I think one of my coworkers is putting something in my coffee. I got violently sick after drinking some and I still have half left. I really don't know what to do in this sort of situation. Do I go to a lab to get it tested? Is it expensive? Should I put a secret camera in my lunch bag to catch him in the act? What's a good secret camera that could maybe snap a photo of him opening my lunch box and then send it to my phone before he notices it and destroys it?
Poison in my coffee
Go get the coffee tested and then when the results come back clean check yourself into someplace that will help you get over your paranoia.
Don't leave your coffee unattended?
I don't know why i'm laughing asf.
Do it
I'm hoping this whole thing is just a paranoid delusion. If it does come back clean I would be relieved but kinda concerned about my mental welfare. However, me getting violently ill after drinking coffee at work had happened before. My coworker is following me around lately, waits outsides the bathroom, etc and I confronted him about it. Afterward, everytime I drank coffee at work I got really sick. I changed shifts and then I got better. Then he came to work on my shift and my equipment began to disappear. I leave my coffee unattended in a thermos in a fridge because we're not allowed to have any drinks besides water outside the break room.
Maybe the milk went sour but because you need the caffeine boost so much and deprive your body of sleep that you didn't even notice, and your paranoia is getting the best of you which is leading to a loss of trust of co workers.
Or maybe you got actually poisoned, by now you should be in a hospital bed or dead
Yea but he only drank half of the coffee. We all know murderers are very careful with their measurements and only use the exact amount necessary to kill someone. But OP outsmarted them by not being that thirsty.
Would it be shitty if I explain this craziness to someone and have them drink the coffee? If nothing happens to them then it's proof that I need psychological help. Also, I don't take milk with my coffee.
I had a cup before work so I wasn't really that thirsty. I don't think this guy wants to murder me, maybe a mean spirited prank, but outright murder seems too much.
You're lucky to be alive if that was their intention. There was a murder in I think Indonesia where the girl poisoned her friends drink and she died inmediately.
If they want you to slowly die over time or just make you sick then you need to document proof and they will go to jail.
And test it anyway because allergies, or contamination are possible.
You're just drinking coffee on an empty stomach which can make you feel sick.
this is convincing for me. i say slip your own coffee in his coffee mug when he isnt watching, a taste of his own medicine then report to the police if he gets sick
You'll most likely be okay, especially if you didn't drink it all. Just keep an eye on him and if you see him tampering with anyone's food or drink, tell someone, or if your certain then contact the police
go to domesticrcs; if it isn't shut down, order the smallest dose of any of the powders... drop that shit in his food or drink.. a drink like coffee would be great because no way to taste it... He will act a fucking absolute fool.. and will not be able to not be fired. I did it to someone before and they not only got fired, but arrested LOL!
please save the coffee and get it tested. a certain poison builds up in your system over time and eventually kills you...i think it might be arsenic?
i used to major in forensic science and testing the coffee will be most incriminating for the person that did it...
if the cops find arsenic or something in it they’ll open an investigation to sneakily catch him
Fuck dude, what are your symptoms? if they're poisoning you chances are its arsenic.
You are a fucking terrible person, wow.
I'm not gonna contaminate this guys drink, I don't even know what his lunch box looks like since we go to separate break rooms. I don't even know if he drinks coffee.
My left side just squeezed up and I pooped for hours until it was just sludge coming out. The squeezing was so intense I was glad I made it to the bathroom.
Tested for what? Any poison is likely to be an organic alkaloid, a broad test will just confirm that it is coffee. You need to know what you are looking for.
>I pooped for hours
get the coffee tested you retard
stop drinking coffee
go to the doctor
sounds like its the coffee, not the boison
What you're describing is exactly what happens when I drink coffee on an empty stomach. Coffee makes you get the runs if you drink too much or too potent a cup (which even if you drink the same amount every day, if the roast is lighter or more grounds are used your get more caffeine per ml), and can even cause nausea.