Serious question to men with gf's who weren't virgins when you met them:

Serious question to men with gf's who weren't virgins when you met them:

How do you not constantly think about the other dicks they had? If she screamed on their dick? If she is secretly wishing you were as good as the last guy?

I seriously need help with this, it's causing me alot of mental anguish. I should really go to therapy for this, I'm trying to scrape up money for it.

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I'm not gay so I don't think about other guys or their dicks

break up, go fuck some hookers and party sluts. Your next relationship wont have this issue. Or at least not to the same extent.

Or get yourself a virgin girlfriend if you want one that much. Plenty of those out there, assuming youre still young and moderately attractive.

I don't think about it. Half the time I'm thinking about someone else anyway. It would be too much work to think about all the dicks the person I'm imagining them to be had.

Damn you guys really obsess over this shit don't you?

Mine had one boyfriend before me, he was my friend and a huge pussy. I'm sure she doesn't think about him when we fuck because he didn't even have the courage to fuck her until she asked him to.

About the "there were other dicks in her" thing, human body is constantly shedding skin and other membranes. If you're literally disgusted that her pussy touched someone else's dick, don't be - it's not the same pussy it was back then. Literally.

Virgin girl here. I would never want to date a guy that likes to mentally cuck himself, it's pathetic.

>Or get yourself a virgin girlfriend if you want one that much. Plenty of those out there, assuming youre still young and moderately attractive.
Fucking WHERE. I'm 23 right now. Will graduate from grad school at 25. I'm pretty attractive, not stunning.

This. Guys obsessed with virgins are mental and usually have horrific self esteem issues.

Also: kinda fell in love with her and want it to work out.

Why's it pathetic? Why should it not be something to worry about?

>horrific self esteem issues.
I absolutely do.

Gonna start using a name on this thread. Jow Forums really should have ID's.

>I absolutely do.
There you go, late virgins and small-dicked guys always have fucked up psyche due to lack of self-esteem. I dated once a guy like you, he once threatened suicide because a guy looked at me "that way" in a restaurant, and I "looked back".

1. My relationship is more than sex. Sex is a small part of it, and even if her ex was better in bed, I'm still better than him in general. Which is why he's the ex and I'm not.

2. I don't have a compulsive need to be the best lover ever. I'm perfectly happy being average.

3. Your girlfriend not having fucked other guys doesn't change the fact they're better in bed than you. And if you're shitty in bed, not having been with someone else isn't going to make it more enjoyable for her either.

4. If my girlfriend was the sort of girl that would leave me for a better lay, she wouldn't be my girlfriend in the first place, so I'm not worried about her running off with someone else.

5. My girlfriend isn't the best fuck I've had either.

I've dated a virgin girls. They think almost exactly the same way as OP. If you even held a girls hand they get extremely jealous. So you're wrong.

All you fucking back seat psychologists really don't understand this system. Yes if you break yourself in and become less sensitive to pair bonding activities and chemicals, aka build up an immunity you stop caring about your partner. Which then allows you to go fuck around. But then you're able to fuck around no problem and that's why relationships do not exist anymore, every one is getting STD's like crazy, fathers are looked at as unimportant.

You all really need to stop, both sides. You're just making this all wrong.

>I've dated a virgin girls. They think almost exactly the same way as OP. If you even held a girls hand they get extremely jealous. So you're wrong.
>you're wrong
It's literally impossible for me to be "wrong" since it's just my opinion, don't get your panties in a bunch

Why care?

I know im sexually inexperienced, that can be fixed. As for now she is with me for a reason, if she wouldnt like the whole package I had to offer she would be gone, and vice versa.

Enjoy the moment, dont be a bitter douchebag. She is more likely to leave you for that reason

>I dated once a guy like you, he once threatened suicide because a guy looked at me "that way" in a restaurant, and I "looked back".
so much kek

your issues are with self esteem. You don't care about the warm pieces of meat that entered your gf in the past - you are afraid that you won't be able to make her feel as good as they did.

