My friend is giving me serious trouble.
He is controlling and demanding, insisting that he is my last option as a friend, that I don't reply to texts fast enough or the way he wants, that I need to change my life drastically to suit what he thinks is right (get rid of my pet, esp, because he hates animals), criticizes me in a derogatory manner, and blames me for everything.
I understand that attraction factors in. But we both know a relationship is out of the question; I don't want it. We are not intimate, romantic, or sexual.
He called me a stupid bitch the other night because I had plans that he didn't know about. We did not have established plans. He's my best friend. I was just going to chill with him when I finished my errands and went to a movie which I had planned way ahead of time. He is angry that I didn't tell him I was seeing a movie.
He has substance abuse issues, specifically adderall. He was up all night that night anyway. We could have hung out. But he was furious.
Now, after a Trump-esque apology, he is barraging m, again, furious because I did him some unspeakable wrong by not letting him know I had movie plans. Now, we are best friends and he was at another person's house chilling. I figured I would just hit him up after, because he would be free and stays up all night on adderall. He says he feels like the last option. He isn't! I spend more time with him as a friend than anyone-- except the time I spend at work. So, I perceive the behavior as controlling and demanding. I mentioned that it seems like he is trying to treat me as if I were a girlfriend, as well as pointing out that I am not his girlfriend.
I am at my wit's end arguing with someone who wants to win, won't give up the victim stance, can't self-reflect, and blames me for his emotional reactions. I am 21. He is 43. Men do not act like this. Teenage girls do. I know, because I was one over 3 years ago.