Why is Trump hiding his deadly kidneys disease

He might be removed from the public office by the next spring.
He looks so ill already.

Attached: 897242322.jpg.0.jpg (1200x800, 96K)

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every single fuckin time.

Hey OP. Muslims are gonna kill all you Israelis in the most painfaul way possible and then rape your women. It's gonna be great.

pissing all over globalist liberal commie shitlords takes it's toll

Why do memeflag kikes post garbage here 10,000x/day and think it changes anyone's mind? Only thing you fags are doing is slowly redpilling yourselves, but that's fine, one day you'll all crack and be done for.

Attached: 1540848617550.jpg (1080x1050, 66K)

Trump's life is extended longer every time a shithead posts a shit thread.

He'll now make it to his second term, thanks to you.

he only looks a bit pale after watching this


Israelis are literally braindead robots stuck on rails. in THOUSANDS of years these inbred kikes have never once changed their ways. They will double down until they are purged from planet Earth. They are going to suffer and watch their country be destroyed.

Hi Barron. You will never be a President of the USA.
By the time you grow up you will be declared unisex. Unsuitable to be a President of the USA.

Stop posting porn videos you idiot.

sumper dumper Trump is dumper

Fake news.

Attached: IMG_20170726_233830.jpg (616x468, 53K)

Trump as always is lying in order to brain wash his stupid supporters.

>He looks so ill already.
>Posts a blue-tinted low-saturation extreme close-up of President Trump caught in an off-moment looking neutral.

Found a pic of OP.

Attached: 1537921122820.jpg (1024x877, 100K)

>Found a pic of shit covered Americans.

Attached: v-Shitty American culture.jpg (979x1080, 552K)

So much Trump bullshit.
But. This.
I actually believe.
Look int how many health issues connected to this -pic related-.
Kidney disease is among the top correlations.

Attached: image.jpg (474x474, 25K)

Trump is priding himself on not drinking alcohol or coffee to stay healthy but he gulps soft drinks mainly CocaCola by the gallons...
like Ivanka's vagina, ..so no, I don't think Trump as the President is a healthy individual.

Attached: F3229A08-AF19-473E-B4F9-3FA7E4B0FCBE.gif (445x250, 1.11M)

Attached: trumps left arm.jpg (700x748, 330K)

Attached: trump white hand.jpg (800x533, 56K)

diet coke enhances white peoples' natural psychic powers. you guys didn't know this? aspartame is not bad for us. i'm a breathenarian and drink diet coke to access the 5th dimension every single day. my kidneys are fine.

Attached: trump watch4.png (468x242, 242K)

Attached: trump watch3.jpg (700x467, 92K)

Attached: trump predicting his death.jpg (900x600, 82K)

people worry about their organs far too much. you do worse to your health by overeating - even overeating healthy foods - than using most drugs if you use them while eating moderately. you shouldn't even be thinking of your organs until they hurt. and even then, just drink your piss and you'll be fine.

LOL, Trump is wearing faggot style watch.
What a homo.

>LOL, Trump is wearing faggot style watch.
Faggot is a faggot.

Attached: TRUMP_with Evil LGBT flag.jpg (1024x683, 129K)