Help me shills, your my only hope

So say I want to be the next pewdiepie. How do I do it? I don’t care about fame or money, I honestly just want to help end the cancer that is cultural Marxism.

What kind of media/genre would be a good start?


No shame
Not ugly

30 years old
No accent

Also is it true that pewdiepie used to hang out on And does anyone know where the cool kids hang out now that wickedfire is dead?

If you see this pewds, thanks for your work.

Attached: 3044715A-A41B-4109-A365-48EE1962E89C.jpg (1200x800, 186K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Pewdiepie didn't start a channel to be some culture warrior, he started a channel to do what he enjoyed. Do that first or else the whole thing is a facade

Inb4 do your own research faggot and nypa

This is a common goal we all have. So if you can help me brainstorm then it can further the cause. We are never gonna get 77 million kids to subscribe to the daily Stormer at this rate.

He said he started it because he was bored according to Wikipedia. I am also bored. And what you are saying isn’t completely genuine because you don’t get to be number one with an OOPSIE.

I agree he was always passionate about video games, so you do have a point.

Building a social network is step #1.

Pewds is a Nazbol commie promoted by the (((DailyStormer))).

>Here he is singing the Communist National Anthem:
>And here he is cucking out by denouncing E;R: (skip to 6:10)

If you're still falling for Jewish/Commie ecelebs in the current year you suffer from a special kind of stupid and should feel bad.

Attached: pewds commie 2.jpg (1165x1040, 68K)

Happy Hanukkah

What do you mean? I’ve heard rumors that pewds “built a social network” on warrior forums during his YouTube rise, but I’m not sure if you are trolling.

I want to see his real income not estimates.

He makes a lot of money but that’s not my point. He is enculturating children to be sympathetic to our cause. That’s priceless.

Why would you want that, OP? Then we'd all know who you are. EHTGTM.

Pick an emerging media platform, Pewds got as big as he did by being the right place in the right time when the youtube algorithm favored what he was doing before the scene got flooded and competitive.

Holy get.

I wouldn’t advertise here. I’m just asking for suggestions or brainstorming help. It’s obvious pewds hangs out here so I figured there are probably other really smart people who do too.

I’m willing to give up my user status. I’m not gonna sperg out and day has the kikes race war now. Just subtle red pills like pewds.

I agree. I’m wondering if there are any emerging trends on YouTube now that kids like. Tik Tok is the only thing that comes to mind.

What do you mean the algorithms favored him? How?

Since you had such a holy get, can you explain that acronym? I’m not familiar with it.

But I would know who you are no matter where you advertised.

Sup Felix here, what you need is a end goal.
Mine was to smash Mediterranean pussay with accompanying mikey mouse sound affects. God did the rest. Hope this helps.
Bro fist.

1) I don’t believe you, explain?

2) It wouldn’t matter unless you could prove it, and you can’t.

Lmao, thanks Felix.


start with political essay videos and suck Contrapoint's disco stick so she promotes your videos

then when you're at the height of your popularity go full fash

Lol that would be an epic kek but I’m thinking long term. What pewds does is beautiful and they can’t call him out without looking crazy, but everyone who knows, knows exactly what he means.

If you go full fash they can ruin you, never go full fash too early, only go full fash after the reichstag Fire....

If you want to get involved with politics you need to have a twitter presence at minimum. One technique to boost your twitter exposure is to create one real account for yourself or main personality, and several sock accounts that are more single issue related. When you start creating written or video content you can use all your sock accounts to help spread your content to multiple subgroups they may not normally follow your main account.

Step one to being an ecelb is build a network to promote your videos.


This is the information I’m looking for. I’m familiar with sock puppets but it never occurred to me to make a sock puppet for each issue. That makes sense.

Are there any forums that discuss how to become a eceleb? Wickedfire used to be good, but it’s dead now.


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What if I only enjoy owning the libs and making nazi jokes? Am I fucked?

Attached: Adobe_20181216_232549.png (1480x720, 541K)

It means you need better hobbies. Or you find a creative outlet for owning libs and making Nazi jokes

No. There's always room for that.

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That’s sort of what I’m asking. I want a child audience for two reasons.

