Is this normal?

I seem to have a cat tongue texture (both visually and in touch sensation) on the inner portion of my vagina, before the hymen. There is also a noticeable groove and two long stretches. They almost look like scars. But with cat tongues.

Is this normal?
Do I have schizophrenia?

Attached: BDSaBGg.jpg (1080x1920, 367K)

Do you mean the surface is actually rough like a cat's tongue?

yes, but only in certain patches. not quite as intense as a cat's tongue. like a mini cat's tongue. the design is the same, but smaller.

It shouldn't be literally rough, no. The shingled texture is pretty normal but it would normally be super soft kind of like the tissue under your tongue or on the inside of your cheek.

oohh... I want to try your vagina
that looks like it would be nice and stimulating
seriously doubt that it's a symptom of schizophrenia though

its more like the top of your tongue, than the underside of the tongue.
the texture is noticeable and reminded visibly me of mini cat, though.

what is shingled?

Shingled isn't really the right word but all I mean is it's normal if the tissue in there isn't perfectly smooth.

If it's not rough and is soft like a tongue then it's fine. Go see a gyno if you're worried.

a quick look with google and bing says that this is well within normal
I assume you've had an OB/GYN exam?
If the doc didn't say anything, you're golden

You're fine, all vaginas are different and porn ruins perceptions about what a vagina "should" look like

haha no im not letting some creepy doctor rape me

Oh so you're dumb.

wtf?!?! no, most OBYs are female
find a doc you're comfortable with and have a sit down with her to talk over your concerns

>I seem to have a cat tongue texture on the inner portion of my vagina
>Do I have schizophrenia?
I'm fucking dying right now

Attached: 1482295202166.jpg (640x480, 36K)

lesbians can be doctors now its 2018

Yeah maybe make an appointment with a psychiatrist too.

You don't sound very pleasant when you type here so I don't think you look very pleasant to match, I wouldn't worry about them wanting to touch you.

yeah, ok
check around
get reviews
talk to a couple of them
I do that for all kinds of professionals

besides, what does the docs gender or sexuality matter if it's respectful and professional?

She's the type of person to think anything is rape.

Hey You have aids/terminal bloating in the abdominal area.

Now go to an actual doctor and stop asking randoms.

Lesbians are a very small minority, also there is the fact that most lesbians wouldn't major in the hard sciences in college and therefore wouldn't become doctors. Also by very small minority I mean less than 2% of the female population.

Are you sure you're not part cat?

Eww is pic related actually it?

Nevermind. When I first saw the pick I thought that was human skin.