Where do I find a virgin girlfriend? I'm a virgin myself and I'd love to lose it with someone who is as well

Where do I find a virgin girlfriend? I'm a virgin myself and I'd love to lose it with someone who is as well.

I've been out of the social game due to health issues for a lot of time though, so now I'm struggling to find my peers.

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>Where do I find a virgin girlfriend?

Ok, let's go part by part.

1) Any kind of girlfriend can only be found by putting yourself out there. There's no "virgin" convention to find virgins, so you need to face the fact that you will have to interact with women without knowing if they are virgins or not.

2) You don't need a virgin GF. Sex is not a "level up" where you magically become awesome after your first time. There's not much difference between someone having their first, second, or third time dude. Even people in steady relationships only learn to fuck each other, so getting with new people is always like starting again. You won't disappoint a girl just because she had sex a couple times.

3) Finally, don't start putting up barriers before you even get on the game. Don't start trying to find reasons to reject girls before you even have girls to reject. Be social, have fun. Good luck.

Why do you want a virgin gf? It's not like you will know.

Stop making these threads you utter retard

why does a virgin gf matter?
all i want is a girl who loves me


I will never understand this mindset

Why the heck do you care if the other person is virgin too? If she truly likes you she won't care if you're a womanizer or a virgin, actually some girls (some) find it cute, because it's always nice to be the first one for someone, but the absolute 99% don't care.

Think about it the opposite way:would it be a problem for you if you already had sex in the past but your actual gf is virgin? Of course no, you wouldn't. It's exactly the same for girls

Just make it clear from the beginning, so she already knows the situation and knows how to act and that she will need to guide you a bit

Anons like op think that a virgin girl won't mind they incompetence at sex or erection issues. Its a bs because most women want experienced lovers

Virgin girls are more metaphysically pure and thus capable of love.


Because women are partly property, them being used lowers their value.

Wow you have such a broken worldview.

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Because to some people, especially virgins, sex is an incredibly important and serious act that you only perform with someone that you want to spend the rest of your life with.
And so these people (again usually virgins) only want to be in relationships with people who take sex as seriously as they do.

And also they feel inferior if they have less experience than the girl.
And also they can feel paranoid that the girl is constantly comparing them to her previous lovers.

i'm a virgin and i avoid guys who specifically seek out virgins like the plague they are

They have the highest success at marriage though. His reasoning might be retarded but he isn't too far from the truth.


Most 12 year olds are still virgins, so all you need to do is kidnap one and keep her locked away from all men until you feel she's old enough. No way that can go wrong.

Do you make this thread every day because you enjoy being called a dipshit?

I'm a person like OP.

The reason I want to do it for the first time with another virgin is because it would make it a little special. To have someone be your first, while you are theirs. Also, both parties can be understanding with each other and have the right expectations.

But really, unless you're religious or are in a super conservative culture, it's a pipe dream. Best shot is at age ~16 in highschool when there are a lot of other virgins. Past that it's nearly impossible.

I'm 25 now and I am forced to let the thing go. I'm getting old, and life and life experiences are passing me by. I can't be hung up on this any longer. I am actually very sad about this, but on the plus side, I can finally start having lots of sex like i've always wanted to.

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Why? Do you WANT your eventual marriage to fail?

they're fucked in the head

Marriages made as teenager virgins are miserable and the most likely to fail.

For some it's a religion issue, for others it's a feeling of inadequacy ("what if she leaves me because I can't satisfy her the way her exes did?"). All in all I think all men like being "the first" of a girl, even if they don't actively seek a virgin.

I asked my bf about this, what he thought when I told him I was a virgin when we got together. He said that at first he was shocked, then he was a bit nervous because he wanted me to feel good my first time. He also said that he doesn't care if a girl is a virgin or not, but that he felt good that he was my first. In his worlds "I think every dude feels special if he's the one to make a girl into a woman".

Not ones made as late 20something virgins. Those last the longest of all.

Because sex is a special act between two persons who love each other and it does not remain special if you are desensitised to it. If most of you are degenerates doesnt mean everyone is.

No, they have a higher chance of lasting a long time, they don't last the longest by default, nor are they guaranteed to last.

Marriages can work between non-virgins, exactly the same way one can fail between two virgins.

The odds steadily go down as sexual partners increase. You can try to spin it however you want though.

>The odds steadily go down as sexual partners increase.
Even the meme graph that I know you're referencing disagrees with your statement.

Yes. But there are no guarantees in life. And those odds never reach 100%. You're focusing on virginity over more important factors in a relationship, such as compatibility, shared morals, values, beliefs, interests, etc. It takes a fuck ton more to make a relationship work for a life time than not sleeping with someone else before getting married.