And btw you're probably right, because the lack of confidence will prevent you from actually doing your thing properly.

So for now fix your relationship with parents. Try to realize what they did wrong in your upbringing, what insecurities did they install on you. Then work towards getting rid of those.
When that's done, you'll be able to fuck even the greatest, loosest whore like a real man

>breaking yourself
>by not spending life with the same person you first got into a relationship with

the only one who may break themselves here is you, with this sort of mental gymnastics

I'm not quite that crazy. As for the small dick thing, my dick is one of the few things I'm happy with, 7" so I lucked out there. Not massive but I'm happy with it

I have a big dick so I'm not worried

This is a good post, user.

>It's literally impossible for me to be "wrong" since it's just my opinion
This is also wrong. Opinions can definitely be wrong, especially when you base your presuppositions on ignorance. You definitely could be a virgin that is turned off by guys that only care about your virginity, I didn't say OP was socialized or attractive. In fact I suggested the opposite.

Nice straw man user. Let me talk about that.
Yes user, when you enter into a relationship as an ignorant adolescent with little life experience you leave an extremely crucial decision up to chance. And the chance that those things will line up and work out is low. It's also common for people to be self destructive and cause much more harm than good. I never implied it wasn't that way.

But I'm glad you can straw man a few of my points, manipulate it to seem as if that's what I'm saying and then claim i'm the one doing mental gymnastics. Are you mentally stable user? This behavior seems rather pathological. Feel free to criticize any grammatical errors I may have made next.

I see nothing strawmanish about my post.
Also, you agreed with me and you still act aggressively which I simply don't understand.
I'm open to talk, but for this I want you to state your arguments clearly

>How do you not constantly think about the other dicks they had?
Because I had a bunch of other pussis too
If she screamed on their dick?
Because I had other pussies too
>If she is secretly wishing you were as good as the last guy?
Because I had other pussies too

Only virgins worry about this shit. Get a partner with similar sexual experience to yourself

Oh and btw OP.
I had a gf once who has had a lot of sex with a lot of guys before me (when I asked her for the number she said she's not doing a statistic)
I asked her if the size matters and she explained that there is simply too many factors to actually tell. And I don't know how much did she like to fuck with me, but we did it 7 times a day for the first month, so I guess it wasn't too bad

you literally wrote your own sentences and implied that's what i was saying, implied your own implications... it doesn't matter how clearly i state my argument if you then do what you did, increase the range of the discussion and infer what ever it is you want. Why don't you articulate your issues instead?

I asked you to state your points clearly
instead you sperg out telling me what you think I did.
why even answer me then?

I've fucked enough other people I don't really feel worried I guess. On top of that she literally hits me up at random begging for the dick so I know I'm not inadequate.

By the time you get old enough for it to matter all your childish ideas of love will be burned away. My wife fucked ten guys. I wish she'd go fuck 10 more. Can't stand the bitch.

Well fuck, she's the only one I've been with

And guys wonder why girls don't want to date virgins or inexperienced guys lol

Because they are low status generally. Women want Chads.

No. women dont want nervous paranoid impotent or sexually inept wrecks for bf

so much this

Women want status first and foremost. To expand women want men that other women have already approved of because it makes him higher status.

t. a man who only knows whores and thots
Unless by status you mean wanting a guy who has a job, education, hobbies aside from fapping to porn... then yea women want status. I'm working, have higher education, have my own hobbies and take care of my body and mind who why shouldnt I want a guy who does the same?

This is literally only a problem if you're still a virgin and going full autism over it

Most guys don't worry about this shit because they've been balls deep in plenty of other women anyway.

There's nothing wrong with that. Women generally want a man with higher success then themselves however, due to hypergamy.

>I had a gf once who has had a lot of sex with a lot of guys before me

Let me guess, she dumped you. kek.

