Gf has been complaining about a cut inside of her vag for a few weeks. I took a look and it looks like a cold sore...

Gf has been complaining about a cut inside of her vag for a few weeks. I took a look and it looks like a cold sore. Now she has been getting small white pimples. She has suddenly gotten a fever as well, and general flu symptoms.

She says it doesn't feel like any previous yeast infections. We've been together a while and never seen anything like this before.

Her general health is generally malnourished. She doesn't eat right and barely exercises. She got blood work recently and was warned of getting diabetes or even death if she didn't shape up.

Any ideas?

I've had STD tests before and came up clean on my general tests plus have no symptoms like hers so I don't think it's that.

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Uh. She needs to get to a doctor soon. The "cold sore" could be herpes. The other illness could be caused by a UTI.

In short, she needs to see her gynecologist pretty soon. She should've gone in when she first noticed the "cut".



Guess your cock isn't the only one she rides, if you say you got checked.

If it's herpes it could have been dormant for years, it wouldn't mean she cheated on you. Also, almost everyone has some form of herpes.

I'm the first she ever had sexual contact with.

I spoke to my last partner today and she's never had any symptoms of herpes either. The worst I ever get on my junk is the occasional pimple when I shave or from the heat.

this could be COMPLETELY WRONG but i thought when you first contract herpes you get one big out break, get sick, blah blah and then it will go dormant and the frequency an out break occurs depends on the persons immune system and specific strain they caught. So it would be likely she just got herpes recently? Anyway get her tested for STDs and yourself. No sex and if she does have herpes it sounds like she cheated.

Let's put herpes on the sidelines for a minute. I'll keep it in mind- but are there other possibilities?

No one puts herpes in the corner

Amusing but I want to identify as much as possible.


It sounds like an STD, sorry buddy.

Even in the rare case it might not be, she still needs to make a gyno appointment

90% chance it's herpes dude.

She isn't here right now but just sent me pictures. It reminds me of chicken pox.

Are you a doctor or a woman? Tell her to stop taking photos of her vag and make a doctors appointment asap. Offer to pay for half or something, she really needs to go. You should go get checked out, too, just in case. If anything for the peace of mind
>flu-like symptons
>occurs typically within 2 weeks of contracting it.

God dammit. We had sex two days ago. Bareback.

Yeah either you carried it and gave it to her or someone else's dick did

I reached out to my last sexual partner before this. She's since gotten married. Neither her or her husband has ever had an outbreak or any signs of it. Likewise, I've never had more than one or two pimples like you'd find on any part of the body, which are pretty standard on dicks. I can pop them and carry on with my life.

I just do not believe that it could be me if my last partner is clean after this much time.

All you and your current gf can do now is go get checked out. Did she agree to go yet?
If she absolutely refuses and gets really defensive, then you should go. You can't force her if she's that afraid

Than you need to start asking her questions on how she got it.
Girls that were virgins before you are more likely to cheat.
Did she have any opportunity to cheat on you?
I got cheated on and got the clap from my bitch ex that gave it to me after a night of whoring around with her friends on a "girls night". The slut went to a house party that turned into an orgy.

Here's an update:

I have been informed she received oral sex from a man while I was out of town in the beginning of this month. It's been exactly 11 days since that happened. The two of them also kissed quite often during this time.

She has sores in her mouth and down there.

While she says he was clean, this is pretty much all I need to know. Even if I carried it, that my last partner never got it tells me that it's unlikely I did. Furthermore, that I've been with this girl for a year and she never experienced this, but now suddenly has an outbreak after a week or so that I was out of town tells me that it's statistically far more likely that HE caused this.

The only exception is a single sore/cut that she has had in her vagina for a few weeks, which does resemble a cold sore. However, it also may be because of rough sex we had.

All of these symptoms combined, my belief is that she contracted herpes from him and not me. A year together with no symptoms until now suddenly on her after this just is too perfect of timing.

Oof, good luck. Check yourself btw, probably gave it to you too. Also sounds like its time to leave the relationship, just don't be an ass about it.

Dump her and get yourself checked man.
Even if the person does not have symptoms they can pass it on. She most def got it from him.

He is supposedly a virgin. I want to find as many reasons to believe it isn't me who did this. My denial lies in my previous partner and my longstanding lack of symptoms. Nothing out of the ordinary, no itchier than any other part of my body other than on a warm sweaty day. Good grief...

You did not pass it to her.
If you had it than you would have knew a long time ago. If she has symptoms before you it means she got it first. She def got it from the guy she blew.
As i said before the ones that were virgins before you met them are the ones most likely to cheat.

Does anyone know the difference between HPV and Herpes? Similar outcome?

And you aren't dropping her like a hot potato? Also dumb bitch didn't get Guardasil, I even got it because the OBGYNS pressure it almost as bad as they do IUDs. I don't know if it works because I am married to and have monogamous sex with the same guy I had sex with during the vaccination series, but it covers the 9 most common strains of HPV.

If you have an open relationship it's not my place to judge, but if she kept this from you and lied to your face it should be a deal breaker? What if she does it again. What if she lies about something more serious further into the future, like finances or expenses?

I'm not saying no one ever fibs, but sucking another dick ain't exactly a white lie.

The relationship fallout of this is a separate issue. I'm focused on the bigger issue here.

And what's the bigger picture? That you're girlfriend is a whore. How dense can you be. Go to the fucking doctor.

What I'm saying is yes that's a problem and it will be handled, my focus was getting answers from anons here.

thank you all

I apologize if I sound like an asshole, but... Just take her to a doctor, you bloody fool. That is almost always the very immediate measure which should be taken if a medical issue is beyond your expertise.

all i gotta say is that herpes is for life and hope you dont get it from her if thats the case... i dont think herpes is worth it unless you already got that fuckery

Pls update once you've broken up.

Gross. Leave her

Go get checked. It's not that expensive. Just do it.

>Those mental gymnastics
Almost on the same level as saying a white couple could have a black baby cause "lol 0.00000001% chance"

She cheated on you
Or you have herpes
Anyways you Americans are dumb as fuck

Stop strawmanning you retard. Over half the adult population in America has some form of HSV. It's not a tiny uncommon chance.

Wouldn't be surprised that OP gave it to her and doesn't know he has herpes because he hadn't had an outbreak.

Damn op got cucked

It's ok op. All of my 5 relationships ended with cheating like this. You're not alone.

Get her to the Hospital Dumbass!

I contacted my last partner who has since been married. Neither her or her husband has ever had any kind of herpes, nor myself. I just don't think it's the case.

I've been with my gf for a year+, and this suddenly happens after some guy eats her out. Furthermore, apparently he had a sort of rash in his mouth that he told her "comes back" sometimes.

Yep. She's got herpes.