Well all the "meme" graphs and studies come to this conclusion so you'll have to be more specific.

I've probably had more sexual partners than most people here. I can't even remember all of them but it's no reason to try to bend facts to make me feel better. The truth is the truth.

If you've had sex once, you've had more sexual partners than most people here.

Why is it a broken worldiew? What's wrong with it, I'm a non-denominational Christian and it seems intact with my teological believes.

Sorry - their priests, teachers, uncles and step fathers have already had them. They only pretend to be virgins because the first ones were all involuntary.

Reddit Virginity Exchange, in the wild even at my youngfag age of 19 finding women that haven't had a double digit amount of partners is fucking rare.
>MFW I still think about the Virigin Christian Blonde girl from my highschool who unironically liked wheatfields.

I've known girls that thought that if you only did anal you were still a virgin, so they only did anal with all their boyfriends, and a girl that thought that if they didn't come inside you were still a virgin. Both of these people were Christian and "virgin" until marriage. GL finding a pure Christian girl, they've all figured out how to be sexual while still being "virgin"

>What's a hyman?

I really feel like that was a legitimate question that shouldn't have been green-texted.

>what is the hyman can break from non sexual activities lmao.

That's because they're all Mormon or Muslim and CANT get devorced you retard.

Damn pic related is cute af

It's "hymen"
Always a good idea to double check your spelling when you're being a smarmy faggot

You do know that's true of ALL men, right? Wether they admit it or are smart enough to hide it.

Oh sweet summer child, you've got a lot to learn.
Not once does the bible say losing your virginity before marriage diminishes your ability to love. Christ says all persons can seek forgiveness through him. Some of the most moral, ethical people I know are Christians who have previously led lives of rampant sex and drug use. Im one of them. I have the utmost love for everyone.

I am gonna guess you're very young and still have much to learn about life. Also, the gospel isn't a specific set of instructions, it's generalized guidance for mankind to live loving, productive lives and therefore is up for interpretation relative to your life.

That's a fucking meme holy shit dude.
>"I-it was from horse back riding"
Yeah, horse dick riding maybe

Lesson for you newfag/summerfags: sexual experience =/= impurity.

maximum keks.

Thanks for telling me how my body works, faggot.

>Being mad something this trivial
Hymen can break with a dildo, it can also NOT break the very first time you fuck. There is no "standard" to determine when/how it breaks.

That's exactly my point. The idea that you can tell whether or not someone is a virgin because of the hymen is a fucking joke. Something like 10% aren't even fucking born with one.


>There's no "virgin" convention to find virgins
Furry conventions!

Ahem, really though. I couldn't have said it better myself, user. Really, I agree completely.

>There's no "virgin" convention to find virgins,
It's called comic con.

>There's no "virgin" convention to find virgins
>Furry conventions!
oh honey

>metaphysically pure

You need to seek sex with machines, not humans. Your worldview is based on abysmal ignorance, but your autism prevents realizing that.

It's a misspelled word by a basement-dwelling neckbeard virgin who has no clue how the female body works.


Ha, it's full of sluts

Sounds fair. There's nothing wrong with wanting another virgin.

Nothing wrong with being 14. We all grow out of it.

in elementary school

>hurr anyone who doesnt follow the degenerate sex crazed lifestyle like me is a retarded child.
Why is this board full of sex addicts?

It's a numbers game
The only way you lose is by stopping the search. Remember some virgins are virgins because they're complete fucking red flag cases.

>sex addict
lol what?

>having sex means having a degenerate sex crazed lifestyle
Why so bitter?

>having sex with lots of people without any emotional attatchment is not degenerate sex crazed lifestyle
The problem with modern western europe and america is they dont even realize it. Then they hit their 30s and realize they never had any meaningful relationship and have desensitised themselves completely.
Nice projection you got there dude, but I dont mean any ill. The sooner you leave this lifestyle the less regret your future self will have.

>wax hyperbole
>call people bitter when they return with hyperbole

Nobody said having sex with lots of people, bitter virgin.

Did I hit a nerve? Why are you so angry? Even though Im not, being virgin isnt a bad thing if you are a young adult, its definitely better than being an emotionless cumdump.

