How do I condition myself to wake up at 5am regularly.. if you've done this please give me advice. thank you

How do I condition myself to wake up at 5am regularly.. if you've done this please give me advice. thank you

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You just have to do it. It gets easier every day. My work day starts at 5am, so my alarm goes off at 4am. It was rough for the first week or so. But now, even on my days off, I wake up at 4am.

go to bed at 7pm

by waking up at 5am every morning. going to bed early helps, but on the off chance you stay up late the solution is never 'sleep in'. its put up with a day of being sleepy. for the most part its eaiser than you think. people are only sleepy in the morning by the time they are in the swing of things they feel fine. but it can be hard not to cave in in the morning.

a buddy system certainly helps. but the key to conditioning yourself is to just do it until its the norm. thats what conditioning is. its not like there is some other simpler process that will prepare you for waking up early.

You just have to adjust naturally. It took me about 2 weeks to adjust from 9am to waking at 6am. Just have to push through it.

What I did to get my sleeping schedule ready for my job after being a full time neet for a year was I went to bed at my usual time minus say half an hour and set an alarm for about 8 hours after that, some people need only 7 or even 9 hours of sleep but just slowly move your “bedtime” back a bit over a stretch of days/weeks.

Be a retard and join the Marines, from day one till you get out always be ready to be up at 5am. That's what I'm doing lol. (kill me)

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Go to sleep from around 9:30 turn off all electronics and if you have trouble sleeping take some melatonin half an hour before to get you sleepy and set your alarm for 5am and your good.

yeah I ordered melatonin and it just came in today. hope it works as much as people say it does

I think it works because I’ve taken it before to help me sleep and slept like a baby the entire night well rested and ready for the next day, it just depends on the dosage mines is around 3mg but either I think it should work for you just take it around 9pm and give it half an hour to really kick in then just sleep the night away.

not him but it's kind of a meme, the real problem is staying up with your eyes and brain lit up by your TV or computer or phone even. The light tricks your brain into thinking it's still daytime.

go to bed early

Don't take it too much because you can form a slight dependence. Also they can really fuck with your dreams if you take them too many days in a row. In that you dream so much and they're so wild and sometimes disturbing that even if you slept 7 hrs straight it doesn't feel like it because your brain was in overdrive.

I know everyone dreams, but this was getting ridiculous to the point I felt exhausted. Then my doc told me it was the melatonin and sure enough he was right.

How do you feel in the afternoon? Usually if I feel fucking tired I can never get anything done.

This basically. When I was playing vidya, I'd use to sleep at like 7 AM and wake up at 4 PM. The neet life.. Now I wake up at 5:30 AM. Some mornings I'll wake up at like 5:20 even though the alarm is set for 5:30.

>don't drink anything (especially caffeine) right before you sleep
>sleep early
>exercise at night to help you fall asleep faster

>Set like ten alarms
>Nofap. No fapping before bed ever, you'll wake up feeling dead even if you got 8 hours of sleep. During nofap you can go 4 hours a night and feel rested all week.
>upbeat music as soon as you get up
>Drink lots of water as soon as you wake up
etc. Just start taking better care of yourself. Your body is supposed to wake up at sunrise, if you can't do it then your system is all out of alignment.

Get a job that requires you to be there at 7am.
If 6am, then wake at four. You don't want to be rushed outta bed.

It's easy getting up early when your income/survival depends on it. You'll probably feel like hell the first few weeks, but you'll adjust.

This guy either skips breakfast or drives like a bat outta hell to work everyday. Neither of which are healthy for you.

Sorry guy. Maybe you live above the shop or something, but Jesus fuck slow down. Give yourself more time to get ready.

You sleep in your boots, don't you?

>skipping breakfast is bad for you

thank you boomer science.

I own my own online business.


Took 5mg melatonin capsule at 8pm.. it is now almost 11pm and I still can’t fucking sleep. I may need to pull an all nighter and knock out tomorrow at 7pm.


I couldn't sleep until 1am but still somehow woke up at 5am. I'm tired as fuck, but atleast I will sleep easier and earlier tonight to help reset my sleep schedule.

>skipping breakfast isnt bad for you
>skipping a dose of calories, proteins and vitamins that your body requires is not bad for you
Kill yourself, dumb faggot.

1st make it easy to fall asleep and get good sleep.

- Don't use any electronic devices 1hr before bed (ie. TV,Computer,mobile,tablet).
- Only use your bed for 2 things sleeping+sex - so your brain knows when you lie on your bed, it shuts down quicker
- Set a loud alarm, and shift it away from your bed so you have to get out of bed to turn it off. DO NOT GO BACK TO SLEEP.

Once you do this a few times, you should easily get up at 5 consistently.


This guy knows what's up.

thanks bro I will keep this in mind