situation.

If she comes in and behaves like nothing is wrong and it isn't weird then eventually it will go back to actually being that way.

Would you prefer it if she now avoided you and made it weird?

maybe you should read what i green texted

everyones different and women are included in that so there is no universal way to "handle them" which you most certainly implied

Dude, you read too much into what girls do. You think they like you, you start building it up in your head. And then you burn it down, asking them out by text during a weekend where you had other plans.

I didn't imply there was a right way to handle girls to date them or whatever. I implied you don't know how to interact with them. As I said, you sabotaged this on purpose. You had a nice friend and because you can't handle it you had to make her leave. But she didn't. She still tries to be your friend. So you are mad now, blaming women in general for your own actions.

Defend yourself instead of attacking me, man. Try some self-reflection instead of shooting the messenger. Now we can add me to the list of things you avoid. Try to reply to my points instead of looking past them.

> I want to say women are crazy
No, never implied it either. Stop projecting. Men do similar shit too, but I dont care why men do those things. As I am not a faggot.
> What did you want to know?
Are you literally retarded?
I wanted to know If I was going to go out with her because there were some other plans in the making, how hard is this to get?
>You avoid things
More projecting, theres absolutely nothing that can make you think I avoid things, and Im not trying to avoid the fact I got rejected.
She may be trying to use me, but I don't believe all women to be like this.
That wasnt me.
This actually sounds logical. I wouldn't jave prefered either way, I truly dont give a shit.

This dude: Aint me. Hes just trolling or someshit.
Also, your post is more projecting and outright implying.

first of all im not op, dont get that twisted.

secondly i only pointed out what you said and pointed out the hypocirsy of it. There is no "them" people are just people, some are shitty, some not. You basically the pot calling the kettle black

>I wanted to know If I was going to go out with her

Why did you even think you might go out with her? You didn't have any plans with her and you hadn't even spoken to her that Friday.

>No, never implied it either.

Oh, sorry, so what where you implying when saying "Im asking why is it that women act this way?"? In which way do women act?

>be college student
>share class with awkward guy
>he's a little weird but he's nice, so I'm nice too
>one day awkward guy reads too much into my basic friendliness and asks me out
>"sorry user, I'm seeing someone"
>hope he doesn't take it personally, just trying to be nice and firm so I don't lead him on
>see him the next day and try to be nice as usual so he doesn't feel bad about being rejected
>mfw he's sulky and quiet

If OP gets nervous around women, that's on OP, not them. They don't have the same personality, but they have a common trait that makes OP act weird. You are just trying to "gotcha" me but you are not right.

Sorry OP, but it sounded like you were avoiding my post and instead nitpicking at a single sentence. I still think you need to evaluate your own actions in all of this, but I wouldn't have been so harsh if I had realized it was another guy instead.

>This actually sounds logical

Of course it's logical, shit I've done it to girls I've rejected. You make the situation feel as normal as possible to put them at ease.

> Why did you think you might go out with her?
Because I was going to ask her out ????

>Why did you say why are women like this?

You have a point, may have severely miss - worded that, I should've said : why do some girls do this?

Anyways, I get what youre saying but It doesnt really apply because I dont feel the way you think I do.
Im not mad at the girl, im just genuinely puzzled by her actions/intentions.
Im also not trying to blame anyone or anything for something.
I did ask her out with some haste and I couldve waited another week but I simply didnt want to. I felt a lot of chemistry with her and I was asking her for something very relaxed so it wasnt a very serious thing by any means, and I had good reason to believe she wanted to go out with me too. It sucks that it didnt go out as planned and maybe I fucked up by asking to early, but I aint mad about it not and Im not trying to engage in mental gimnastics to tell myself this girl didnt want to date me cause "shes crazy" or some shit.

>I did ask her out with some haste and I couldve waited another week but I simply didnt want to.

Why not? Why not wait until you could do it face to face?

I'm sorry, but until you give me a real answer to this, it just looks like you didn't want to face her.

