Being too smart

130 IQ, INTP here

I would never wish anyone to be too smart. Never. It's not worth it. Being smart involves seeing all the shit in the world. And it hurts. Every inefficiency, every corrupt aspect of everything will jump at you. Seeing the world for what it really is is painful. If you really want to live a happy life, being too smart will not be on the requirement list.

And this relates to politics as well. People who really understand politics aren't out there with the masses. They are either a) lonely af and want to kill themselves or b) are so demented and numb to wrongdoing that they become the shit that they see.

Being smart is a curse lads. Being dumb too, but being smart makes it hard to live. You either become a tyrant or you die because you can't bear it anymore.

If you're smart, marry a dumb chick. Give your kids a chance even if you don't have one.

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Retard here. I'm happy as shit.

135 IQ Handsome ENTJ-A here with a perfect life because I'm NS.
>Those who want to live, let them fight, and those who do not want to fight in this world of eternal struggle do not deserve to live.

140 ENF-J, please just end me

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Gemini helps. All that sad shit is also funny.

P.S. killing yourself on cam would gave made for a much better blog entry.

nice attempt at cope posting. If you don't have a family, stable job, etc. your life is shit. Even if you do have all that stuff, you have to realize that paradise never lasts forever.


128 INTJ
Too smart to be a sheep, too dumb to do anything about it.
>I don’t know if we’re gonna make it, OP

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I agree. Rejoice! You're free to not give a fuck.

Uh huh.

Don't remember my dumbass Myers Brigs.

I've but resigned myself to sitting back and watching shit burn, then turning to my closest friends and saying "told yah".

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