1) children are more receptive to new ideas

2) I can reach more people (kids are the biggest demo for entertainment)

So is video games the obvious answer? I feel like that market is over saturated but I want to reach the kids.

>16 posts by this ID
Hello Vox? The Sun? Verge?
Promoting e-celebs is against the rules on this board. SAGE

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None that I know of unless you consider kiwifarms or /cow/.

Have you seen JF's show on sound engineering and setup? I looked for it but I can't seem to find it.. I know he did a great run down on what you need to youtube though Maybe you could send him a message or another user here will remember the name of it.

You know what else is against the rules?


suck a dick I’m not promoting shit I’m asking for advice on how to own the libs jackass

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Who is JF? I’m sure I could figure out the technical stuff without a problem. I was more wondering about the promotion/shilling aspect. I’m sure you guys realize that pewds used every social media trick in the book to get where he’s at. That’s what wickedfire used to be about but the kike owner shut it down.

>Who is JF
You aren't one of us user.

being a faggot and tell me who he is. I might just be having a brain fart.

>I’m asking for advice on how to own the libs jackass

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Maybe pay into all those subscriber and view bot websites and hope you hit the algorithm. Just make sure your contents good. It’s all samey shit on YouTube so it doesn’t really matter what it is, people just want brands and peer approval.

Yeah that’s what I mean. Wickedfire used to talk about those but I don’t know where to find the good spammers anymore.

Gotcha. Thanks. I’m more into the post-ironic eceleb format like pewdiepie or Sam Hyde.

Unfortunately I think American has passed the point of no return for the average person being able to consume the content of someone like JF.

I just want to convince dumb kids that cultural Marxism is retarded and it’s ok to say faggot and nibba.

try Memri TV

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Lol, bro this is actually a good idea for a meme review. Thanks.

>Not ugly
doesn't matter, are you extremely attractive like pewdiepie? If not it's not gunna happen.

You sound so very pathetic.

Why would I or why would anyone else want to listen to that whining drivel on a channel?

>30 years old
>I want to be the next pewdiepie
So this is how the western civ falls

>want to be the next PewDiePie
Nobody's ever hitting his level again
If you really wanna try you have to be a pajeet and somehow tap into the booming internet over in India while also appealing to the West

I don’t think you realize how fame and attractiveness work user.

Look at pewdiepies first video. He’s not extremely attractive. Fame and attractiveness go hand in hand.

Thanks for being a black pilled faggot though, if I wanted advice like that I could have asked my boomer dad.

You be jewish or have jewish friends


I don’t take advice from German faggots. The last good thing to come out of your country was hitler and I suspect he was a Jewish plant.

Also be a cute boy most his viewers are young girls

Oy vey,

So I didn’t explain it that well in my OP. I don’t think I have a chance at being as big as pewdiepie. What I mean is that I want to do what pewdiepie does.

Yeah, I worded that weird. I just want to do what pewdiepie does. I don’t expect to reach the same levels.

Do I need to make jewish friends before or after I drop out of college and start selling hotdogs on the street corner?

Ok retard, go be a mainstream idol without being super hot, I'm sure it'll work out.

What he does?
He's just doing reaction videos and meme reviews
He used to do let's plays
He doesnt do anything that unique

Yeah, I’m not ugly so there’s that.

Video games are popular as fuck

just go hang around /v/, even simple memes about video games get 500 replies, super fast board with tons of engagement and interest. Video Games are increasingly becoming a cultural issue, and it's super easy to bait leftist retards into easy slam dunks, get them to hate on someone's favorite video game, or point out how they filled your video game full of SJW bullshit.

It's easy as fuck genre to do well in, super popular, and culturally relevant. Reminder this is how PewDiePie got his start as well. Just remember, you are dealing with kids. These people know nothing about politics, they probably don't even know who the president is. You are talking to 12 year olds here. Keep it simple, keep it funny, make fun of people

You’re a fucking idiot. These people are not as hot as you think they are. It’s all angles and lighting and makeup and hair cuts and fashion.

You’re fucking dumb if you think they are born that way. Anyone who is sort of cute could be a 10/10 sex symbol of Hollywood wanted them to.

>30 years old
It's over, faggot

You just gotta cover life in order to always have content.

