Is it wrong to have sexual experiences with a sibling. (Younger sister in my case). Does anyone have any similar experiences? Is it ok if they like it?
Is it wrong to have sexual experiences with a sibling. (Younger sister in my case)...
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It's a crime againt the humanity and not OK at all.
Yes it’s morally wrong and also wrong in the eyes of society.
How old are you and your sis?
It is wrong.
No, I don't have any experience with it.
No, it is not okay if they like it.
The point of sex is not the pleasure it brings, it is to bring two people closer together so when they have kids, they both assist in their upbringing.
Siblings shouldn't have kids, thus they shouldn't have sexual relations.
It is lazy and selfish and there is a good reason why it is frowned upon.
Sounds like child-on-child sexual abuse/assault.
For all we know you groomed your fucking sister into doing that... which is why she'd be okay with it. It's really hard to undo grooming. :/
To me this is pretty archaic thinking. I think as a society we are moving/have moved past the idea of sex as exclusively for procreation.
While I don't condone sex with a minor if your younger sister is of consenting age I don't think there is anything morally wrong with it as long as contraception is always used. Be prepared for hardship living in society after the fact though, as clarified by and lots of people are not on the same page about this and will hunt you down if they find out, not to mention how your family will feel about it.
No no. It's not a serious thing. Just experimenting from time to time.
Hey OP, what you are asking has ALOT of variables going on.
I have 8 Siblings and when I was really young some of us would do things. It was just children sussing things out, harmless.
BUT, if you two are old enough to know better, than yes THAT is very wrong.
>Is it wrong to have sexual experiences with a sibling.
How could a child groom another child, wtf? And no, it was pretty consensual.
Even if its not a permanent/long term thing the potential of word getting out down the line is very high.
This thread is more disgusting than the most suicide threads together.
It is not the exclusively for procreation, but it is the most important part of it.
I can't explain why I don't find my own sister to be attractive or why you find yours, but it is weird.
But given you can't have kids, you will alienate yourself from friends and family etc, is it worth it?
Why not just find someone proper?
Again it's not a relationship. Just messing around.
Very dependant on context imo. Things like age it happened, age difference, circumstance, either one of you having a history of abuse, etc. I've never done it but definitely had mild thoughts about my sister growing up, since she was pretty close to my age and one of the girls I spent the most time around in puberty. I don't think I ever seriously considered it something I wanted to happen though.
In the best of all cases, would I personally condemn it? No, I wouldn't. But society at large probably will.
Then why do it?
Just masturbate until you find a real girlfriend.
It's so gross!
It’s filthy and absolutely wrong
If you support homosexuality, then there's theoretically nothing wrong with it. Just another arrangement that society hasn't come around to accepting.
If, like me, you believe that there's more to sex than merely consent, there's a lot wrong with it.
I think most people would say yes, it's wrong to do this. There are plenty of people on earth to experiment or mess around with, that you picked your sister means there's something emotionally wrong with you both.
OP has been carefully avoiding the question of ages, and that suggests he knows there's something very wrong going on
No, our ages are not that far apart. She's considerably younger, but not enough that I could take advantage of her or anything. I just don't want to disclose my own age because I have been banned from boards for being too young before.
>our ages are not that far apart
>she's considerably younger
Which is it? You do sound like you're hiding the full story. Jfc dude, is she even out of elementary school? Neck yourself, please.
If on your first time together you are both above 18 and take all precautions not to have children, there's nothing wrong with it.
Otherwise, there's a big moral problem here, even if she seems to enjoy it.
Basically: are you both responsible adults that know what they're doing and what to do it anyway? That's a necessary condition to make it okay.
And by the way, this guy is AWEFULLY wrong. A child having some sexual intercourse with his/her sibling is everything but harmless, even if it seems so at first. It hugely increases risks of uncurable psychotic behavior such as schizophrenia for both of them.
Jesus let the guy fuck his sister. If they both enjoy it why the fuck shouldn't they continue it? The only thing that should be looked down upon is actual reproduction, that shit's way out of hand.
Being a fag is ok, being degenerate gender denier that chops of his noodle is fine, shitting other people in their mouth is a fetish, fucking animals is kinky but fucking your sister is such a fucking drama ... lol
Greentext story pls
>there's something emotionally
No it means that your brain has a defect because by nature pheromones of relatives are not supposed to affect other relatives.
> It hugely increases risks of uncurable psychotic behavior such as schizophrenia for both of them.
What a load of horse shit. Stop spreading bullshit and using words that you don't understand
If one was coerced, forced, or convinced by an older sibling, yes.
Addition: the only thing you could get from it is trauma and a trauma is in no way psychotic or remotely related to schizophrenia you mong
Yea, I can confirm it, you're just plain wrong.
