Gf is SJW, can't accept the fact that I want to look at porn...

Gf is SJW, can't accept the fact that I want to look at porn. I don't want to lie about it either but it seems a lot of guys do. 2 years in now and feels like a waste to split but at the same time we have really different values. What do?

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Get out now before she destroys you like mine did to me. She will take your dignity and stomp on it and then have the nerve to pretend to be the victim.

That’s being a reactionary prude, not an sjw.

oof, reminds me of my tumblr days eck. get out asap dude she wont listen to you if you have any problems and victim complex your ass

What the actual fuck why look at porn when you have a gf, isn't a gf meant to serve those erges, this is your fault dude, if i had a gf i wouldn't want her to watch porn.

t. never had a gf


Why are you even with her?

What happened?

I'd be more worried about the sjw part than the porn.

>gf is a SJW
stopped reading right there.
tell that useless bitch to shut the fuck up and suck your cock if she does not want you looking at porn.

I fucking love her though why is this so hard. I feel like no girl would be ok with porn or weebshit desu so do I have to sacrifice my interests to have a gf? How is that fair? We have other issues but the one which comes up too often is the porn one. She's hurt that I want to watch it even when I know it hurts her.

I just want to be able to if I want, I don't care if she does it.

Every woman is a sjw nowadays, especially in my country.

story time?

Serious question. How are you attracted to an SJW?

>Every woman is a sjw nowadays

My girlfriend thinks feminism is bs.

>in my country

Where do you live? Canada?

She decided I was a Nazi who defended Trump everytime she would complain about him(I didn't I just corrected her on the facts because she quoted everything from Facebook and/or CNN)
This was after a year and a half of her telling me how much she loved me and how great a father I would be to her kids.
Tell her to either put out or shut up. If she's not willing to satisfy your needs why should you satisfy hers?

>every basic bitch roastie is a sjw nowadays
You can find a gf that is not an SJW it is possible but you are more than likely pussy whipped by this basic bitch.
Get your rose colored glasses of and get some standards.
I had plenty of SJW bitches jumping on my dick aswell before i found my gf, i waited and it paid off for me.

Ha that’s funny. I was dating a Canadian girl (I’m American). She seemed fucking awesome. She had money, was smart as shit. We never spoke of politics before. But then on Election Day, just after she had sent me a Snapchat video of her masturbating, she said “oh btw, who did you vote for?” When I said Trump..... “wow I didn’t know you hated women. Who the fuck are you??”.. it went south very fast. I argued that she’s not even a US citizen so she shouldn’t give a fuck. Then she called me a supporter of the patriarchy and a misogynist.

I have only encountered a couple and they hate me as soon as I open my mouth. I don't even understand how you would get in a relationship with them

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define 'won't accept'. i mean what will happen if you just keep doing it?

She wasn't even a crazy feminist. Just bought into the "Drumpf is racist and sexist so everything he says or does is garbage because he's a garbage person" meme. She dumped me and then tried to play the victim with everyone I know because she was depressed and thought she'd die alone, and now fast forward a month and she's got some new guy wrapped around her finger.

>I feel like no girl would be ok with porn or weebshit
I don’t know why you think that, there are, if anything, too many fujos.

One day after your single and fapped yourself into a deep state of depression you'll realize your girlfriend was exactly what you needed to break your porn addiction and live a healthy life.

Wow she sounds like a bitch

She looks good and other than the sjw part has really cool rare interests which I share.

Worse, Sweden. I don't have anything against feminism relating to equality etc. But overall this third wave feminism is not very progressive and hurts society as a whole I feel.

Give up and move to another country. You will either be killed of by a Muslim Caliphate or enslaved by the Swedish Feminist Matriarchy

But the SJW mentality is a huge personality flaw

Just do no-fap, and fuck the shit out of her pussy.

Wew lad, I'd probably be suicidal if I was forced to live in that shithole.
God Bless America.

ITT: men crying about how monogamy is such a hardship and claiming all men are the same, then blaming women for daring to feel insecure about it or painting all men with the same cum-encrusted brush
You made your bed, now lie in it.