His post-ironic red pilling zoomers. Similar to Sam Hyde. His format of post irony that he uses to drop red pills.

Dude Casey Neistat is a fucking troll and he's made it on YouTube
>hurr durr whos that
YouTube mostly caters to not you

Do you have big eyes? I thoroughly looked at this and everyone who has any decent popularity whatsoever on YouTube has big eyes and good eye area

Thanks user. Appreciate that. Will definitely hang out on /v/

Its different when theyre jewish the algorithm detects jewish faces and sends traffic their way

He's not pewdiepie though, he's a corporate shill that got there by being rich and having connections. People don't idolize him like pewdiepie. If the jews didn't agree with his opinions it would be over immediately.

Lol, ok dad

*meme of Eminem lying about his age on Howard stern and blowing up at the age of 27*

That’s also what they told hitler


Good point.

Do you have any jewisg facial traits ? Fo you have curly hair ? Just showing your face might get you decent views if so. Its either cuteness or jewishness that gets you internet fame both gets you even more

pewds isn't a nazi or even culture warrior. he's just a guy doing what he loves. (((they))) hate him because he an influencer they can't control.
he calls out people in power for their bullshit but that's about it. if pewds were anything he'd be center left but these days that's being a full blown nazi.

Yeah I can open my eyes up pretty wide user.

Pewds is a troll, which makes him family in my book. Same as trump or tekashi69.

>pewds isn’t a culture warrior


well for 1 you will not be the next pewdiepie
2 just start a youtube channel look at whats trending and make cickbait titles using keywords from whats trending
3 be passionate about your hatred of cultural marxism back it up with facts people enjoy listening to people who are passionate about what they do

Become popular from doing something that you like

That’s the most rediculous fucking thing I’ve ever heard. But to be fair I think I’m a mischling. I’m super capable of subversion and manipulation and kikery I just find it extremely distasteful.

>Do videoblog as a hobby
>Scream at meme games and appeal to children
>Fired because he says nigger
>Appeal at right winger manchildren because muh redpill

Yeah, also subscribing to him right now is just a meme, not sure if anyone will come close to that amount of subs, maybe smosh? don't really follow youtube drama

Good point. Thanks. I want to take the post ironic humor angle and make people laugh instead of making them angry or upset.

Laughing at communists is good for the soul.

he's just mocking their ridiculousness, that really doesn't make him a culture warrior.

>the most popular youtuber of all time who is redpilling an entire generation is just a meme guys


people who generally call themselves funny usually arent funny

>influencing culture by making fun of those trying to shape culture doesn’t make you a culture warrior

Than what does?

I’m not Amy Schumer you little shitt

Also 9 year olds think retarded shit is funny. It’s not hard to make them laugh.

You probably have detectable Jewish facial traits the algorithm will favor and promote you so long as youre not offensive and at least slightly coherent

>compilating memes in a video and literally react to them isn't a meme guys

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Lol thanks I guess. HOOK NOSE GANG

he doesn't have an agenda, he's just shitposting. he's chaotic good. he just does shit. it's pretty clear he isn't thinking ahead or he wouldn't have recommend E;R

a free spirit like that is always going to be at odds with the censors. the far right would hate him if they were in power.

Have you seen his doctor Phil reaction videos? Are those memes? Is dr. Phil a meme? Is nasa a meme?

Is life itself a meme?

Fuck off with your pewdiepie hatez

Can agree with that, this is one of the most popular mexican jewtubers

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An accidental culture warrior is still a culture warrior. I mean if you are saying we can’t convinct him because there’s no intent, then maybe you’re right. But I don’t give a fuck about means only ends.

He’s a cultural general to me. Semantics are really important.

Most half decent youtubers has a love for video editing, also most have a video on exactly your question.

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Fucking gross

Its true post the exact same video white and jew and the jewish video will become more popular. The algorithm avoids whites because theyre more likely to say naughty stuff

its going to take a LONG time to build viewership. your best chance is releasing videos at the same time every time. if you release videos every friday then never miss a friday. it shows you are consistent and care about what you do

I do love video editing. That’s what I love about pewdiepie. His editing is great.

I would like to release one every day. I don’t know if that will be possible or not.

>theyre more likely to say naughty stuff

>Truth, logic and objectiveness