I cheated on my blind gf

As the title says, I cheated on my blind gf. I feel so bad about it and I confessed it to her, but she refuses to leave me, even after I suggested her to do so. It's really fucking with me. She does rely on me a lot, but I took advantage of her trust. Why would she do this? It's so strange to me. What should I do?

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Was she upset when you told her? Seems pretty fucked up but if she relies on you due to her disability she may be reluctant to tell you off even if she wants to for risk of her own well being

She didn't seem upset. She just brushed it off like it meant nothing. I feel like i was more upset about ne cheating than she was.

She's probably hurting a lot inside, but just doesn't show it because you're probably all she had (or at least you represent a big part of her life)... Damn. Shame on you. Shame...

Commit suicide, I mean this unironically. If you truly want to atone for what you've done, give her freedom.

No, don't do that. That'll make her more sad.

That's pretty fucked. She is probably scared to be alone because she is fucking blind. That's like betraying a helpless puppy tier shitbaggery.
I couldn't live with that. Good luck.

That makes sense, her family has been less than kind to her for her disability, they treat her like a second class citizen.
That's a bit harsh
Thanks i guess

This is fucking sad. YOU made her feel like a second option. You cheated on her. I can't even imagine how hurt she feels. The poor lass...

I really hate myself for it too. It was a less than poor decision and it aches me to have done it. I can only hope it doesn't affect her that bad. I want to talk to her about it when she wakes up. I really want to know how she feels, and if i'm honest I had previously considered 7907's idea.

Advice can't help you. Just feel bad by yourself. Dummy. Maybe you could bring in a man with a better wang to bang her so hard she gains her sight back.
Good luck idiot

Consider 7970's idea if you're a selfish bastard. That's a way to abandon her and escape out of the situation your in because you don't think you can patch things up. Talk to her and get to know her real feelings. Actually apologize to her, if you are truly sorry and don't wish to cause her anymore trouble.

If you actually don't care (there is a possibility since you did cheat), then you may consider 7907's idea. You wouldn't be much a human if so.

That wouldn't make her happier. If anything, it'd only be worse, especially considering that she doesn't like to be seen naked really at all, nonetheless having sex with a complete stranger.
Thanks for the actual advice my friend. Better than the sentiment that everyone else has pushed so far.

Go ahead and play the pity card faggot. It's not like our opinion of you can be any worse.

>zeroes in on a disabled girl because she's easier to aquire than one without
>betrays her because he's that pathetic
I hope this is a larp. For the blind girls sake.

We were actually childhood friends, and she wanted to be with me. That's also not exactly how that went down.

well you're a fucking retard
hate yourself all you want and say sorry as many times as you can, but you're still an asshole
have you considered that NOT doing shitty things is better than feeling sorry after you've made them?

We've all done shitty things and can all be called "asshole" and much more for it, so get off your fucking high horse loser

You are a monster, she seems so sweet and trusting

I won't refute that last statement. Of course, as a blind person you need to be trusting in others to be benevolent.

Not gonna lie, OP, that's pretty bad. I've done bad shit but you've got me topped. That being said, a lot of the shit itt is gut-reactions rather than advice. If you want some REAL advice, I'll try my best. Firstly, in terms of dealing with the girl, it's best that you sit her down and tell her everything you're saying here and as intentionally and clearly as possible: that you're unsure about how she really feels, all the guilt you're feeling, and how you really want to know where to go next with that. Secondly, in terms of dealing with your guilt, learn from this: acknowledge that it was truly evil behavior that cannot be excused or allowed to happen again. In times when you feel superior to others, morally righteous, or generally angry at others, remember that you did this. Remember that you are just as bad as everyone else and try to use that as an excuse to improve yourself before you go after others. That's all I've got.

What exactly did you do? There's different shades of cheating. Are we talking going on a date, sex, flirting with a coworker, eyeing a hot girl passing by, masturbating to porn?

Some people have really out there ideas of what cheating is, so I figure it's worth asking.

Regardless, be better to her in the future and don't repeat the mistake. If she forgives you she forgives you, ultimately that's her decision to make. Just make sure she's actually okay and be good to her going forward.

Thank you user, i can't thank you enough.
It was drunken sex, and yes I used protection.

That's shitty of you. As for why she doesn't seem upset, I assume shock might be part of it. Even if she is heavily reliant on you and reluctant to leave because of it she'd probably display obvious signs of being upset. It might be that it will start to sink in over time. Either way it's her choice if or when she's ready to leave you for it. Just be a good person and do right by her from here on out, and carry that into any future relationships you may have as well.

if she forgives you move on with your life and relationship, but don't you EVER FUCKING DARE forget how bad you fucked up and never do it again.

If you do it again, you should do this to yourself:


>drunken sex
that's probably the only reason she didn't go nuclear on your ass, because of impaired judgement.

I stand by the rest of what I said.



Are you trying to be me?

I'm not op. Situation sucks for him tho.

Just leave user, you're not doing her any good to stick around.
You've already fucked it, she's not going to forget it. She might not bring it up tomorrow or next week, but you're always both going to know you can't be trusted and it's going to come up at some point.

You don't need the headache, she doesn't need the headache, you've fucked it, just move on.

>Better than the sentiment that everyone else has pushed so far.
Cool, so you're shopping around for people to condone it. Do the girl a favor and neck yourself, you treacherous cunt.

>victim partner "forgives" the cheater
>cheater realizes he/she got away with it
>cheats some more
Every time. I feel bad for her.

I meant that everyone else was being an unhelpful ass, meanwhile they provided advice, which is shockingly the point of the advice board. Anywho, if you payed a lick of attention, you would know that i more than condemn my actions.

