America's Great Mistake

Letting Italians into our country allowed the mob to thrive and manipulate our democratic institutions with their corrupting influence for decades. And looking into the current state of Italy, the descendants of the heart of the original Roman Empire are not the kind of people we want in our country.

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Yeah that was definitely it, letting the Italians in. That was America's biggest mistake. Not in the 60's when they decided to let all the fucking shitskins in the world come flooding in. No it was before that when we let more white people in. Good job OP you figured it out and are definitely not a faggot.

>Letting Italians in
nice try shlomo.
JEWS actually ran the mafia.

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Thanks. I can't take much credit for pointing out the obvious, though: that Italians are the main harbingers of organized crime in America.

the italian mafia meme is a meme pushed by the jewish mafia. dont get me wrong, the wops definitely into'd organize crime, but so did the jews.
it's not a (((cohencidence))) that the italian mob became iconic after being featured in a number of (((films))).

There were Jewish people in organized crime, but you had to be Italian to be a made man.

La Cosa Nostra originated in... Israel? No. Italy.

Sicilians are not Italians. They're barely human.

Fair enough.

we are not white,not even europeans

The Russian Mafia is made up of Kikes too.

>In the US, they had their counterparts in the Evsey Agron and Boris Goldberg; the heavily Jewish nature of the Russian mafia
>By far the most striking difference is that the “Russian” mafia is strongly multiethnic. It has its origins in the heavily Jewish port city of Odessa

>italian mob became iconic after being featured in a number of (((films))).

>letting Jews into our country was our nation’s biggest mistake

neither human

Italians gave birth to a fuckton of Western culture throughout the years, at least give them the time of day to come into America to shit on everyone else, like everyone else

Look into Murder Inc and stop being a faggy

Letting prude cunts from the temperance movement ban alcohol did more to enable the mafia than letting in the WOPs

A fucking Aussie from criminal

An easily corruptible system is not a good system

>but you had to be Italian to be a made man.
Mickey (((COHEN))) - Major underworld figure - Sunset Strip kingpin

you were saying?

Yeah. Rome was a Mediterranean empire. Which naturally took control of the region, as well as the barbarians to the north.

Amerimutts are the greatest goys ever.

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>we wuz niggers n shiet

And they conquered the Gauls.

I don’t care I love pizzas

>Petty theft. (By far the most common crime)
>serious organized crime
yeah not quite the same.

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>impersonating an Egyptian

Wewuzing was illegal wtf

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KEK, An Italian signed the Declaration of Independence.

But really, Catholics all learn extortion when they pay indulgences, and learn black mail when the confession booth interrogates them, to bear false witness of their neighbor.

And that is why Irish Boston is full of union democrats.

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If it wasn't the italians it would be some other group. Every era has a group that control the underbelly.

jews larped as italians to sneak into the usa you fuckin retard.

It all started with the Irish. The Anglo founding stock forever damaged. Immigration is warfare.

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>let people in
>treat them like shit
>their neighborhoods are run down and broken
>city barely enforces anything in said neighborhoods and police don’t come
>people band themselves together to protect their communities as pronto-neighborhood watches
>people eventually start organizing into little proto governments
>those little organizations start doing crime because hey police aren’t going to show, not horrific crimes but petty small crimes like protection, laundering
>prohibition hits and they make a shit ton of money with alcohol, spread money and influence.
This can be applied to every mob. Whether Italian, Jewish, Irish, Russian, Serbian, Polish, Albanian, or German mobs.

The final redpill is realizing that immigration is bad even if it's white people. If we never let in the hordes of irish, german, italian, etc then there would have never been a precedent for family reunification immigration that was used to pass the 1965 act.

Read up on the immigration commission of 1907 and how they tried to stop the hordes of disgusting people from Europe who never should have come here. They stand completely and utterly vindicated today.

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Nope, Americans biggest mistake was the 1965 immigration bill letting Shitskins in.

As an Italian American, we made this country a better place. And don't forget, Italians founded America & America is named after an Italian

Italians made this country a better place

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The Jewish media pushes the Italian Mafia meme to keep you distracted from the real brutal mobs in USA history: Jewish Mobs. My family and i grew up near where Gotti is from. He kept the City clean and took on crime. The Jewish and Russian (made up of Jews) were the Rival mobs at the time. They were the real problem.

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Our greatest mistake was allowing Woodrow Wilson to be president

boy am I glad I don't have nigger fuzz growing all over my chest. God Italians are gross.

the absolute worst. MEDlets consider this a ten

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