How to contact a guy from the balcony 101

Situation - Femanon on balcony, opposite house guy gaming and occasionally opening window for smoke break.
How do you get in contact with the guy without screaming "notice me more bitch".
He knows I exist, I waved twice (didn't have courage for more and don't want to be seen as someone who is constantly watching if his window is open) and he waved back. But that's it. I thought about writing on a paper "what you playing", but I mean we are in talking distance so.. I am too chicken to say anything first though.

Advice a complete dating idiot please.

The window with the light is his.

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Do something cute but futile. Like try to throw a letter in an envelope like a frisbee, or try to send a paper airplane letter. You could also just send him an actual letter.
Or hold up a sign that says whatcha playin, or something -- we're guys, not girls, we're generally pretty fucking floored when people want to talk to us of their own volition and don't need to be impressed into doing so

>we're guys, not girls, we're generally pretty fucking floored when people want to talk to us of their own volition and don't need to be impressed into doing so
This so fucking hard
The first time a girl asked me to "keep talking" after an interruption in a conversation I literally couldn't function for a few seconds because I considered the conversation over and didn't think she wanted to hear more.

Write notes on your balcony.

If you even wrote “i think you’re cute”
He would be impressed.

He probably just think you are happy in your own world. Be less shy.

What country is this?

You could use an old slide projector and project your phone number on his blinds.

Black background clear numbers, reversed so that from in his apartment, he can read the number...

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Or buy a toy drone with a letter attached, tap his window...


My fiancée got my attention by drawing hearts on my starbucks cup. I wouldnt have asked her out if it wasn't for that.

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>Daddy how did you meet Mommy?
>You see kids, she flew a fucking drone with her number on a piece of paper over to my apartment window.
This is exactly the sci-fi future I wanted.

I also don't know if he has a girlfriend or not, but taking that he games every night...

Wouldn't a guy think I'm being creepy?

I guess you can just sit there and second-guess yourself then
I was suggesting you might get an answer off of an action, and if he's taken so be it-- better than suspecting. And he's a guy, he'll still appreciate the notice and attention.

Stop womaning this in your brain, just fucking do something already

So why not stalk his building front door and “bump into him” and talk...

He would only think you’re creepy if your fat or old.

That's cute actually. Didn't you think it was creepy tho? What some see as cute others could see as creepy.

I am so thinking of buying one.

>Wouldn't a guy think I'm being creepy?
You'll have to excuse my vulgarity but unless you're acting like a complete slur (grabbing his junk before you even know his name type stuff) it's hard for an average girl to really come off as creepy, especially if he's is an average guy. For a lot of men, any positive attention from women is a shock.

it kinda matters what you look like.
if you look alright you're gonna have to try to be weird to come over as weird.
you could count houses find out where he lives exactly and then you could 'bump' into him. you should also have something with you ex. backpack or something so it's less suspicious. start a conversasion or try to slip in ' wanna hang out?'

Is this picture fucking up anyone else's perspective?

I feel you senpai

Are you from poland? also stop being so desperate. He wouldve noticed you if he wanted

Yeah, sorry, it turned around while uploading from my phone.

Nope, Czech republic.
And yeah, that's what I was thinking, so I don't know whether I should try more. But others think I should, so I am probably going to man up and try it. Can't lose much I guess.

I think it made me blush actually... Gestures only come across as creepy if there are implied expectations involved.

If I ran into you randomly and smiled and told you that I like the shoes you picked out that day, and walked off would that be creepy to you?

It also helps to be confident about it... If I didn't respond to my fiancee's gesture, she would have moved on with her life and been fine.

So whatever you do, do it with confidence, fake it if you have to.

If I were you, I would figure out a way to talk to him in person,

>"Hey, my name is Megan, I live across the way, waved at you a few times. Here's my number, call me if you want to chat over coffee or try out a new Thai restaurant with me." Then state that you need to be somewhere, smile and leave.

There is a very large chance that he feels the same about you but has no idea how to talk to you but not to come across as a creepy rapist...

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generally guys dont like girls who are too aggressive and chase them with desperation. do it if you dont mind getting rejected

I'd be on my knees thanking Jesus for finally coming through on something.

>There is a very large chance that he feels the same about you
There is even a greatest chance he has a gf already. They didn't even interact properly, responding to a hello means nothing at all...

OP would have noticed by now, there is no gf.

Maybe they are long-distance :^)

My insecurity right there.

Like I said, sit there and just fucking second-guess it. You either get your answer or you speculate for ages
Make a choice and gtfo Jow Forums, lol

You are already creepy and desperate so you can as well be bold and pester him properly. If he's interested, good. If not, move on. It's not that complicated.

If OP is cute he would dump the fictional gf like a sack of shit.

Forget a voice on a phone, when beautiful eyes and warm tits are available across the way.

LDR's are so pathetic.

Holy shit how creepy can you get?

Lady, talk to him or leave him alone. Fuck. He probably has a girlfriend

feel like I'm having a stroke trying to orient myself

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>There is even a greatest chance he has a gf already

>Gaming every night till late hours
>OP never saw any woman next to him

He surely has a GF user. That's how relationships work

Don't listen to the naysayers OP go for it.
As a guy I'd be ecstatic, provided you aren't fat.

Guys don't understand that kind if flirting. They just think you're a happy person or nice.

Go around more casually in your underwear. I can garantee he'll notice you.

Literally just hold up a sign saying you think he's cute or something. What's the worst that could happen? It's not like he's going to accuse you of sexual harassment

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are you fit?

I was told I'm barely a 6 by /b/ but you tell me if I am good looking enough to pass the "creepyness" factor as some other user stated.

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If that's really you you're well and safely out of the creepy zone.

I'd say 6.5/10. 7/10 if you doll up.

The scale is brutal, so that's a compliment. For me it's like the Richter Scale for earthquakes, the difference between a 4 and 5 is far less than between a 7 and an 8

How is this not bait and how have you not just asked him already
Holy fuck, are you this desperate for attention?

If you don't ask, you don't get an answer. But it's beginning to seem like you want attention for the conundrum rather than an answer to it, forty replies and you still somehow haven't collected what you need?
Give me a break

I'd be flattered if you were stalking me.

What if.... she isn't?

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Obviously that's when it's not okay to stalk someone if you're not fit. That's when it's just creepy, mate.

It surely is not like that. I have horrible self esteem and second guess everything. Out of this thread I took that I should stop being a pussy and just go and get his attention and talk to him. Can't lose much. So sorry for not having the fastest decision making.
And thank you to everyone for giving advice.

90% of men would be flattered if you gave them attention, and at least 75% would say yes to going on a date with you.

GO give him your number...

My work is done here.

Love your skirt.

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You look like you spend your free time watching shitty sitcoms on Netflix. Wouldn't say you're unattractive though. Go for it

I honestly don't even think it'll matter if he has a girlfriend or not. He'll still be quite flattered to get your attention. Men have to fight for female attention, if you're willing to just give it to him, he's going to be happy. So, yeah, don't be a pussy. Just talk to him.

Hah holy shit this thread is like my japanese mangas.

OP, write a big ol' sign saying "WHATCHA PLAYING" or something.

That's actually a great idea, OP and dude can write messages across from each other... Make a new facebook meme lovestory.

I wonder what a life with you would be like.