SNL unironically triggering trump

>SNL unironically triggering trump

What timeline is this

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Big media and big tech are monopolies run by foreign nationals. They will be broken up.


shut the fuck up and build the wall. tired of your bitching.

Ok... and?

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The one where bread and circus beats all

More efficient ways to prevent illegal immigrants from entering the country than a giant wall that’ll probably never be finished. A long term solution would be establishing more affordable and accessible rehab centers nationwide (the rehab centers we do have are completely full and there are literal thousands of people who want to get help but can’t) so addicts can get the help they need and won’t spend their cash on drugs that inadvertently help the fund cartel violence which forces people to immigrate illegally in the first place. Don’t you think?

>still hasnt repealed or undone that propaganda bill Obama signed or ordered.
Come on Donnie we know you laughing it up.

>unironically believing he's triggered and not baiting libs.

how does that stop mexicans from coming here and getting free rent, food and housing? neck yourself faggot.

what are you responding to yourself for lol.

meant to reply to you

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>"he's just pretending to be retarded!"

Trump playing 4D chess as we speak

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Because if they control the conversation and what people see, they can have the power. By bringing their habits to attention, they can lose viewership and resulting monies. Are you retarded, OP?

No, Trump is objectively right. What is it with libshits and trying to use insults that are literally exclusive to them to insult people?

Even using the word “triggered” perjoratively is utter submission to the Right. You’re just admitting that your entire ideology is bullshit.

Can someone who never claimed to be triggered be triggered?

>be complete and absolute asshole to one man
>that one man says something in response

You fuckers are very close to a threshold that once crossed can't be uncrossed.

>what is it with libshits and trying to use inshlts that are literally exclusive to them to insult people

The word triggered isn’t exclusive to any one group tf. Also how is trump right here? He’s advocating for the courts to punish snl and nbc for not portraying him in a positive light. I get poltards want america to become fascist but come on this isn’t justifiable under our current laws.

Its not about him defending himself its about him claiming there are any grounds to bring nbc to court. You guys are really good at twisting words.

He needs to do this and also do something about Jones/his base getting silenced on the internet.

>are you retarded op?
>is posting on Jow Forums
Use dedictive reasoning shithead.

You are letting lawlessness and anarchy preside in place of simple logical thinking. This is why most democrats are retarded. What's wrong with stopping undocumented people and flow of drugs into our country while also making it safer with a good wall?

I just adressed why I think a wall would be wasteful and a superior solution. There is nothing wrong with stopping illegals and drugs but there are better ways to go about it. Its almost as if you guys don’t read what I propose and meerily repeat programmed responce based on my flag.

>making it safer with a good wall?
it makes no sense, because rehab and treating drug addiction as a medical problem instead of a crime is both cheaper and more effective for society. Every country that decriminalized drugs reduced addiction rates and improved happiness.

I'm not wasting taxpayer dollars so that foreign niggers can ride the government dime. A real solution to the illegal alien problem is staring you in the face; when they try to cross the border, shoot them, problem solved. Break our sovereign citizenship laws? Instant death penalty.

In what reality is that not an easy, effect, safe, and cheap solution?

>25 posts in this thread
>11 are OP

That’s gonna be a yikes from me dog.


Why doesn't he just command the military to squash all the commies like insects? I'm sure at least half would follow his orders.

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Yes. Stop the drugs. Where are they going to get certain hard to get drugs if we simply shut down the supply? Guess after a while they won't need needle safe havens. No drug no problem. At least cut the supply off as much as humanly possible. You think of help as in here's a clean needle now put it in the red bin on your way out k thanks see you tomorrow for your heroin fix 9am.. fucking joke

>show flag
>happy hanukkah

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>At least cut the supply off as much as humanly possible.
the US has spent 50 years doing that, and not only has it failed to stop the flow, the problem has actually gotten worse. If you seriously buy into the idea of a "war on drugs" you are a sheep 15 years out of date and beyond help.

Mazel tov

Trump is a meth addict (adderall), thin-skinned person. It's a miracle he hasn't lost his mind with all the negative coverage.

I don't think America really tried it's best to stop the flow. We have never had a real wall either and Border patrol wasn't allowed to fully do their jobs. We have shores with coast guards and borders with shitty fencing and holes dug under them. It can be stopped if we really tried. Just look how fucked in the head dems are acting not giving a fuck about your financial needs or safty putting illegal immigrants ahead over you and your families needs and you where probably born here from American parents. But you get the shit end of the stick and you like it?


>government spends 1 trillion dollars on the war on drugs
>pseudo intellectual on Jow Forums
>oH tHeY jUsT dIdNt TrY hArD eNoUgH

I like Trump but why the fuck is he so triggered by the most mundane shit? Like he’s playing right into their fucking hands but even humoring them.

We have never had a wall. We have never had a secure border. Walls work Ask Isreal


samefag failfag
the absolute state of you

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The Dixie Chicks dindu nuffin. Southern hillbillies couldn't handle the idea of the Iraq war being bullshit so they labeled them as terrorist apologists lmao

Its not because they dont portray him in a positive light, nbc and snl paint him as retarded satan, they pick a grain of truth about him and mix it with a sea of lies and deceive.

Oh no snl is mean to me and calls daddy trump bad names. They’re the real nazis. Lock them up for hate speech.

Line em all up in front of a firing squad and livestream it.


Member when trump was calling other people snowflakes? Lmfao guy has been crying nonstop about kneeling at a football game and snl making fun of him

Because he wants you to talk about what he's talking about. He's bringing it to attention and discussing the same topics we do.
It's like he's posting on Jow Forums, but instead on Twitter.