Nobody asked you for your opinion, roastie.

Lol fuck off roastie

I'm second gen immigrant myself actually though integrated family. Just got my first engineer job.

This is what I'm afraid of.

OP here, what do you mean?

Has there been communication between you two about it? Something other than, "You watch porn?", "Yeah", "that hurts my feelings!"? Do you understand why she wants you to stop looking at porn and does she understand why you watch it? For any relationship to work there has to be clear communication. If you two can't figure something out for an honest talk then this is going to be one of the steps of the eventual breakup.

swerfs are disowned even among sjews you're dating a dumb shit liberal

Yes, she feels like it objectefies the actors and that it's a form of abuse no matter the gender. I don't agree. However if this rift causes us to break up I'll be the dude who destroyed the relationship because porn. Also lot of shared friends we've met eachothers grandparents etc.

Tell her she needs to put out then. If the woman doesn't want to put out she has NO REASON to complain about how you cope with it

What do you mean put out? Sex? Ofc she always is fine with it. I want to watch porn when I'm alone, I'm not doing it when she's home or instead of sex.

>not watching together shittalking the acting on video while you guys jerk eachother
Does she hate fun? I love doing this with my bf

>actors make 10 times what I make in a day, but they make it in an hour and I hate what I do
>they choose to do it
>they are being abused but I am not
Shiggy diggery dock

Yeah, and i watch porn :( why is no fap so hard, pun intended.

She is right, porn is bad for you and the porn lobysts will try to convince you otherwise. It changes the way you see women and transforms you into a person who cares too much about looks. And more: you waste a colossal amount of time trying to find the perfect video and it drain your will to do other things.
In my opinion, there isn't no healthy relationship with porn. Porn is bad and there it is. About masturbation, I personally don't see a problem, but you can stop faping for a while so it will be easier to forget about porn.

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Is it the concept of being allowed to, or do you constantly browse porn and brag to her about it.

Kinda this.

Goddammit, are you really so cucked, so castrated by your heli mother that you can't even tell a simple lie? Just say you don't watch it anymore and period, if she keeps digging it you throw the guilt on her, flip the table, and ask why is she so worried about that, if she doesn't trust you and other BS alike.

She is right


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Why don't you stop watching porn and demand more sex from her?
Really, if you give porn that level of priority, something is wrong.

Me being allowed to. I don't want to talk to her about it.

>avoiding consequences is the cucked thing to do.
The absolute state of men.

Exactly I don't want to lie.

They're not men.

What the fuck? Just dump the bitch if she becomes too possesive. There's nothing wrong in watching porn if it's done in healthy amounts and it doesn't otherwise control your life. It's also a good way to explore your sexuality (duh).

>I overdosed on Pepe The Frog memes to the point where everyone that I disagree with is a SJW feminazi

Being against porn is some right-wing Christian shit, what the hell does being SJW have to do with that

Horseshoe theory isn't a meme bro.
Feminists and right wing christians both:
>hate pornagraphy.
>think it's inappropriate for a man and woman to be alone together.
>don't want sex outside of a contractual agreement (marriage/consent forms)
>treat women like children.
It's the circle of life.

There's loads and tons of feminists who support pornography, and the rest of your meme arrows are just more strawman shitposts.

The only thing that is objectively true is that being right-wing christian is a well-defined thing which includes hating on pornography, while being a "SJW" is just whatever shit someone calls you because they think you're too much of a lefty. It's completely meaningless.

Feel free to play your partisan games then.

ah yes I'm the partisan one because I don't go around tossing ESS JAY DUB at everyone and anyone I disagree with

Not him but why does it upset you if it isn't even real?

it doesn't upset me I just think it's silly how dumb kids think that everything and everyone is SJW

Is it seriously this hard to refrain from watching porn? What do you get from watching another guy fuck a woman you will never have? Is it a cuck thing? I don't like the buzzword usually, but here it seems to fit the situation. Are all men secret cucks or what?

You have a gf, go fuck her and forget shitty porn.

She's a possessive bitch. If she had a huge dildo, would you be mad/jealous?

