Why is my best friend okay with me hanging out with her even though she knows I've had feeling for her ? She already rejected me saying she doesnt like me romantically
Usually if i don't like someone romantically and they like me romantically id cut them off but she's keeping me around and asking me to hang out more
Because she's your best friend and just because you're feeling burned doesn't mean she is?
Landon Perry
Because she sees you as a friend, nothing more.
Two options for you: accept things the way they are and stop having feelings for her, and invest this emotional energy elsewhere,
Distance yourself in an attempt to stop these feelings for her.
Isaac Davis
Because she enjoys your company but does not believe you to be a suitable partner capable of fulfilling her needs. This is a good thing user. Normal healthy people have friends of both sexes. You can even ask her to set you up with someone which will both A potentially get you your own girlfriend and B help you move on. Also mature non jealous women like men who have some female friends. Means you actually like women for more than their pussy.
She did tell me she was lonely so I'm starting to think she's using me to cure her loneliness ? She knows i like her so she knows ill do anything to make her happy pm so she knows ill be there for her
William Ramirez
You make her feel attractive. Her self esteem is low and she gets a little boost from being around you. nothing personal.
Ian Moore
Free attention and validation
I'm a dude and I had girls who had crushes on me who I turned down who I liked to keep around because it made me feel attractive and they would sometimes bring me free food.
Isaiah Morgan
I feel bad for you OP, because I know how it is. I'd recommend you to stop hanging out with her, so that it wouldn't hurt so bad. Don't make the same mistakes I did. It will only make things worse.
Because you're her friend you dingleberry. Stow your feelings and suck it up and treat her like a friend or tell her you're too immature to cope with your shit and leave her alone.
Jason Foster
Its not being immature if im hurting emotionally everytime we hang and im just like "she's so cute" etc etc but she don't feel the same way and the heart wants what it wants, we don't choose who we like/love
Parker Johnson
No, but you can choose to do the mature thing, shove all those feelings down into a really deep corner of your brain, and just be a friend to this girl, or tell her you can't bear to be around her and go cry it out on your own. Those are your 2 options.
Thomas Mitchell
Heaps of girls do this to betas.makes them feel powerful and in control with no sexual contact involved. Of course for guys we find these scenarios switched a waste of time unless we just want a fuck buddy, so we just break contact.
Jacob Martin
>T. Incel virgin that has capitulated everything
Dylan Harris
Lmfao I'm not that guy but fuck off.
Why the fuck would you do that to yourself and keep hurting yourself? Yeah really fucking mature to keep hurting yourself so others would think you're "mature".
Break off all contact with her and move on. You wont be able to move on if you stay close to her.
Julian Nguyen
I think that is what's best to be honest at the end of the day it is my own feelings that have to come first
Jaxson Bailey
She likes your company. She likes your friendship. She's okay with things the way they are which is fair. It sucks for both parties when one of them develops feelings and the other doesn't feel the same way. There's no way to get out of it without someone hurting at least a little bit. I would suggest maybe not spending so much time with her if you currently are. Put a mental barrier up in your head that she's a friend and act like nothing but a friend that means no long deep intimate talks, cuddling and stuff like that. Just fall back for a bit until this crush blows over then you can go back to normal. If you're not seeing other girls, get on that. Makes it much easier to get over feelings not being returned by a particular person when you have options.
Nathaniel Perry
Op Here... Yeah, i can kinda see that now because she was saying that she is lonely I'm thinking this isn't fair to her because its something she has no control over But it isn't fair to me either because I'm hurting myself emotionallyn
Jackson Campbell
Because she still fucking gives a shit about you as a person and isnt a piece of shit.
Fuck you are dense, get over yourself and find another person.
Jacob Gomez
Fuck did you not have a mom or something?
Girls arent fucking aliens dude
Jayden Baker
She likes to hang out with you probably if she isn't a narcissist that only want something to gain from you, but you would've caught on to that.
Well OP, the only thing you can do, is to try to get over it, but you and i even know that's always impossible, you'll always have feelings for her, and this at times will put you down. If you can live with that, then go ahead.
If not, then you just have to tell her that you can't be friends anymore, it's just that simple, you can't go around and be friends with someone who doesn't want you romantically when you want her. It will hurt you a lot sooner or later.
You have to make the choice.
Noah Sullivan
you aren't her friend but no more that part of her pose
Connor Davis
I definitely agree with you Im just gonna back off from her from now on and give myself time for the romantic emotions to blow over
Should I tell her about my feelings and let her know its hurting me ?
Or completely ghost?
Austin Brown
She likes attention and likes it even more without the responsibility attached to it.
Michael Harris
this, shes using you for the emotional rebound after chad plows her womb. Eject from that orbit, OP.
Nathan Cooper
You are friend zoned and you're never going to get out. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
Jack Watson
She's never had a relationship her last relationship was with some weird ass kid in like Middle School /Beginning of HS. And that was a weird thing ... well on her end at least
Dylan Wright
OP Here Again, I know im friendzoned but usually if someone is into me and im not into them id cut them out and move on. Dont understand she is just persistent instead knowing i like her
Ex. I told her i liked her -i don't like you or anyone really as a matter of fact- Tells me in person that we have to do A LOT TOGETHER LIKE CONVENTIONS,AMUSEMENT PARKS, TRAVEL ETC
so im just like ????????
If it was me id avoid, but then again she is lonely so at this point i feel like she's taking what she can and dealing with it until new friend
Is she really your best friend? Then you owe her an explanation of why you can't be friends anymore, then after you've told her why then cut out contact with her. But since she's your best friend, you should still have her back, like if she's in trouble or something and calls you, because you will still be "friends" because if she's really your old best friend, you can't cut her out 100%. Don't be cruel to her just because you can't be with on her on a friendly level.
That's what i would've done, but it's your choice.
Angel Price
I've been in your situation as well. Just leave. Personally I thought I could stay friends - then she kissed some random dude and I happened to see that shit and I realized I was living a lie and not valuing myself enough. It fucking sucks because at the end of the day you also lose a good friend. Give it some time and space.