Age gap fucking

>she's 18 about to leave the state for college in a few months
>im 29
>we have great chemistry
>were both not looking for anything serious
> hung out fooled around
>2nd time was about to fuck in the back of her car
>tells me she's a virgin
>tell her let's wait till next time and do this in my bed instead

My friends didn't care about the age gap initially but now they're giving me shit about it and the fact that she's a virgin. And basically saying she's too young for me. I say she's an adult who can make her own decisions.

In pretty new to dating as was in a relationship for over a decade 6 months ago . I know I might be only thinking with my dick here but I actually like her personality and am hoping that well just have a casual thing and maybe hook up if either of is visiting.

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You’re doing her a bit of an injustice with the clear gap in experience and maturity. Sure, she’s technically an adult, and isn’t a vegetable which technically means she can make decisions, but letting her decide to lose her virginity to a dude that could almost be her dad and clearly just wants puss is plain not cool on your end.

it was cool that you at least suggested to wait until you were in a proper place to do it, but honestly consider letting her wait a bit longer before doing that shit. give her time to think if that’s what she really wants.

also be clear about your intentions. if she’s under the impression that you want to go steady and consummate a relationship or something she’s in for a fucking let down

I've been clear , she's been clear. Neither are looking for a serious relationship. She's leaving soon , just fun

Who cares, do whatever you want, it might mess you two up but w/e

Legally yes she is technically an adult, but mentally she's still got a lot of growing up to do. If you both really are looking for no strings attached (pro tip: these things never go the way you think they will) then go for it. Just know you are playing with fire.
>source 21 y/o idiot who fell for an older girl when he was still just barely legal

Cracking up thinking about all the can't find a virgin threads up right now

Take her virginity and fuck her until your dick stops working. You're a grown man, do what you want. If you won't some other 29 y/o will.
Don't be a faggot just because your friends are jealous.

You should have nothing in common with her at all, the gap between 18 and 29 is enormous. A 29 year old liking the personality of an 18 year old is laughable. You should be getting shit, someone of your age shouldn't even be considering this.

I don't know how you are able to be around her at 29. I'm 21 fucking an 18 y/o that just graduated high school and if it wasn't for the fact that she is an 11/10, I would be out so fast.
I can hardly stand to be around her immature ass.

>You should be getting shit, someone of your age shouldn't even be considering this.

I'm attracted to her ,she's legal, why would I not consider her?

>be her dad
>in the 3rd grade
Stop being a faggot

99% she's ugly, 18 Y/O virgin girls are almost always ugly.
>inb4 she's christian
Why would she be having sex with op then, if she's a voluntary virgin, which she obviously isn't since she's giving herself up so easily. She's going to have sex with op, and then with another op and another op, it won't end with him and it's definitely not the start of a long relationship. Op is going to say she's "pretty" but will never give proof with timestamp, I can guarantee this

>You should have nothing in common with her at all, the gap between 18 and 29 is enormous
The only differences in conversational topics between teens and adults is more or less alcohol.

Uptight Incels: The Reckoning

You guys are so full of shit. These are the same people who watch porn consisting of mostly 18yos and wouldn't hesitate letting said honeys sit on their faces.

Be happy for OP.

fucking go for it

do not fucking do this you are disgusting and she's a fucking teenager

Why is it disgusting?

>were both not looking for anything serious
> am hoping that well just have a casual thing and maybe hook up if either of is visiting
Which is it?
>I've been clear
Not in this thread you haven't and if you're like everyone else which you are you're lying about being clear and saying things like "I'm not sure if I want something serious.". This You have issues.


Genghis Khan fucked children. Don't worry so much.

>implying a faggot from Jow Forums can be one of the greatest warriors of time

Fuck what everyone says, thats awesome op. Dont give a fuck what friends say.


Sorry, typed quickly. you're*

You realize that you're making excuses here? Leave, old fuck.

Well if she were here I'd tell her not to do it but there's no reason you shouldn't.

I'd say go for it OP
Why would you need permission from basement-dwellers who are probably still a virgin themselves?
Just don't get her preggo

I don't think one could have kids at 10.

Holy fuck the angry jealous idiots in this thread.
Protip: young girls get wet for older guys ALL THE FUCKING TIME. She's going off to college. What do you think She's gonna do when she gets there?

This post and everyone replying to it are women.

Fuck her however you want OP, it’s IS NOT your responsibility.

OP go for it, there is a reason why women spend so much time and money to look younger and its because younger is better. Fuck that fresh 18 yr old ass and enjoy it before it gets worn out by someone else.