Incel Equity Act

Tell me why incels should not be compensated by the Federal government of the United States. Basically incels like me have bad lives and it's not fair that we were not born Chads. What if a solution is for the government to legalize prostitution and provide escort vouchers to incels, would that not be a based and redpilled solution?

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Incels are lame.
They're just failed normalfags who still care about getting pussy and try to live up to society's expectations.
Voluntary celibates are based and red/black pilled on women and society. They are true individuals while incels are just failed collectivists.
A based and redpilled solution for incels would be hunting them for sport until they're extinct.

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>none of them paid for tickets

Where's security?

I like how wizchan filters incels to crabs

This is based, but about incels i rather prefer educating them until they will finally understand that pussy is not important.

I don't care about that, i just want to make out with a girl once in my life.

>it's not fair that we were not born Chads
While this is correct, now, more than ever, you have all the knowledge and resources at your disposal to turn yourself into a Chad.

You also have to understand that looks aren't everything. Lookup 'Homeless Joe' and you'll see what I mean. Guy looks like a douchebag and he got laid every single day.

First step to improving yourself is to get the fuck out of your home. Go and take a walk

Women are just giant evolutionary shit testers. Incels don't deserve to pass their genes on. Equality of outcome is faggot commie shit that leads to gulags.

Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 新疆维吾尔自治区 Tianamnen Square Protests 六四事件


Whatever makes you feel better about yourself buddy

>educating them until they will finally understand that pussy is not important.

>pussy in not important

Lol! Life is meaningless, universe will end in cold death. Just go and die.

As long as I am not taxed for your behalf, do whatever the fuck you want.

there is no such thing as incel as hookers exist and you can end celibate at any time therefore involuntary part cannot be applied ever
keep this bullshit up and I will dump my folder

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Just masturbate u dumb fuck maybe someone collects ur semen to create a new masterrace for space exploration

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Incels are actually a tax on based chads and stacies who have to deal with their creepy behavior and random ER spergouts. Chad should receive a 500k/yr stipend to compensate and these creepy incels should be forced into hard labor camps to fund it

t. roastie

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Equality doesn't exist in nature. Try searching in the void.

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Women should have to fuck everyone just like rich ppl have to pay taxes. Incels of the world unite - you have nothing to lose but your chains

Huh. Meta. Tell me more.

How about based chads and stacies get enslaved and put in the fucking coal mines while generally more intelligent incels fuck both until their assholes fall out?

Being pretty, I am thankful, is not destined to mean being in power or control. At some point, people will learn that pretty people are themselves usually a tax on society, for all the good they're worth once a billion compliments inflate their egos to the goddamn nines.

Fuck off cunt.

I always knew kekistani flags represented niggers. How about you learn to be an interesting person. Learn to talk to women. Learn to get a prostitute. But above all you need to learn your inability to get your little dick wet is nobody else's problem. It's not a difficult task user.
Underrated film

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Image is retarded.
Equality doesn't really relate to what people have, but how they are viewed by the state. Anybody who thinks everyone can be equal in terms of intelligence or material possessions and that we should try to enforce this as a policy is each and all a fucking moron who should be put down.

Why are they all niggers? What is the artist trying to say here?