/frog/ Yellow Vest

Little youtube video recap of the phase 4

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RIC = Référendum d'Initiative Citoyenne

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is this the actual version of their programme froganons? if yes fucking based

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Attached: Capture d’écran 2018-12-16 à 17.03.15.png (407x729, 436K)

Leave Macron alone !!!!

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yep, seems accurate
the new thing is the RIC which is like asking for infinites wishes when you're granted one
RIC = the possibility of starting a referendum about any question
pic related

Attached: Capture d’écran 2018-12-16 à 17.08.19.png (804x629, 651K)

No the programme is wrong, how can a non-unified masse have unified demands ?


The RIC Référendum d'Initiative Citoyenne.

top left "i have an idea, i want to submit it"

top right "i want a political leader to leave"

bottom left "i disagree with this law, i want it supressed"

bottom right "i want to modify the constitution"

>letting people decide is wrong
don't vote then

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God speed Frogs. Despite the weeks of shilling and attempts to subvert. Always remember the world and the common people support you.

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do you like my picture?

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what are the new demands of the yellow jackets? the 6 month fuel tax delay wasn't enough right

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see above

it's honestly extremely difficult... msm are pouring propaganda 24/7, i just saw an article on a newspaper "yellow vests, should they stop?" with a online poll giving the yes slightly winning

please go to the page and vote NO for the lulz

this is a very famous french newspaper

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Please everybody go there and vote NO ftw

bump, fren

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Attached: Capture d’écran 2018-12-16 à 18.10.42.png (574x621, 110K)

holy fuck is this real? lol

*fun fact RIC was originally "référendum d'initiative Populaire" RIP and was changed to "référendum d'initiative citoyenne" RIC

two pros
- doesn't sound like rip
- imply that you need to be a citizen and not just "the people" if you catch my drift...

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Interesting, someone needs to make translations.

Notice the scum on the left has a kike mug.

>born in the 50's

Fucking boomer scum


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past and present combine

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Yes this is great

Can you explain what exactly this RIC is a referendum for?

she cute

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So it's basically a proposal for replacing representative democracy with direct democracy?

Would there be some kind of threshold for support you'd need before triggering a referendum vote? Because otherwise it seems like there would be new elections every day for such a vast number of issues that the voters wouldn't be able to reasonably stay informed about what they were voting on.