Chinese here with a question

Blacks, Jews and Muslims are a protected class, any time someone mocks them in comedy their career is basically over. If they mock them on social media, they get doxxed.

Yet I still see mockery of us all the time and not many people care. South Park and Family Guy caricatures, these stereotypes that we're all tight and our parents are uptight, I could go on. I've even seen white liberal types who would have a meltdown if you pointed out any flaws in Islamic doctrine do "rearry Chinee" impressions.

People get away with this shit almost as much as they do making fun of white people. Yet unlike those other groups, we work hard, we don't cause crime (((or subvert countries))). What gives?

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Leftism is not grounded in righteousness, but weakness. Same reason they bash white men

People are angry that your existence and need for aid are used as the premise for corporate and governmental theft, murder, and consolidation of power.

East Asians have a civilization.

We're not Jews though.

Think of it like protected species. If your race is capable of existing without having billions upon billions of dollars spent every year to feed you and keep your race alive, then you can have jokes made at your races expense.

You cunts are literal ANT PEOPLE. Die.

But even with the rise of intersectionality you'd think anyone who isn't white, regardless of how "privileged" we are would become a protected species.

we mock all of them though
the difference is they are still human

thats because chinks are that fucking retarded enough to have gommie governments.

Depends where you are user, I doubt mocking Asians in NYC or SF would be tolerated.

here is a good explainer

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Nothing in the universe is infinite. Even souls are finite. There’s only so much soul to be divided among mankind. China has so many """people""" that there aren’t enough souls for everyone. In fact, the vast majority of Chinese don’t have a soul at all. That is why the Chinese are so susceptible to sudden deaths and mass genocides by famine, disease, disaster, and enslavement. They’re literally a counterfeit people whose lives have no value. They’re the fake watches and illegal DVDs of the human race. They’re not even eligible for heaven or hell or reincarnation.

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Chinks are an eternal slave race. The mere fact that nobody in China batted an eye when Xi Jinpig removed his term limits is quite telling. Chinks literally want to be enslaved and told what they can and can't do. China will never beat the West. Every time shit goes south in China, what do they do? Do chinks try to fix the root of the problem? Nope. They allow their country to go to shit until a new dominant master "unites" them. Basically, they just sit around doing nothing (besides massacring each other by the tens of millions and feasting upon human corpses like the triple niggers they are) until a new master shows up to lord over them. Doesn't matter if the new master is a chink or a foreigner, because as long as he has power, he will be obeyed. Chinks want to be enslaved. No, they NEED to be enslaved. The burden of independence is simply too overwhelming for them. Being enslaved is the only way they know how to function as a society without resorting to chaos and cannibalism.

Chinks are the most easily controlled and brainwashed people in the world. That's why Chinese nationalism is such a big thing, and even overseas chinks defend their motherland despite enjoying all the benefits of not actually living there. If you're an overseas chink nationalist reading this, ask yourself why you even defend your motherland in the first place. You just do... right? It comes naturally, right? Bingo. That's because you are a member of the Chinese slave race. Your ancestors were slaves, your grandparents were slaves, your parents were slaves, and so are you. You can take a slave out of China, but you can't take the slave out of a Chinese. Imagine that. Living in the West and having the liberty of independent thought... yet, you're STILL controlled by China. You're simply incapable of independent thought. You're a slave.

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Kung poo.

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Kung food.

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You need to be more vocal with your complaints.

You aren't the ZOG's puppets.

The liberal globo-homo allows insulting asians (and whites) because they don't see east asians as inferior people. Niggers, muslims and spics are seen as inferior people by liberals and therefore they will try to ruin your life if you mock those protected people.

Jews are not seen as inferior, but it's only really jews that get upset from antisemitism. Many white liberals dislike jews too because of Israel. The problem is that jews are hyper neurotic people and afraid of another shoah, they will swarm and destroy anyone that's publicly antisemitic.

Is not about Chinks but "East Asians" in general. Once they are finished with whites guess who will be next in line. Not some Abbos I tell you that.

Hi Pajeet

there's a hierarchy based on IQ and civility
higher races are not allowed to punch down, but the lower ones are allowed to punch up

>tight and our parents are uptight
Notice how this is the same impression blacks and hispanics have of whites.

Well in regards to South Park and Family Guy those cartoons come from a time of egalitarian comedy where all racist jokes were allowed as long as you were racist to everybody

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chinese people are trying to take over the world, they are invading our countries, why would we care?

nobody cares ching chong your women belongs to us. I'm planning on a trip to asia with a few buddies of mine and we're gonna asian genocide your women if you know what I mean

Implying white men are strong

Asians are Schrödinger's Whites. You're only a minority if you're dirt farmers in some backwater province not even on the maps, if you have some form of success, you're whitey for all intents and purposes.

Welcome to Intersectionality.

Do you have any pets?* Well think of it like this:
A pet-owner looks down on their dog or cat as not being smart enough to be evil. They see them as being innocent, free of original sin. The pet is pure, in a way, because it doesn't have human self-awareness, and so cannot do things out of malice. This is why people often say they like animals more than humans.

The pet needs the pet-owner. It depends upon him or her for it's well-being. The racial/ethnic groups you mention are the Left's pets.

You cannot be their pet, as your people are clearly competent enough to succeed in life without them. Therefore they see you as a potential threat, rather than a vulnerable underdog in need of help from a heroic champion (which is how the Left see's themselves).

*(that you haven't eaten yet)

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eating dogs is not a civilization

To be fair, they sexually selected for it or wouldn’t exist. They need to feel collectivism as it’s been part of what they are and were for millenia growing rice which needs a whole community to cultivate. In Europe, people could manage in smaller scattered groups growing wheat in isolated Hammocks. With small villages and towns dotted around to sell excess.

It’s why we’re more individualistic and see freedoms as a right more so than the gooks.

60% of Asian women in America lost their virginity to White men.

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>or subvert countries
Nah you just take them over slowly