I wouldn't wife her until you've had sex with a few other people if it's such a big deal.
You could get to be 23 and be one of those guys on campus who preys on freshman to mentally get back at those girls from your high school, haha
I wouldn't do that haha

actually I dumped her after I fucked another girl in the bathroom when she was in the living room, listening to everything.
She cut her veins a little and ended up in mental ward for two weeks.

That's fucked up, why would you enjoy hurting someone like that?

I never said I enjoyed it.
She hurt me emotionally over the course of the whole winter, I snapped back just once, but very strongly.
I felt bad about it ever since, but I still blame her for her deeds as well.

Your mind has been poisoned by hyper-competitive capitalism/corporatism since you were born. You've been raised to think that if you only give 98% on a particular day, someone else will step in, cut your throat and take your livelihood away. Most real career paths are not like that, and sex/love/relationships definitely aren't like that, at all.

Sex is not a hidden skill tree that you missed out on building forever. You can be taught and learn just like anyone else. A person that isn't willing to be patient and teach you isn't someone you want to date and get invested in.

You will not be abandoned because you're not as tall, talented, or whatever your particular insecurity is, as the ex boyfriend. You will not be abandoned because she happened to run into someone that's similar to you or different than you. Healthy adult relationships are not like that. A person that would up and trade you like a half eaten lunch is not someone you would want to stay with.

>hurt me emotionally
How so?

by claiming she was going to fuck other guys(which she didn't in the end, but whatever), by not giving me the support I gravely needed and that she was really able to give me, by sucking away my life force cause she was always terribly sad and I always tried to cheer her up.
mostly that. It's pretty hard to describe it, really

I think you are holding yourself to stupid standards. That stuff should stress you out its not important. People like to have sex its a fact of life, the past dude could have been better but this bitch is with you so whats the problem?

Watch this.

I don't even think about this at all lol
why would I?
what cost is it to me?
why would I let that haunt me of all things?
it makes no sense
unspook yourself

It seems like you're very insecure about this, OP. I would agree that perhaps you should seek therapy. There may well be some reason that this seems so important to you.

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>virgin girlfriend

Honestly don't do this unless you're a virgin too. It sounds good but trust me it isn't.

If you really want, just try to impress her in bed, see what turns her on. Make her happy dude, fuck her better than the other guys

Because we talked about everything in great detail and I don't feel threatened by them anymore.

>You definitely could be a virgin that is turned off by guys that only care about your virginity
Well then that's the end of our conversation, I do indeed have that opinion. You're talking about morally right and wrong, I assume, which is pretty retarded, it's just an opinion
>when you base your presuppositions on ignorance
When you're saying your opinion, it's based off of what you think, that's why it's called an opinion. It's impossible to be ignorant about what I like in men because I know everything about myself, just because it's triggering to you doesn't make it a "wrong" opinion

To all the guys in this thread that are pretending to be problematic but are packing 5+ inches, fuck off. I’m 4.5” which means I’ll always put my mind in competition mode even though I’m already in a relationship.

You need to thing about right now
If you have a loving and giving relationship then the other guys she was with is what she doesn't want

virgins suck as sex usually I rather date someone who has some exepience. Plus think OP she is with you actively choosing you. dont over think it and youll be fine.

What if the sex was good and then he admit that you took his virginity?

You can’t win. If you say you don’t want to fuck virgins, then I’ll lie to you and then give you the best sex you ever had. Only then to make you admit to yourself that the best sex you had was with a virgin. “Hurr durr no virgins, back off..” I’ll scam the fuck out of you, slut.

>How do you not constantly think about dicks
By not being gay.

But not liking being outcompeted is not cuckoldry.

That's easy, don't give her your resources and live by the motto "shes not yours, its your turn".

If you truly are inferior to her exes her only motive for being with you would be your money, so make sure you're not a beta provider, EVER. Which may make it hard to keep a gf, but its the only way to be sure.

