vee art contest pretty low energy
Jim finally streams
Fuck off with your e-celeb shit. A thread about trannies or how the earth is flat died for this
he has lost his mind
jim should khs as retribution for terry
Stream was shit, phoned in and mostly based on other people's work, ft. him rambling about cwc for 20 minutes. He killed Terry, soiled himself on stream with Sargon, is the new Ana Kasparian of the internet and has become everything people hated in DSP
Let's get Jim the potato nigger deplatformed next so he actually has to work for a living.
Sargonite shills still out in force I see.
a literal art show for zoomers to showcase their sargon obsession
give it a rest, jim isn't even Jow Forums related and you sweetie squad faggots stressed out terry
>jim isn't even Jow Forums related
This is literally the only place that ever talks about him or cares he exists
If stealing old Jow Forums memes made someone Jow Forums related, we'd all give a shit about Sargon.
It doesn't, and Jim is just another hanger-on.
I wanna sniff Bratass
So who are his actual fans/viewers then?
Weens that got bored with cwc
>Not quintessentially Jow Forums
Maybe going back to kekistan central should be in your future, fruitcake.
Except Jim got so lazy KF is literally doing shitty livestreams about lolcows in his place.
>jim makes stream
>sweetie squad spams stream
>mods deletes multiple threads in catalogue
>sweetie squad make fuck jannie threads
>ramble about sargon in anythread still up
Jim's 40 and rambles about ED level crap from 2007, his streams are baby sitting for autists who sprout stormfront buzz words
this stream was a literal Saturday morning art show and they sent in pictures
Spoken like a true liberalistâ„¢!!
You guys will take over UKIP in no time :B
Your memes are shit, and your hero can't conceptualise individuals being part of a group. wew lad.
So you literally are a liberalist lmfao
>be less anonymous!
>look! the tf2 scout is dressed as a nazi!
>the sweetie squad! (we are the ss xd)
>something something sargon
>xd 1488
>Based jim is going to review my drawing
>>Based jim is going to review my drawing
>Based jim is going to review my drawing
got third place actually
I bet Jim thinks of Sargon when he pulls his dick.
daddy must be very proud
>how the earth is flat
So nothing of value was lost, then.
>sweetie squad spams stream
He only just broke 4000 viewers.
Sargoy made that playing fucking dnd