Trump's personality is such that he obsessively follows all criticism that is aimed at him.

Their lame slander attempts are getting to him.
Baldwin's impersonation of Trump really gets under POTUS's skin.

I dont want punnishment for them, i just want less misinformation in tv, dont really know how it would be possible tho.

this. pass a fairness act. break up monopolies. etc.

>trump crying means he’s a snowflake
The snowflake meme was never meant to imply weakness or sensitivity, it’s a jab at the liberal urge to feel “special” and “unique.” I’m not sure why leftists can’t grasp this because it seems so obvious

Stop changing IPs.

Baiting the libs for WHAT? Why doesn't this MAGAkike do something? We've got hard proof from the wikileaks that news agencies collude with dems when writing articles, literally letting the DNC edit and approve shit they wrote about Hillary before release. Why doesn't this fat faggot write an EO about it, or order the military to storm CNN, or fucking something, literally ANYTHING besides these gay tweets!

You MAGAspics can go fuck yourselves.

oh shut the fuck up you goddamn pussy

the president saying the courts should investigate a goddamn unfunny dinosaur of a satirical show is gonna make you pick up a rifle?

shut the fuck up

Trigger warnings were a serious issue to you faggots
Then cuck was kink shaming and a beautiful thing to be
Then NPC was dehumanizing nazi speak
Never tried taking on soiboy though, wonder why

>the truth is retarded

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because he's a retarded pussy

How does a giant fucking wall stop mexicans from scampering unhindered across the border? It provides a physical barrier that excludes them.

Yes I know that there are other way that spics can get in but this will at least stop some of them. It's like how the skin doesn't stop all of the pathogens from entering your body but it stops damn near most of them.

No, they're pissing people off. He's justified.

>people agree with a democrat on certain issues

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you're a fucking pussy too

they're being mean to your big tough president and you're fucking crying about it? fuck you


None of those things are important to the slightest or even relevant to the majority of democrats. Why? Because most of is don’t spend our time on twitter and tumblr making up buzzwords to shame the right. Maybe if you weren’t a part of the sargon of akkad ecochamber and realized that sjws make up less than %1 of the left you’d be able to comprehend this.

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A more affordable solution is live rounds for the border patrol,

Oh, I was fucking right, haha. Fuck off nigger.

you're a pussy and your parents would feel nothing but slight relief if you died.

You're a nigger and you'll probably be in prison in the next 5-10 years. Don't worry, most niggers are habitual offenders, so you'll spend most of your life in and out of jail.

Ah yes. Love it when you losers have absolutely no way to counter another persons argument and fall back on the old n-word trope.

your pussy-ass thin-skinned bitchmade president will be there first. and he'll never walk back out.

They should go out with the wall, make that shit a fancy great wall.

Double nigger

Excactly the logic used against national Enquirer. Turn about is fair play

>Call a man Hitler for years
>Surprised when he says fuck all of you seditious kikes
>Oy vey why is he literally Hitler?

The man has more patience than me desu

Bruh he wasn’t even talkin about the wall he was talkin about the proposal to open up more rehab centers to prevent druggies funding cartel violence. The idiot replied to his own comment as well but your even worse because you replied to a reply of his own comment affirming his own stance whilst simultaneously believing he isn’t for the wall which he is. You guys are so incredibly stupid its amazing.

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>What is it with libshits and trying to use insults that are literally exclusive to them to insult people?

Their entire ideology seems to be just excusing shitty human behavior. Like the term "racist" and how they can label anyone and everyone a racist, but the term/label doesn't stick on their own group. Meaning that was the intended use of the word the whole time -- labeling the out-group.

They have the same attitude with their attacks, constantly bringing up problems with behaviors in others they seem to permit whole in themselves and their groups. It's why we need to stop taking them seriously at all.

SNL hit a little to close to the truth, last night.

Of course Trump was triggered. He's like... Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck... I COULD be dating a 28 yr old Moldavian gymnast, instead of dealing with all this shit.

Why does such a small portion of Democrats control the entire narrative then?

They don’t, you just choose to believe they do. The majority of the successful canidates in the democratic party are center leftists (Obama, Beto O’Rourke types). We have like two socialist in our mold, and yet you focus all your attention on them. This narrative you are talking about only exists in the minds of rarted trump supports, fascists and BASED centrists.

Not to mention they spew it 24/7 for 2 years now and not looking to slow down.

He's really losing it because he's going to jail.

nice gaslighting faggot
obama and beto are not "center leftists" they are communists


Is Trump the least powerful demagogue on earth right now?he could get on my nerves with stupid whinges about unfair media coverage.


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The timeline where the 1st amendment exists, but Trump forgot about it.

go get fucked in your boipussy. faggot.

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they hate america, its culture, and what it stands for

But my freedom of press.

>how does splitting up multinationals with agendas effect freedom of press?

Because Trump bad orange man.

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>Alec Baldwin is colluding with Mueller by making fun of him
Jesus Christ this is comedy gold

The lesson here is to never give leaders social media accounts.

I don’t think you understand what communism is

he knows he's fucked for Russian collusion so he's just trying to project his insecurities on others, as usual.

no, never let autistic unqualified retards to lead a country

Social media could be a good thing. Like a modern day version of the Fireside chats with transparency. It's what Trump is autistically boomer-posting that's fucking cringe.

The only really bad thing about Trump is that he's s boomer..