Also get of the mindset that shes yours, just imagine shes a succubus who will temporarily grace you with her presence to remedy the pain of existence a bit.

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>Why I don't worry about it

I'm moderately large, I know to how have really good sex, and I'm good at keeping women interested in me

>Why you're pathetic for worrying about this
You will have sex at some point in your life too, and ill be very doubtful that that will be the last person you have sex with.

>Why is dating/fucking virgins annoying
I've fucked two virgins. They are clingy, difficult, and they expect too much. They don't know what they want with sex yet, you have to be extremely patient with them. And your first time with them will suck, it will be painful for them, they're gonna be uncomfortable, they won't want to experiment with positions. It takes 3-4 times for them to even be able to take you at full speed.

The best girls are the ones who've had lots of sex but only with 1 or 2 boyfriends. They'll be open to trying new things but you won't have to worry that much about promiscuity

get qt 18 y/o

Also to add, I've had a few girls where I was convinced they were total whores with how easy it was to get them in bed with me, only to find out in a discussion on our past experiences that most woman I've slept with have only ever had 1-3 partners.

Last girl I fucked took me literally an hour after meeting her to bang, only for her to tell me she hasn't had sex since she was 17 and she only did it twice because her birth control makes sex just unenjoyable for her

>How do you not constantly think about the other dicks they had?
Not at all. Only an a pathetic insecure beta faggot would waste time thinking about shit like that.

Never ever let her know this.

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You only think about women as a property and not as people with their own life, their own problems and, obviously, their own past. If you can't like a woman who has done stuff that she's doing with you now you shouldn't be allowed to be in a relationship. She's not your fucking toy and she shouldn't be waiting for an asshole just to avoid making you thinking about dicks.

I think when you have fucked over 20 girls, many in all holes, you kinda get desensitised to it.
Also I recall I lost my v card to an older girl (2 years older) and I never gave a shit she had other dicks inside her, I was just happy to lose my v-card. I fucked her plenty of times and never cared about not 'being her first'.
Only time it upset me was when I finally got to smash this 9.5/10 I hadn't even tried too hard to get, and found out about a week later she had a boyfriend. Fucking slut.

While there is nothing you can do to stop it crossing your mind occasionally there is something you can to that distracts you.

My gf lost her virginity at a party two months before we became official. I knew she wasn't a virgin and it killed me daily while she didn't seem to be bothered at all, even though she told me she loved me long before fucking the other guy.

Anyway the solution, and it works, I had sex with a girl I work with, twice. My gf has no idea so every time my mind wanders to the guy she preferred to give her virginity to I think about having sex with my coworker.

>and I'm good at keeping women interested in me
You’re big that’s all there is. Women see you as a rare trophy and that makes you better than me

I think being sexuall insecure has made leaning towards promiscuity. Like I don’t want to just hit up one girl on Tinder, I’ll have to always make more than one match. I’ll have to always score more than one girl. These girls probably think I only focus on them but I focus on a lot of girls.

It’s like my revenge for being genetically inferior. Like “look, I’m as good as those big dicked chads because I fuck more than one girls and I’m cheating on you, which makes me the more powerful being.”

I start to see cheating as a symbol of power. I imagine if a woman cheats on me, I will feel weak and inferior to her and her lover, so I feel the need to be polygamous, to compensate, or some sort.

>You will have sex at some point in your life too, and ill be very doubtful that that will be the last person you have sex with.

Not OP but this doesn’t matter to me. I don’t care about having sex or orgasms. I care about not losing to bigger guys. I care about not being less of a man they are. I care about my woman NOT liking big dicks. I care about my woman stop liking bigger dicks after being with me. I care about being able to just relax in a relationship without having to always put my mind in competition mode and overcompensate with things like acting douchey or getting into intellectual hobbies or making witty jokes only because there’s a man with a big bulge next to my gf.

I’m tired of permanently not being good enough. I’m tired of not relaxing.