Is Eliza/Ciara still around?

I don't think so user

I hate her, but i miss her.

Nice bait, Canadian?


>cheating on your blind gf
That's just evil man

>We've all done shitty things
Fuck you, I've never cheated. Op is a scumbag

Women do this shit all the time. The difference is the man isn't literally blind but figuratively. The result the same because the man accepts any reason or excuse to welcome or beg her back.

Hreat reading comprehension user.
What the hell are you bullshitting yourself with.

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how legit is cheating when drunk. they are aware of their actions right? I don't drink and never had sex but a female friend of mine justified her cheating because she was drunk.

It doesn't justify shit

okay that's what I thought. the way she said it seemed like it was a very normal thing to happen so I went "yeah shit happens I guess".

It doesn't justiy shit [2]
It must be a burden to live without vision, it must be a backstab to be cheated. But but of them at once?
Shiet, glad Jow Forums is not a real life meeting bc OP would be beaten to unconsciousness.

Kill yourself faggot, you should've never told her that

Not your responsibility to care past what she’s willing to express.

I take it your relationships don't last long

What relationships?

desu it’s kinda hot OP

you should bully her some more

like fuck someone right in front of her

just completely wrap her around your finger

>Brushed it off

Maybe she's realised that she's at the mercy of another person's judgement for her whole life and has resigned to the fact that securing herself is more important than a breach of trust.

Sad but the most likely thought.

Again, that’s fucking hot as shit.

>get the katawa shojou reality
>fuck it up
Are you a literal fucking retard?!

No, that honestly hurt me to read.
I hope not, i hope that she really didn't care and that things will get sorted out. Of course, that seems too much to be real.

>I hope she didn't care

Come the fuck on man. Accept you fucked up big time and stop trying to weasel out of the bad fee fees. If you had any shred of integrity you'd accept it, vow to never do it again and be loyal to the women you chose to be yours.

But we all know you just want us to justify your bad feelings away.

I'm guessing you kind of disregarded everything previously stated to make this post.

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Tell someone who wants a gf to be her bf and pretending to be you, it's a win-win

>two bad things make a good one
just shut the fuck up
there are lines that shouldn't be crossed, and you know it

Unless you are also blind/retarded/deaf/elephant-man,etc., and you cheated on her with another blind/retarded/deaf/elephant-woman, then you are just an incredibly shitty person and should kys.

Closest thing there i fall under is amputee

where to find qt blind gf?

Just look around.

I think there might be an opening pretty soon if you play your cards right, judging by this thread

You suck man.

Just wait until one finds you

I bet she never saw it coming.

>We've all done shitty things
I try to only do shitty things to people who deserve it. And I've sure as hell never cheated on a dependent significant other (or anyone, for that matter)

>I betrayed someone's trust in one of the worst ways imaginable and now I'M the one that feels bad, pls help
>why would she do this?

You've basically eclipsed ALL the 'shitty things' I've EVER done put TOGETHER in one fell swoop, you faggot. I can only imagine the trust issues that you must have inflicted. People like you are real cancer.

Please post a picture of your blind gf

Different user, how’s you start dating anyway? Also was she always blind?

They’re gonna be waiting awhile.
I rate this half a kek, too on the nose

>Why would she do this? It's so strange to me.
Because she's blind and completely dependent on you, so she can't just break up and find herself a new boyfriend. It's quite obvious, really.

I know it was said already, but kys my man

You're getting too fired up over some shit on the internet. For all you know, he's a fucking troll. God you are fucking stupid.
Blind people can still find other people to live with you tard.

That's some bad bait. Honestly, i'm getting somewhat fed up with all you loser moral fags getting so pissy about me telling a story and asking for advice.
No thank you
We started dating when we were 16. We knew each other years before we started dating. It started when she asked me, and that is pretty all there is to tell
You got a chuckle from me
She's not completely dependent on me. She has a job, she just relies on me for housing, food, etc. She essentially supplements our income.

>making this thread and expecting an echo chamber to fix up your crying cuntbag ass
You will bleed on the inside, fag. That's your penance.

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>anything that's telling me that I'm a little shit looking for a pat on the back is bait
Pathetic attempt at hiding your bleeding ego.
Go to reddit if you want an echo chamber this bad.

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>Anyone who disagrees with me is a pathetic redditor

>Assuming that everyone is OP

Nobody here is your yes man nor would care enough about your faggot ass on here to accuse others of bait, OP.
Man up and accept the state of (You).

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You almost got me with that one, pener

Did you do it while she was in the room?

Because if not, you're a pussy.

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Fuck you. I don't know how you know, but i fucking hate you.

Depending on how long ago you confessed, she could still be processing it. She probably didn't see this coming.

Aw lawdy my poor sides

Confessing to cheating just to try and clear your conscious is almost as bad as the act itself. Couldn’t you have kept it from her to save her the pain/shame? Your mistake so should be your burden..

Hope you get raped and murdered

You want her to leave so you can feel less guilty about being a lowlife. You should talk to her about trying a lot harder to make up for the mistake which hurts her. If that doesn't get her upset she might actually be ok with it? Don't fucking do it again though

Damn, this is a really sad thing to read. I don't really have any advices but I really hope the best for your relationship.

I didn't read any of the posts because they are probably all terrible.

You did because you feel trapped and didn't know how to escape the situation. She realizes why you did it and doesn't care because she wants to keep you trapped. If you want to leave the relationship, then just leave. Tell her parents to take care of her.

yeah ask her if a drunk driver should be held responsible when they get someone killed

Treat her better and don't do it again. Simple as that.

Maybe lay off the drinking too.