Im very PC and even i understand porn is a normal thing
Jesus christ just break up with her. I know it feels like a waste but youre also using up that time and effort on her when you could be with someone else that treats you right

>implying gf will put out on demand

have you ever had a gf desu? not how it works.

I am the gf and I have a higher sex drive than my bf.

No I wouldnt care

you have a gf just use your memories FUCK YOU

>lying about porn
My girl and I share hentai recommendations
Y'all gotta pick the ones who actually like you, man

Many girls are ok with theyr bfs looking at porn. Some girls do it too, or even together. I think she has weird way of seeing porn. Actors in porn do it cause they like it. Women majority of times get paid way more than men. Its a bussiness and majority of porn sites or toys owners are women...
I think shes just jelous and want to control you. I bet you dont even care for porn, issue is that shes forcing you to do something you dont agree with. She doesnt have much reason to why and it pisses you off. I think either make her realise how stupid her assumptions are or find some cute girl whos not crazy jealous with who you can watch porn together! Im a wamen

If my girl were as foul-mouthed as you I'd probably fap more too

I literally just think that the people who do fit the label SJW are on the same wavelength as the fundementalists.

If she has one, give her shit about. See how that makes her feel

>tfw after two shitty relationships I finally picked up my balls and found me a decent girlfriend
>Moved in together after 2 year mark
>Been getting into politics
>She's super open minded and accepts everything I accept
>Tfw sex whenever
>She still has an issue with me jerking it to porn
>But I somehow manage to condition her to accept that it's not a problem
>Life is good

then talk with her, what kind of porn is ok for her, after all there is feminst porn or couples sharing their sex out there.

>can't accept the fact that I want to look at porn.
I gave my wife the choice
When ever I feel like jerking off, she can have sex with me or she can finger herself while I watch and then come on her tits
Or I can watch porn sometimes
She eventually got tired of being my living tribute and is now OK with porn

I have hot, personally 10/10 redhead young GF that always takes my cock If I want to give it to her.

But Sex is not the alternative to pornography, most of the times after starting the day with 1-3 times Sex, that makes my cock want to have even more action but my brain wants it without all the undressing and wasting even more time.

I want to be over with it quickly. This is also the case, before I go to bed its midnight, I have barely 8hs to sleep but my cock is hard and prohibiting sleep. i could wake up my GF, undress her, make her wet, fuck her, cum in her, clean it up, ask her, if she wants to cum aswell, do that then fall asleep.
Or just wank one out in 5 Minutes and fall asleep saturated.

Porn doesnt mean I dont really want my girl and it doesnt mean that she is not fullfilling my needs.

It's kind of like saying, stop eating fast food,you have a perfect kitchen back home.

same with my girl, the thought of me jerking it to other women hurts her emotionally just as much as if I would cheat, which obviously is more of a problem for her during her period. But other than that she knows that most guys do it and that it's not something I do to harm her.

Thank you for the answer, I will try this. Just feels weird to break up because of this after 2 years.

She doesn't mastrubate at all dude.

No porn is okay.

Haha dunno if this would work.

I agree, I have to make her believe that it's not the same as sex or instead of sex.

Tell her she can’t control your life and if she can’t handle that aspect of you, then she’ll do the same with other aspects of your life. But also porn is actually bad for you. Especially if you have a girlfriend. It basically makes her think she isn’t good enough. Either stop watching porn or make her accept who you are. Don’t lie because she’ll know eventually

user are you a pedo?

OP, it seems like you're addicted to porn (like most of people watching it regulary, including myself)
If you still have to watch porn when you have gf to fuck with, something is definitely wrong
I guess that 2 week of no-fap and then just masturbation, without watching porn should do the job

If you're wondering why the fuck it bothers her, it's probably not the reason she stated
She treats it as a form of cheating, and feels like you're choosing your porn over her, implying that she's not good enough for you (and that acctresses looks better than her)
Even if it's not like that, you are not able to change how she sees it

Is having it as an interest being addicted?

do you really feel entitled to fantasize and jerk off to other women while you are in a relationship? treat your girlfriend with some dignity and give her your sexual energy - don't cheat and give it to other women.