>called out
>immediately reverts to ad hominem
Typical slut behaviour lmao

Just gotta get to it in a few years when you hit 14. Naturally with girls the same age or older if they explicitly consent.
Virgins are the best to marry statistically, bc higher chance of a successful marriage.
My wife of 10 years told me about two years into our relationship that she was a virgin. I could believe her because I remember the first few times and how clueless she seemed. She was embarrassed to tell me because she was 22 at the time we met.. Still an easy 8/10, just brought up very traditionally.
There was no blood our first time, but I know she rode a bike daily pretty much from the age she could ride, and was super into sports throughout high school and Uni so either she lied to me (no point after so long together) or her hymen broke on itself which is not uncommon.
What am I telling you from all of this? Either start young kiddo, or get very very lucky.

You got extremely lucky if she didn't leave you or cheat on you.

Like I said, statistically, virgins are the least likely to leave you or cheat on you.
She knows how to keep me in my place however.
Eg. I cook, she does the dishes and visa versa. Also I gotta vacuum every second week (she does it every other week) and I clean the toilet once a week and the bathroom about once a month.
In return, she washes, folds and puts away 100% of our clothes. I have to iron my own clothes so I just wear my shirts semi-crinkled to work, but she drys them in a way that it's hardly noticeable.

>virgins are the least likely to leave you or chear on you
That's ridiculous. Where did you get such an idea from?

Google it

Lazy pants

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That has absolutely nothing to do with your claim in the slightest. Virgins could, say, have a 95% cheating rate and it wouldn't be seen in this chart.

Yeah you got me. I'm sure all those virgins who stayed a virgin until marriage became total sluts after.
I am not saying zero got side dick after marriage. That probably explains a good proportion of the 20% of unsuccessful marriages.

Even if that unsourced graph were true, which it probably is not, it doesn't say anything about a virgin cheating. As I said, virgins could have a 95% cheating rate. That chart only cherrypicks the 5% of virgins who did not cheat. And even half of them probably are cheating in their marriage anyway, just not getting divorced.

You just seem to want to argue for the sake of arguing.
Google it. There are many sources and graphs outlining almost identical info.
I'm out.


Unsourced graph it is. Therefore made up. And it doesn't even answer your virgin question. You were caught, realized you have no way to prove your statement, and close this thread knowing you were btfo.

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>you are wrong and Im right because
What the fuck lol

>tfw There's no "virgin" convention to find virgins
That should be a dating site

There'd be an influx of 4/10 sluts claiming to be virgins, bc they know it's guaranteed dick from all these incels.
Otherwise, good idea user.

>bc they know it's guaranteed dick from all these incels
I didn't realize incels were so high up in the dating market

So returning to the thread ssubject, what are places that are more likely to have adult virgin women? I've thought of anime conventions as full of sluts but perhaps I'm wrong.

My husband and I weren't virgins when we met and we're still in love after six years. I'm just posting that here to anger the shut ins and controlling purists. :) You will never be able to squeeze humans and love into cute little boxes and mathematical equations. You would know that if your parents bothered to force you to interact with people. The unpredictability of girls and people in general has turned you into shivering dogs, and you will never be respected until you face your fear like a competent human.

Except that women don't like virgins.

>more slut apologists derailing the thread instead of answering the OP's question on where to meet virgin women

I wouldn't call a person who watches as much porn as you do a virgin

You don't deserve innosence

Get over yourself

like fucking clockwork

That's a myth.

What you should have said is that women who are just out to get dick don't like virgins. Think about it - you just want to go out, find someone who's sexy and then have your world rocked. The chance of that happening is way lower if you decide to shack up with someone who's never fucked before vs. someone who has tried their hand at fucking a number of other women. There's also a psychological aspect - it makes them more self-conscious about their goal of getting a really good dicking by anyone who can give it.

OTOH, one girl that I almost fucked got soaking wet when I told her that she could teach me. She was straddling my thigh and I could feel her juices seeping through my pants - she got incredibly horny thinking/talking about what she could do to me and what she could have me do to her. Ultimately it didn't happen because she was looking for marriage prospects and I definitely wasn't, so she didn't want to fuck someone without a serious commitment.

Another girl I did fuck gave absolutely no shits that she was my first, either. In fact I think she was kind of into the idea as well - she amped up her seduction techniques and told she wanted to taste my load into her mouth. Me being a virgin who'd deathgripped for years, however, just couldn't manage it. Eventually I got tired of it I could tell that she was, too. Lesson to the kids out there - don't choke your chicken that hard or too often.

I always wonder what the people who write this kind of shit look like irl

Skinny brown or USA landwhales

i'm so tired of this meme

there are so many things wrong with the way that data was collected and the interpretation of its meaning.

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Church maybe? Beats me, dude. You've got a high chance of finding one of those "born again" sluts too.

Virginity can be valued even if you're not religious because the both of you can experience sex together for the first time, bonding and developing together as you're together from that moment.