>I care about my woman NOT liking big dicks
Then you are in for a life of hurt because every woman likes big dicks and you can do nothing about it. Men have tried to control women forever and it doesn't work. You turn your back and they slip away for a few minutes and they present that pussy to whomever tells them they are pretty. Then they slink back home to your bed and await the next time you turn your back.

I just want to be able to just relax and enjoy whatever I want to enjoy, and just do what I want. I don’t even know what I want, I think about this dick thing everyday, it’s eating me inside. This is what I always think and google 24/7, or at least how to compensate for it with wittiness and cool hobbies and other social accessories.

I just want to relax and be good enough. Being sexually inferior really bugs me and it’s making me unhappy. In the end, nothing motivates me and I’m not driven to do anything or achieve anything. Not even girls. All of them seem infeasible to me. They will moan harder with bigger guys anyway, so what’s the point? I don’t care if they love me.

I’m 4.5” and yes I’ve got PLENTY of guys to defeat. I’m exhausted. I don’t want to go out my way to get into shit anymore. I’m tired of feeling guilty listening to creed, I’m tired of using clever vocabulary, I’m tired of maintaining obscure aesthetics, I’m tired of impressing women.

These things are making me angry and bitter, I think I need anger management shit.

If you're tired of not being good enough, why not do something about it? Stop being not good enough.

Yeah well this is true and I don’t know how to properly deal with this. I’m still looking for the rationalization of celibacy and MGTOW shit without hating women because hatred-based shit is not ideal and isn’t positive. Some people MUST be destined to be alone and I just need to be comfortable with it. From what I see, life is supposed to be lived by two people. We’re not meant to take care of ourselves completely. But then why are some men born with small dicks? There shouldn’t be errors in the equation/formula of nature. Everything and everyone should have their ideal place.

I can’t stop having a small dick. It’s my genetic identity, and I will pass it on to my children. Which means no matter how successful the PE method is, I am in general inferior to the naturally well endowed guys. Well endowed guys are better than me, no matter what they do or what I do. They can just relax and not think about self improvement and women will always cum hard when fucking them. Learning to be good at sex is easy. Everyone can do it, even big guys. One girl in my building is cute, but I saw that an arabian immigrant just moved in and his bulge was huge. In the same building as us. I’m done pursuing this girl, or any girl within the radius of the apartment complex.

You don't have to live alone but you do need to deal with reality. The reality your gf or wife will fuck someone else. You deal with it just like you do when you hop in your car and don't dwell on the risk you'll die in a car crash.

Women want a stable relationship too and want to be loved, adored and have a father figure for their children. They also want dick on the side. Just find one that is kind enough to be discrete so you don't know and the public aware of the humiliation.

Know that since pair bonding began every man has been cheated on. They either know or they don't.

You're coming up with every possible excuse to not try. You're probably asexual or gay. Because you actively avoid doing anything that would get you laid with a girl.

It is depressing. While I'm not small and thought my relationship was solid, especially after having our first child, on holiday recently I caught my wife constantly preening, posing and nervously giggling whenever a guy delivered our drinks by the pool. He had an obvious large penis he did little to conceal in his shorts. The distressing thing is my wife was seemingly unaware how she was acting nor cared I was right beside her seeing it unfold. By the third day her disappointment was visible when we went to the pool and it was his day off. Let me put it this way. I didn't even want to go to the bathroom knowing if I wasn't sitting right beside her she would proposition him and slip away while I slept.

Well, my girlfriend is in her late twenties. It’s expected for an attractive girl to have had a few boyfriends. in this case, she had 3 boyfriends before we met. The reason I can ignore this fact is because those were boyfriends. She was in a relationship with them, and trusted them. That’s when she had sex. That’s pretty much as much as you can ask. She wasn’t putting herself at lots of risk by slutting around. She has never had a ONS or FwB. If she had done that, that would be a different story. But I can’t blame her for having sex with her past boyfriends.

