Why do non-whites want to live in white majority countries so badly if they think white people and cultures are so...

Why do non-whites want to live in white majority countries so badly if they think white people and cultures are so horrible and oppressive?

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And just to cover the typical rebuttal, sovereignty belongs to those who can defend it.

Also if these foreigners overtake this country they will turn it into the shit hole they came from.

Maslow's Hierarchy.

White majority countries will provide you with the food, shelter, and security you need to achieve a level of comfort, at which point most people start feeling safe enough to complain about things like racism, classism, etc.

Can't talk about shit like that when your first priority is not starving and not getting murdered in the streets.

It's not really true. It's a vocal minority who are well off and have college diploma. Not to mention there a lot of whites who are part of the "movement".

This isn't advice, this should be on another board.

But in reality, no one is a homogenous unit. I'm a white dude who would immediately fuck off to another country to save my family if it came down to it. I can only imagine that others feel that it's the system that oppresses them, but also the only thing that can keep them safe.

And in reality, the ethnicity doesn't have much to do with it.

Tell that to the minorities in the US

What about blm?

Not sure what you're getting at. You can't leave the US as a citizen if you want to, in most cases... so your ethnostate bullshit is, well, bullshit.

Has the backing of upper class white libs.
The movement also gained momentum from college campuses. The vast majority of minorities are too wound up in their lives to ever care about politics.

Because they are incoherent, ungrateful fucks who are too insecure about themselves to acknowledge that we've had such a technological advance on everyone else they're all living our lifestyle and using our inventions now.

Because it's easier to move else where and go along with a lie than it is to actually solve your own people's problem.

this board is for advice

I have a better question. Why are you posting Jow Forums bait in Jow Forums?

He's right though, sweeties.

>What about blm?
A lot of people are upset about the prison industrial complex, user. It just so happens that the private prison industry and corrupt, profit-based policing fucks black people the hardest. BLM is not a movement. Its a reaction. Additionally, to talk about BLM like they're some kind of organized front is retarded. They're set up the same way Al Qaeda is, user. Anyone in any village can pick up a flag and call themselves Al Qaeda. They're constructed of cells. There is no centralized agenda. So, if you want to talk about BLM you're going to have to be more specific.

Jow Forums is that way ----->

>White people sail to your country 500 years ago, level it, wipe out your village with smallpox and steal everything that isn't nailed to the ground
>White people spend the next 300 years periodically sending ships to murder you and take whatever you have and ship it to their country to sell
>When the UN is finally put up to stop the random murdering, raping and pillaging white people begin funneling money and weapons into your country, funding rebellions and installing dictators so they can take all of your shit and sell it without ever having to set foot there
>Eventually you get tired of living in a war torn country devastated by centuries of colonial imperialism, hop on a boat and see if you can get a fresh start somewhere else
>As soon as you step foot over the border, some fat-shit keyboard warrior who has nothing to be proud of other than the place he was born screams at you in between mouthfuls of cheetos "IF WHITE PEOPLE ARE SO BAD THEN WHY ARE YOU HERE HUH? IF WE ARE SO OPPRESSIVE THEN WHY ARE YOU TRYING TO SAVE YOUR FAMILY'S LIFE BY COMING TO A COUNTRY THAT IS SAFE HUH?????"

You're genuinely retarded.

First of all the smallpox was unintentional. Second I've already stated sovereignty belongs to those who can defend it. All humans have always been this way on every continent since humans have existed. But it's only wrong when white people do it because they were more successful at it? So you think success should be punished? Weird.

Third Africa had a thriving slave trade long before white people were involved and white people bought the slaves from other Africans. However white people outlawed it first.

This is to easy.

You realize colonialism in Africa did a lot more good than harm right? You realize the population in Africa would be much smaller had colonialism never occurred.

What is pol?


The same reason Californians flee to my state then try to change it into California. They don't understand the problem is them.

All cultures are horrible and oppressive, it's just that western europe and north america are rich enough to afford respecting human rights.
For most of them, because that's where they were born