Why do whites get so butthurt and act all defensive when they are reminded of all the evil shit their ancestor did...

Why do whites get so butthurt and act all defensive when they are reminded of all the evil shit their ancestor did? Do they expect to get their pig toned ass kissed just because? Relax, it's not like the minorities they abused are coming for revenge.

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Same, but why do blacks get defensive when it's noted that they commit over half the crimes?

>Evil shit my ancestors did
Cleansing the earth of Africans or Poos is not evil.

Does that mean I can take credit for the Airplane and lightbulb too?

Why are you living in a evil white country then? Hypocrite

Because today's white people didn't have anything to do with it and then people get accusatory and assblasted about it and try to call them out for something that happened centuries ago and they act like ol' whitey from 2018 had a hand in slavery and genocide and shit.

There's slaves in Africa and Asia today, people should care about things like that before bitching about the evil whitey

Because you can't be held accountable for the actions of your ancestors. Prove me wrong.

Attached: 1517883803419.jpg (480x558, 32K)

>t.jew white guilt
the thread

>whitey you dont get any cred for all of the good things your ancestors did (medicine, invention, civilization)
>but whitey YOUR ancestors owned slaves n shiet even through you are mostly descended from german and scots-irish immigrants and have very little colonial english blood