Oh. Then good for you.

Damnit, I was before I met her. I fucking fell in love with her and I don't want want to cheat or leave her.

Fucking damnit

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See? This is painful to read. I believe you’re not a bad person and some of us do deserve a good life. Your woman must feel confident about herself and she’s not having any mental unstability. The bitter truth is that loyal women are often insecure and women who can tolerate small dicks are usually low self esteem themselves. It’s like a handsome guy dating an ugly old widow, he must have a small dick and is deeply troubled about it.

I can’t deal with it, and no normal and level headed man will naturally be okay with it. Bluepilled men will believe in self help shit on youtube and get married and get cheated on, while we redpilled men will not bow down to ‘the game’. The sex game wants us to participate and lose. But only stupid desperate men will still participate.

Just live alone and hook up with different girls until death. Of course girls can tolerate my penis size but I will not settle with any of them.

>he thinks basement-dwelling kissless virgin NEETs are redpilled and know everything about women

>hook up with different girls until death

You know this is just as damaging as drugs right?

You can’t prove me wrong about everything I said. Women like big dicks, it’s true, it’s a fact, and I can’t tolerate it. The thought of my woman moaning harder with bigger cocks will always haunt me. Of course she will not cheat on me but it’s still possible that she will have a better time with better guys.

Still sounds better than settling with a woman and living an unrelaxing and stressful life. I don’t mind short life, I don’t have anything worth keeping anyway. What do I want to see in the future? Nothing. I don’t care if I die tomorrow. If I were to be married, my children will look nothing like me anyway so I’m not gonna marry anyone.

If it's a fact, you should easily be able to post a link to something that confirms it.

So why don’t you live alone and just not have sex? Realistically, that’s what I will do with my life. I’ve had a relationship before and it was great. But it’s unlikely I’ll be able to have one again.

Holy shit you nigs are pathetic. >Something in a relationship might go wrong, better dwell on the statistical "possibilities" so I don't have to try!


Not an easy thing to explain. I could go into the rational behind it, like how it's silly af, that it involves an absolutely ridiculous double standard, that sex is just friction and two body parts meeting and rubbing and if you *really* think about it hand holding is the same damn thing minus some risks...

But truth is, it's how you feel. And if logic actually could trump feelings and emotions, humans would be millenniums ahead. It's on you to understand the root of it. Whether you're insecure and feel inadequate or if it's some pseudo moral crap instilled in you, you.figure it out, then you fix it.

This is just one small example. There are tons of other studies proving that big cock favoritism is a real thing and it’s not made up. Nothing is made up. No evil company is making it up. They’re just commercializing the popular consensus. It’s a real thing. Women will always see big dicks as a nice surprise, and they treat big dicks as like when we treat big boobs.

Except when I’m in a relationship, I will NOT be attracted to other women. I will see it as morally VERY wrong. Because I don’t want my woman to do the equivalent, that would ruin me to pieces and the first thing that I would hate would be my own self.

Don’t seek therapy OP, it doesn’t work.

t. guy who’s been in therapy for a while and still wants to khs

I would stay an incel over getting a gf, 100%.

>facts are the sad scapegoat opinions of virgins on the internet and from expressions on girls faces from big money porn industry

mkay dude

Because I’m often horny and I do want physical contact with a woman and see how my penis makes a woman feel. LTR is a complicated thing, because I wouldn’t only want to be her sex god for one night, but forever.

>I will NOT be attracted to other women

get a load of this guy, thinking the world works like this

It’s no different than how guys want a girl to have a tight pussy user.

You might be doing it wrong desu. I had bad anxiety and depression. I made the decision myself to see therapy and it helped me a lot. I was open minded and took advice from my therapist and it helped

Facts are facts, I’ve given one and there are tons more on the internet. Also I only watch amateur porn. Big dicks make them moan differently. Like really good deep pleasure. Like, sex isn’t just comfy but also exciting.