Am I a dick or is my girlfriend just shallow. My gf loves it when I eat her out...

Am I a dick or is my girlfriend just shallow. My gf loves it when I eat her out, and that’s pretty much how I get her to cum. I don’t mind doing it in all honesty. She’s told me sometimes she enjoys it when I just go straight to fucking her, but whenever I do that she becomes instantly angry. I can make her cum with my dick sometimes, but most of the time I can’t. I get it can be frustrating when you don’t cum, but whenever I don’t do it it’s the end of the world. She tells me she doesn’t want anything to do with me, and she tries to breakup with me. I can eat her out 9 days straight, and if I don’t do it the 10th day she’ll start acting like a bitch. I don’t know though, I just feel like she over reacts a bit much, but I understand the frustration of not cumming.

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>She tells me she doesn’t want anything to do with me, and she tries to breakup with me.
Bail asap. She's manipulative and crazy.

She kept telling me I was sighing when she asked me to eat her out, if I was it was because I was cuddling with her and I didn’t want to move.

Sounds hot desu.

If you know not going down on her is going to set her off, why would you ever try to skip it?
Maybe you should wear a chastity cage and let her hold the key.

Attached: semiramis.jpg (718x720, 53K)

Bruh she's nuts and you know it. Get outta there.

>wants to disprove manipulation thoughts
>presents more evidence of manipulation

i feel sorry for you user, try to get out on your terms and make mer fuck off, fully block her and avoid contact, if she confronts you be a COMPLETE ASS, you want to avoid getting hung up on a person like that. Do not stick with this person user

>Maybe you should wear a chastity cage and let her hold the key.

so he can never be even remotely sexually satisfied??? are you actually retarded/a woman?

relationships shouldn't be this abusive m8

So he will be more attentive to her needs and she doesn't have to act like a bitch because she knows he will be a good boy.

You both sound like shitty people desu. I totally get that she thinks she deserves an orgasm and you should, too. How would you feel about not getting to cum while your partner uses your body to only get pleasure for themselves? Not a nice notion, right? Then again, threatening to break up because of it instead of discussing the issue like adults is immature and bitchy. The truth is that you ARE a selfish lover, though.

I eat my GF out first every time, but if she demanded it daily I'd tell her to fuck off and use a vibrator.

She sounds crazy and you should run.

Just remember that if she was a man and acting like that, it would be in excusable. She's very manipulative and has anger issues. Dont take that shit from her. You deserve better AND can get better.

You don't know OP. Maybe his only alternative is his hand.

>How would you feel about not getting to cum while your partner uses your body to only get pleasure for themselves?
Not him but I care far more about my partner, I don't give a fuck if I can't just, and sometimes I can't

Having sex because you care for someone doesn't mean you have to get off every time user.
Saying they HAVE to do this is a giant turn off for most people. She's being inconsiderate of his needs as well and being a pillow princess.
I do think you should want to cater to your partners needs, but wanting to change things up is completely natural as well.

This just shows how low most women's standards are. If your bf truly cared for you the way you care for him, he'd learn how to get you off every time. It's always women who pull this "I care more about emotions than physical sensations!" and never men. I wonder why that is.
Wanting an orgasm - an orgasm that he gets every single fucking time because that's how men work - is not being inconsiderate. It's only fair.

She's not being shallow as much as just unpleasant and demanding. If she cares that much about coming every single time she can invest more in maximizing her ability to get off, or even just finger herself while you grope her and talk dirty to her (personally love this one as an intimate and lazy/low effort closer).

I would just be straightforward with her and tell her you love eating her out but having her bully you into making her come every single time like it's a chore doesn't make it sexy in the least. Then talk about what you could do. Introduce a vibrator to get her there faster if she's lagging behind? Have her finger herself during? End in her favorite position if she signals she's having trouble getting there?

If you cannot discuss this stuff reasonably there's bigger issues than her not coming every single time and getting resentful over that. Communication is the first step to solving any relationship issue.

I don't disagree that he should want to give her an orgasm, but throwing a tantrum because your body doesn't work the same way is immature.
Finding a middle ground is important, but getting yelled at because you didn't cum is being selfish as fuck.
Men get off pretty easily most of the time so comparing 30 minutes (or more) of oral/fingering or whatever else your partner needs versus laying there and getting fucked? Not finding how "fair" that is when most women don't actually put in effort for sex outside of a blowjob or handjob.

theres this weird double standard with sex. I mean on the one hand you do cum every single time, don't you? so why shouldn't she cum too? BUT for some reason its the mans job to manage both the man and the womans orgasm. the girl rarely ever has to 'make the man cum' unless its oral or a handjob. but even if its fucking, its the guys job to make both cum.

I have actually mentioned that she was being childish in my very first post, yet you chose to ignore this and only comment on my condemnation of the male party. Interesting.
Anyway, men only have their own shitty technique to blame. I can get myself off under one minute. Most women can from what I've gathered, yet somehow men pretend it's this arduous and terrible work? Nah mate, it's just unwillingness to learn. My bf listens to me, so he can actually replicate my feat. Also not my problem that so many men have sex with unenthusiastic women (who are probably unenthusiastic exactly because their men don't care about their pleasure, so they just lie there and wait for it to be over).