Yeah i can tell you have absolutely no idea because there is no data on siblings having an intimate relationship causing schizophrenia. If you would be half of the retarded that you are you'd know that scientifically there are no specific causes that lead to schizophrenia.
As i said previously, stop talking about shit you don't understand.
>29 replies
>still no greentext
wtf, OP, I require the greentext nao
>there is no data on siblings having an intimate relationship causing schizophrenia
Except there is.
>you'd know that scientifically there are no specific causes that lead to schizophrenia
You should work on your reading comprehension skills. I never said there is a cause to schizophrenia. I said that some things increase the likelihood of becoming schizophrenic. That is absolutely true.
Lol at the gross fucks in this thread who are defending incest.
What’s next, you’ll start defending pedos too, huh?
>Except there is.
Amazing how you backup your arguments.
This is absolutely fucking bullshit, because there is no scientific data that points to specific causes of schizophrenia.
You are just a bad troll.
there's a huge difference between doing something together with a person you love and who loves you under consent of both parties and doing something to someone unable to consent, you know
>there is no scientific data that points to specific causes of schizophrenia
I never said there is. I said there are some factors that increase likelihood of becoming schizophrenic. This is a very well-known fact.
>doing things with someone you love
Are you planning on marrying your sister? What if she gets pregnant? “Oh lol sis, you’re pregnant! Time to go to the abortion clinic because we are irresponsible and imoral people! :DD”
Have you seen Redline yet, OP? :^)
>it’s ok for siblings to fuck. But a 17 year old girl can’t consent to sex with a 46 year old man.
>tfw op is probably 17 and his sister 11 or so
Neck yourself. Abusive degenerate
I don't believe its immoral as long as you're both of age and have an understanding that society does NOT share my beliefs in the slightest.
You can groom anyone you have a position of power over. In a little sisters eyes, big brother most definitely has a position of power.
show me the paper where there were test subjects of at least 100 siblings that had intercourse, that draw a parallel to increased likelihood of schizophrenia. prove that you aren't talking shit, kid
just a hint: a scientific study has little to no value with 100 test subjects.
Do you remember what site you're on?
I'm not op. if I wanted to fuck my sibling I would use extreme protection.
>strawmaning this hard
>'m not op. if I wanted to fuck my sibling I would use extreme protection.
You’re still taking immoral and unessecary risk. The only thing 100% safe is abstinence.
5 minutes on google
no, vasectomy is 100% as well.
also, we are taking unnessecary risks all the time
>no, vasectomy is 100% as well.
no it isn't
there is a difference between child abuse and sibling sex, kid
>gets a vasectomy just to have sex with sister
>says everday life risks are the same as incest
Lol at your life
Sibling sex is child abuse if involved siblings are children.
>he doesn’t know the vas deferens can grow back
>Sibling sex is child abuse if involved siblings are children.
No it is not. Grasping straws as expected. Read the fucking paper kid, you obviously didn't and just want to confirm your own uninformed bias.
You point at other people's reading comprehension, yet you can't do any better.
If you believe I misunderstood the article, you'll have to be more specific and quote it. In the meantime, even the article's title mentions "childhood sexual abuse". And yes, sexual intercourse with children is ALWAYS childhood sexual abuse.
Oh, by the way, your credibility is seriously weakened by the fact that you're apparently incapable of writing a single message without insulting your interlocutor. That's pretty pathetic, honestly.
I guess you're right. But I've never actually commanded her to do anything, I always ask what she thinks about it, and how she feels. Like I said before, it was pretty mutual and there was consent.
>If you believe I misunderstood the article, you'll have to be more specific and quote it. In the meantime, even the article's title mentions "childhood sexual abuse". And yes, sexual intercourse with children is ALWAYS childhood sexual abuse.
>Oh, by the way, your credibility is seriously weakened by the fact that you're apparently incapable of writing a single message without insulting your interlocutor. That's pretty pathetic, honestly.
The only thing that's pathetic is your lack of understanding of definitions of words and education. You are ignorant and always spin everything in a why so you can confirm your own bias. That's pathetic kid. Even by legal definition it's not abuse. Read a book ffs
OK let's be real here, two unattended kids messing around is different from a 14 year old fucking a 6 year old.
Are you from a southern part of the US?
Haha, well, you know, I am qualified, so your empty words don't really affect me :^) If you believe I'm wrong, act like someone reasonable and sensible and try to make me understand why. I complied with your demands for evidence, now your turn to act like you actually have something backing you.
qualified, but failing at basic logics?
I don't believe I failed at basic logics.
>There are people here who have a beautiful younger sister and would let some Chad poach her
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