Enjoy the final days of the Trump presidency

Enjoy the final days of the Trump presidency

Attached: It's over.png (819x583, 289K)

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Six more years of final days

You're deluded if you think he's making it past Q1 2019.

It's fucking over.

They were saying that after week one, faggot.

This is literally the 27th “Trump is isolated in the White House” stories I’ve seen in the last 18 month.

The media is a joke.

>trump increasingly isolated says increasingly nervous man for 150th time this year

>Enjoy the final days of the Trump presidency
All 2,200 of them? Don't worry we will enjoy each and every one of them.

haha youtu.be/AxihTDOKrG0

>Manafort in solitary confinement is getting ready to flip soon.



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you retards have been saying this ever since he got elected lol

that probably means trump is isolated in the white house

This time for sure!

Who cares. He’s useless anyway.

Oh you sweet naive summer child, do you really have this little understanding even now? Bless your heart.

Dont worry Sessions will get rid of Mueller before any crimes are uncovered.

the beginning of the end
the walls are closing in

This guy gets it

Six more years and you will be happy
Just six more years and you will be happy
But you're crying
You're crying now

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Just watched that video too

Can't wait to shitpost on Jow Forums the day he resigns, it will be better than 2016

>muh red wave

Between your legs

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>hurr durr women dumb, hurr durr period jokes

You are dumb, you are on your period, it's affecting your judgement and it's no joke. Go take a Mydol.

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>hurr durr women dumb
based and redpilled

Everyone will deny they ever supported him

>Ever resigning

He has been a public figure for 40 years now and people still don't know the man.

by my accounts, this is his six gorillionth time he got impeach

okay incel

Lmao so original claim. They said the same bullshit when they pathetically tried to propagandize that Pence was a member of the resistance because somebody LARPing as a senior Trump official LARPing as a resistance member used a word Pence allegedly used many times.

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For reference, this was somewhere close to the first half of 2018. That's how long it has been "over" for president Trump.

Its over again, today.

Attached: its over for trump.png (676x541, 146K)

A big fat trump, yep.

Yeah I mean look at all the people who beleived hed build a wall

*baker street intensifies*

>That pribably means the shills were all emailed to print the same article with small changes, and an emphasis on the word "isolated"
FIFY, look up the journo-list


So help me understand this campaign finance thing. Cohen said Trump told him to buy the rights to Stormy. OK fine, but that's not illegal or a violation of campaign finance law. The supposed violation is (and this is still a stretch, in my opinion) not reporting that payment to the FEC as a campaign contribution. But Cohen isn't even saying that Trump told him to pay Stormy AND to break the law by not reporting it? So how is Trump culpable in any of this? I mean isn't it up to his lawyers and accountants to know all the intricacies of the law (such as whether hush money to a porn star is considered a campaign contribution or not) and to report it as such? That's what you fucking pay them for, that's what they're licensed for, it's their job. So again, how is Trump liable for his lawyer not following the law?

And you could argue whether it even counts as a campaign donation or not. Pretty easy to make this case considering the numerous women Trump paid to stay silent years and decades before he ever ran for president, clearly protecting his marriage, his reputation, etc. was the primary purpose of the payment.

The real irony is if Trump had used *campaign funds* to pay off Stormy, they would be going after him for using campaign donations to pay for *personal expenses* (which is actually illegal, and which they would have a good case for). But now they're trying to claim that a hush payment similar to numerous he's done before he was campaigning is a campaign expense. Give me a fucking break.

The whole thing is a witch hunt. It's a sham and I can't blame Trump for being pissed. This is all "revenge" for the 2016 election, it has nothing to do with justice. Just look at how they treated Flynn and all the others they ruined in order to justify this joke of an investigation. And now they're going after Trump for fucking campaign finance violations lol. What happened to Russian collusion?

yeah, first week of july 2015




You're right, but none of that matters. The only thing keeping Trump in office was his enthusiastic support from the base. That's waning now that he has failed to carry out every threat he's made since August. Where is the executive order on social media censorship? Where is the executive order on birthright citizenship? Why is the military and DHS allowing the migrant caravan in? Why hasn't foreign aid been cut off to Guatemala and Honduras? Why wasn't the government shut down over wall funding?

In all fairness, I'd say he's accomplished quite a bit. Especially considering the media and liberals have been fighting him kicking and screaming every step of the way.

And since when is the caravan being let in? Last I heard their asylum applications (90% of which will be thrown out, because "I'm from an impoverished country" isn't a valid claim to asylum) were still being orderly processed while they wait in Mexico. Many have just given up and either gone back to their own countries or stayed in Mexico to work after realizing that they aren't going to be allowed to just waltz into the US like they were promised by immigration activists.

What has he accomplished?
Also how does the doublethink work, they are in but not?

>they are in

Only those who crossed illegally, or have legitimate asylum claims that were granted (as mentioned, typically only about 10% of applicants).

Trump never claimed people shouldn't be allowed to apply for asylum, or that he has a problem with legal immigration (of which political asylum is one avenue). His and most people's beef is with catch and release and similar policies. i.e. Someone comes here and applies for asylum, then we release them inside the US and say "OK so we scheduled your asylum hearing for nine months from now, we're just going to let you go, but you promise to show up for your court date right lol." And of fucking course that often doesn't happen and now you have people who we let in living here illegally. He helped put a stop to shitty loopholes like this by forcing them to apply for asylum at a port of entry and making them stay in temporary housing on the Mexican side until their claim is processed. Military beefing up fencing and fortifications around the ports of entry helped with this as well and in hindsight was a pretty damn good move, despite all the criticism it received from the pundits.

This video says it all. Trump bombshell and final tipping point. Hes truly finished aftet everybody sees this.

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Are you an absolute retard? Processing asylum applications doesn't mean "they're in", it means they're processing their asylum applications, a majority of which will not be considered a need for "asylum" and they will be turned away.

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This is getting tiresome

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t. Pic related

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Some still say they ree and scream about impeachment... it's been over 2 years now... Those poor, lost souls...

Someone posted a video last night and in the corner of the video was the month and year. Then they took all of the news clips that said "Trump is done!!! This is it!!!" And they have done it every month since he took office. It's funny as fuck.

This. He's gonna be in office the whole term and the whole term they're gonna say he's about to be impeached or done for. Just like they said he wasn't going to get elected in the first place.

I'm just tired of the bait-posting that role plays into these beliefs. It's been 3 years of LARPing with this fucking board.

And the 100 a day who entered with a 50% acceptance?

Because as it stands theses terrorist invaders queueing up and applying tather undermines things.
Especially with CNN staging the gassing

NPC detected. That's the NPC keyword.

I'd defend him and his family from the left if he wasn't a fucking jew loving zionist.

You dumb niggers need to just die off already so Jow Forums can go back to being fun instead of tedious.

heres your video