Okay so we agree on the first point then, good to know.
You're right, most men do have shitty technique as well. That I can't defend. However you can use the same few moves on every guy, but not the same can be said for women. You even stated that you had to teach your boyfriend how to get you off. I'm happy you have good communication with your BF since it's vital to have a good sexual experience with each other. However men can get off to anything. They can use sponges for christ sake. So saying "its only fair" when there's clearly a major skill gap is unjustified.
I can also claim the same for women and handjobs. I can jerk off in 2 3 minutes, but women are in general terrible at them.
Also how is it not your problem? If women are unenthusiastic about sex and don't care about their partners pleasure then why should men? If men can get off just fine without communicating with a woman, but the same can't be said for women then it should be a little bit more understandable that orgasms are occasionally a want and not a need. That not all men can perform the same way unless they're "trained" by the woman. The only real way to gain an affinity to how women react to certain stimuli is by refining a lot of techniques and see how each woman reacts. Men can't gain that without the patients required for changing it up.

You are right in that it is more difficult to get off a woman. That still doesn't change my point that it's only fair for a woman to orgasm if her partner does. Presumably if a man is having sex with a woman, he loves her - or at least likes her - and wants her to enjoy the experience. Sex is all about reciprocity. My bf loves to make me cum because it's a turn on for him to look at me when I'm shaking in pleasure. I thought it was the standard behavior, not complaining about how making women cum is hard. Honestly, I think that men who make no effort to make their women cum can just use their hand because they're essentially just masturbating with someone else's body.
I do agree that even men, while generally being easier to please, have their complexities when it comes to sex.
Anyway, what I meant by my comment is that men generally sabotage their sex lives by being incompetent (which isn't my problem as my relationship doesn't suffer from this). If they can't make sex worthwhile for a woman, of course she is going to be bored by it. Men will always want sex because of difference in our biology, but it's very different for women. As a woman, you can literally feel nothing when a guy is fucking you without the correct technique. It only makes sense that she will just want to get it over with quickly in that case. There's no incentive to try harder because the men will cum anyway. However, if you make it pleasurable for her, she will repay you by doing the extra work that will make the whole experience that much better for you. Men are the ones who have to go out of their way and try harder in the beginning, but it's an investment that will pay off very quickly.

>That still doesn't change my point that it's only fair for a woman to orgasm if her partner does.

Not necessarilly true. comparing male and female orgasms is like comparing the sneeze to an orgasm. they don't need it to feel complete, hence why they don't need to stop at just one either. not saying owmen don't need orgasms, but getting upset when someone can't do something difficult 10 out of 10 times is equally silly.

the thing is, if a man wants to cum, he does all of the work in fucking. if a woman wants to cum, she expects the man to do it all and figure it out.

I know how female orgasms work and I think that you have a warped understanding of them. It doesn't mean that they are less important just because we don't pass out after the first one like a man does.
Anyway, I do agree that it would be stupid to get at someone for trying genuinely and failing. That can happen. The original point, however, was that OP knew exactly what his gf needed to orgasm, could do it and chose not to do it despite pursuing his own orgasm. That's selfish.
As for your last point, citation needed.

I do agree that men 100% should want to get their partner off everytime. I think I should have made that more evident, but because of the biological differences its not always a guarantee dependent on mood etc. I personally don't really enjoy sex that much. I find it to be a chore most of the time in my perspective.
I do also agree that bitching about making women cum is dumb, I just didn't like that it sounded mandatory every single time. It just doesn't sound like reality if you want to do anything experimental.
I do also agree that men should try in earnest to appease their woman and do what they can for them and vice versa.
It is always a two person job to make sex fun and enjoyable. I personally would just like to see women be a little bit more open to criticism when it comes to their own performance as well. I wasn't trying to condemn you for saying men should try harder. Lets be real here, like you said most men just want a woman to be a human masturbation toy. I just want there to be a bit more open minded perspectives about letting men do something different even if it doesn't always lead to an orgasm.

>It doesn't mean that they are less important just because we don't pass out after the first one like a man does.

no, they're less important becuase they literally don't need them to feel complete in their sexual experience.

>citation needed

literally this fucking thread. its about a woman getting mad that a man didn't get her off. not that a woman didn't take the time to get her self off during sex.

I see. Let me be clear: I don't think that every single sex act should lead to an orgasm for a woman. That is unrealistic and I'm all for experimenting. However, even if a certain act doesn't make a woman cum, her partner can always make it up for her with eating her out, fingering her etc. etc. That's what I meant by reciprocity.
I understand where you're coming from with your perspective. I guess I'm just more critical of men in this regard because many of them are so used to being selfish and only pursuing their own pleasure while women are told that they should find pleasure in some abstract emotional stuff like "being together". Yes, that is nice, but I think we should collectively want more. Sex can be so fucking awesome and yet so many women don't get to experience it because their partner is lazy.
Anyway, criticism of female performances is something women should be able to take. I just think that men who do nothing to get their partner off shouldn't be surprised about subpar performances.

Oh, so you're that kind of guy. Enjoy your marriage death bed and/or every woman leaving you eventually.

>Oh, so you're that kind of guy

No, I'm a gay guy. your pussy means nothing to me. despite that i am the kind that listens to women? the kind that understands that orgasms are important but that they don't need them every time they have sex because they literally say so. and im gay so its not like they need to lie to me.

enjoy your husband leaving you cuz of how much of a judgmental cunt you are though, and/or every man leaving you eventually.

play with your clit while getting fucked and maybe you wont make men hate you.

Makes sense, that you're critical. I feel like men and woman are both to a certain degree. I'm similar but the opposite side of the coin.
And I agree that men in general should be less lazy and sleazy when it comes to sex. Like just listen to your partner and figure out what they like or at least come to a middle ground.

Not worth it. You're wasting your time with a witch.

Fuck OP. How long have you been with her?
How long does it take on average to cum when you go down on her?
If you have to make her cum Everytime by going down on her, that's gonna start to suck after a while.