Serious question: Has there ever been a successful multicultural society?

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Of course there have. America is a successful multicultural society.
But there's no link between the two. In fact, diversity occurs after success. Once you get rich, everyone wants to be your friend. There's no diversity in eastern europe.

Whenever someone says diversity is strength, just bring up iceland and japan. Pretty much paradise on earth.
Whenever someone says ya can't have nice things without Christianity, bring up japan or estonia.

So many liars in our society, and they lie to save their own ass. But the ride never ends. They cannot be saved.

I don’t think you can use America as a case for “multiculturalism works” because it’s still a work in progress. I was talking more about past historical examples.

almost every western country is deverse now, they dont want deversity they want to breed whites out of existence.

>Japan & Iceland
Suicide capital and a fucking freezer.

Rome worked for awhile but they had ways of keeping things in order

The US


multiracial and multi ethnic societies can exist but only in a security state. diversity means less freedom because it takes the state to maintain order.

you forgot estonia a country from which estonians flee

well said

The United States comes to mind

>I was talking more about past historical examples.
there are no historical examples of democratic and multicultural societies. its a new field
everything in the past were empires and monarchies, they arent comparable to today
sure there were "multicultural" empires like rome. but they were ruled by one guy. also, they weren't really multicultural. travel was hard, so most people stayed in the place they were born.

Modern multiculturalism is a scam.
Most countries were multicultural to begin with.

If only you knew how bad things really are.

no, there has not been a successful multicultural society if you are asking in terms of everyone being equal, from the nigger, the spic, and the cumskin
honestly when society boils down to "MUH SKIN COLOR SO GIB ME THAT WHITEY DIVERSITY" in multicultural society, shit will be bound to happen
over 50% of all african-americans would like every white american to be burnt, hanged, killed purely because of what (((they))) indoctrinated them to believe
sucks too because abraham wanted to send them back after (((they))) imported them here
this, too
technology should be regressive and primitive before it's tried again, in the current state of the world no

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There's this country called United States of America, you might've heard of it.

america wasn't built on pablo and tyrone when the whitey who they keep calling inbred and retarded spilled blood for land

The United States remained highly segregated during much of its growth. If you look at the history of most cities and areas in the US you will see they were highly dominated by 1 ethnic group. This is on top of the focus on individual states as culture between north, south, east and west states all varied even further.

While there were many cultures under 1 federal government, the united states was hardly mixed. Everybody spread out to their own areas and developed them.

Mutt cities like current New York are hanging on the remnants of what was built when groups still stayed apart.

The successful parts of America are not the multicultural parts, but the White (almost exclusively German) parts. The second you start adding anything other than continental Europeans to an area it starts going to shit, and if whites reclaim the area it gets better. Whe all know this, but we either ignore it or call it bad in an attempt to blame white flight for our diversity being such complete shit.

You want proof that multiculturalism doesn't work then any big city in america will be proof enough.

canada and sweden obviously

If Diversity is the nice word for Slaves, then yes. More or less slavery works because it organizes labor around a common goal and pushes hard to keep the pace quick. When the slaves start to get organized while the Masters get lazy, revolutions happen. The USA is in that shaky transition period between the darkie slaves getting organized and the Masters getting lazy. We have 20 years of good times left, give or take 10 depending on how the economy does. Brazil 2.0 is our likely future.

nothing wrong with multi-culturalism
Large numbers of low IQ people are what wreck a society.

The heart of the diversity propaganda is a blatant lie that attempts to subvert reason, and basically if you can be convinced to believe it, you will believe anything.

Any straight thinking person would immediately recognize it, that a core of ‘unity’ is the real strength of any group. Some diversity is needed around the edges to promote new ideas, but unity is needed to execute function cohesively and efficiently overcome adversity.

To promote diversity as a core belief and modus is just post modernist nonsense, as anyone who has been apart of a well functioning community, team, unit, institution, enterprise , etc. Can attest.

You're moving the goal posts though arent you? Back in the 19th century, Sweden, Germany, Britain, Ireland, Norway and Ireland were very much different cultures with different languages religions etc. You probably have more in common than a London city dweller and a farmer from northern Norway did in 1845.

Ameryka spada tak sama jak Roma, dlatego przeprowadzam się do Polski.
Wesołych Świąt z Kurwy synu

People born in shitholes are low IQ to begin with. There is a reason societies like Sub Saharan Africans didn’t have a fuckin wheel until after colonialism

We won't go the way of Brazil, we will go the way of Rhodesia/South Africa. Niggers aren't moving out to the sticks and whites aren't moving into niggerville. We will unironically stay on our farms until they capture the government and attempt to take their 40 acres and a mule by force just like they did/are doing in the southern parts of Africa.

The "America will go the way of Brazil" meme is Jewish race mixing propaganda, despite what they push on TV the USA is incredibly opposed to race mixing as a whole. Hell even on college campuses you don't see many mixed couples, and they have multiculturalism down to an exact science.

Diversity isnt a strength, retard

Multiculturalism = white genocide

You also just see the foundation of their multiculturalism wet dreams fall apart in basically any public HS in America. Go into any cafeteria at lunch and you’ll see the students self segregate themselves by race. Humans are still biologically tribal, the lefts disgregard for instinct and habits which have been drilled into humans for thousands of years is what makes them the hypocritical science deniars they are.

yeah, no

It’s paradise only for weebs