May be, I actually wanted to tell her face to face but she didn't show uo for class that day.
I was eager to go out with her, and my friends all thougth it was no problem asking her through text (I thought about it for a good while).
I ended decided for it because 1) I really wanted to go out with her that same weekend. I liked this girl, man.
2) all my friends (girls included) convinced me its the same shit, that it doesnt really matter.

Anyways, she has a dude in her life already and I already did it, no chaging the past.

Wont ask a girl thru text again, fucking dislike texting much more for this type of stuff.

I need to learn to be patient.

That's the thing. Asking people through text is fine when you build rapport and the text is just confirmation. If you've had been flirting, if you had already been talking about going out, if you had done your homework, then text would have been fine.

But you didn't.

Now, as you say, maybe everyone else told you (again, deflection). But do you know why I doubt you are so good with reading people? Because you say she keeps flirting with you.

Now, hear me out, she is flirting with you while she has a guy. You ask her out, and instead of taking that chance she turns you down. Next time you see her, flirting again.

Weird, right? Wouldn't it make more sense to admit you just seem to like her attention a bit too much? How many dates have you gone on over the years? How many girls have you dated steadily?

I know the answer is "zero" to both questions. I know how it feels, to read too much into it. When you are not that good at meeting girls, attention gets to your head. You need to see that.

My dude youre projecting.

> How many girls have you been with? Bet 0

Ive been with at least 10 different and I broke it up with my long term gf about 3 weeks ago. I couldve been with even more, im just not very usually interested.

>You shoudve build up

I had done my homework, thats why I said She and I had chemistry. Some girls are like that, they like to flirt with dudes even if they have a bf (hint, point of thread) and im asking why.

Hey I give you something, I couldve build up more, I was a little impatient, regardless I had build up, I didnt ask her out of the blue.

>Ive been with at least 10 different and I broke it up with my long term gf about 3 weeks ago. I couldve been with even more, im just not very usually interested.

Sure. That's why you need your friends to tell you if sending a text is fine, right? Come on, you story doesn't line up. You are suddenly a player that could have had more, but you are also an insecure guy that needs reassurance about sending a text and that insists the girl keeps flirting with him.

because wamen like the attention.

What makes you think im insecure?
Youve never asked your buddies for their input on something?
Seriously stop projecting man. It gets annoying, at least ask if what you think its the case, its actually the case.
I have no reason to lie. This place is anonymous.
Would post pussy pics of ex but this place is a blue board.

she wants attention

don't give it to her. just treat her politely, don't be an ass, but don't give her any more of your time

>Whats up with women?

I know this very well, I have an asshole sister who did this all the time. She has a boyfriend, but this fat dude also made advances on her, so she just plays arround with the fat dude while staying loyal to the boyfriend. Its a real power trip for them.

They like to know they are wanted, and will toy with you to keep getting that feeling of power, stay away, it will only make you look like a tool, however don't be suprised if she turns real cold when you deny her of her power trip.

I know two facts about you: You choose online interaction twice already. Asking her out, and getting support here. Those don't line up with this image you are trying to give off to me.

The idea that you have had 10 girls and yet you have never asked them out through text is ludicrous. And I know you've never asked a girl out through text because you didn't say "I know texts works because I've used it", you've said "My mates told me it was fine".

So yeah, I'm 100% sure you are lying at this point. If you are not gonna be honest, no point in trying to work with you. Goodnight man.

Maybe some of us use Jow Forums to distract ourselves?
Keep coping bud.
You already said you know desperation.
I fucking don't.
You keep projecting and nitpicking everything I say like a huge quear and frankly its fucking annoying.
This leads me to believe youre lonely as shit and have been for a fuck ton of time, you even said it on a post.
Working with you isnt agreeing to your retarded strawmans.
I bet you cant even see how hard youre projecting.
Also, in what world does hooking up with 10 different girls make you a player?

I get a big Hint of this.
Not planning on giving her anything.

She knows you like her now so she can string you along for benefits. Dont fall for it. Only take action with the assumption she wont get with you and decide from there if you still want to help or work with her.

>starts talking to me all flirty and nice
Your problem is that this is in your mind. She already rejected you as a partner, she accepts you as a friend. Nothing more.

Ask yourself if you can have a "just friends" relationship with her, if not move on (looks like you already are, good for you)