What works better cbd oil thc free or cbd oil with thc?
Is cbd oil a meme? Is it a Jewish scam?
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Cbd oil is good, but I find cigars more anti-stress and tension. Also I've only ever had had cbd oil from mj (even the thc free stuff has a tiny amount of thc) which is supposed to be better. If you're going for a pain killing anti-inflammation effect you're gonna want thc (though I don't because I hate the weed high).
Bottom line is that I take the thc free stuff for anxiety and muscle stiffness but a big cigar works much better for that - though more unhealthy.
with. always with. highest THC content you can get.
Enjoy your crippling anxiety
It depends what your expectations are. If you dont want to get high, try cbd only, or cbd and low concentration of thc.
This user’s right, using CBD oil with THC as a habit will give you anxiety disorders within a months time. Took me 4 weeks to completely rid of the withdrawal symptoms.
CBD is one of the most potent anti-inflammatory agents known to man.
It makes acetylsalicilic acid and ibuprofen look like shit in comparison. And it's one of the main reason cannabis has been illegal since the 30s. The effects became known, and pharma companies rightfully didn't want their development money going to waste(chemistry is ULTRA expensive).
Can't say I agree with them lobbying laws, but you have to understand chemistry to really grasp WHY this kinda shit happens.
Unfortunately, most people can't even tell a methyl from a methoxy.
and CBD does very little to help with anything, just a jewish scam
I was a long time weed smoker and have quit for about 1 year
I've recently been under massive amounts of stress and learned CBD is legal and went out and bought some.
it was a bit more expensive than I'd like, about $40 for a bottle like in your pic.
I took about half a dropper and almost instantly felt as if the muscles in my chest near my heart loosened up. as if I'd been so tightened up with anxiety that this practically melted them away.
after using almost the entire bottle, I'd say that I don't think it's worth the money unless you're going through a really hard time. it's not something I'd do every single day of my life. for instance, I had a really big presentation to give and frankly was extremely nervous about it, but this calmed me and allowed to me to give the presentation in a calm, relaxed manner.
If I buy cbd oil with 100mg of thc/ 109 cbd will I have crazy anxiety? I’m buying it for anxiety/migraines and pain relief. I want to feel like I’m on Xanax.
it does a good job at helping me get to sleep.
Did it have a lot of thc?
it was CBD oil only with 0 thc. after about a decade of weed smoking I've learned that me and thc do not mix. I pretty much start immediately having a mild to moderate panic attack
They are planning to ban combustibles. Say goodbye to your blunts and bongs.
It's okay, but you can just buy weed instead?
That’s what I’m trying to avoid but I heard cbd oil without thc has no benefits at all.
I smoke a lot of oil and CBD does better with pain and anxiety than weed. CBD oil rules for pain,anxiety, migraines, stomach issues. look up "endocannabinoid system".
I have minor back pain i just delt with and it helps me be able to sit comfortable and stand for long periods with no worries.
I got in a fight recently and bruised my thigh and hand really bad and CBD cream made everything better. I dont think I cant be making all this pain go away with my own mind as well as other peoples claims too.
Nicotine gives me horrible anxiety which is a blessing.
It depends on how much you take really. I ate some gummies that were 30mg each. At 30mg I felt relaxed, at 60mg I felt kinda buzzed, at 90mg I had mild hysteria. I doubt you'll be taking even close to 30mg per dose, so I wouldn't worry about it. If you can get THC I don't see why you wouldn't.
it has benefits, its just not quite as good. it helps slightly with anxiety, sleep, and inflammation and stuff. if you get the stuff with a small amount of thc you should be fine though. I'm personally avoiding it as I'm trying to get a job and it could come up on drug tests. but the amount is so small it shouldn't fuck with you or anything like weed does.
>cbd is one of the most anti-inflammatory substances known to man
Fuck off you basic bitch. Give me a single study that even indicates that. The only thing cbd has been conclusively proven to help epileptics and those prone to seizures
its good feeling. If you like to smoke still you can but Hemp bud its smells and taste the same. If you want the best look up places that grow and ship from Oregon should be like $30 an 1/8 you can still get decent stuff other places with high CBD content like 15% and up for $40 a quarter
>CBD is one of the most potent anti-inflammatory agents known to man.
flat out lying on the internet
who would do such a thing
oh thats right a brain dead weed addict
It's good for anxious dogs. Like during fireworks.
thats not really true. CBD works off of different receptors than THC but pretty much cause the same effect. in the endocanbinoid system. I smoke and if I need something for pain I use CBD oil and it makes it go away. Low amounts of THC would be better but its really not needed for everyone. Also CBD works better for Anxiety because it has no psychoactive effects and cant cause more paranoia especially for people who dont usually smoke.
Here you go. I severely doubt you can read it though.
Good luck.
CBD oil applied topically is absolutely NOT a scam. I get severe muscle cramps about one or twice a month, usually on my neck, back or hip. I put CBD oil cream on them and they start to go away in about two minutes. Nothing else I have ever tried does that, the shit is pretty amazing.
CBD is a fucking psyop.
THC lowers cortisol. Cortisol kills you when you're healthy, and exaccerbates any health problem.
Fuck Kikes
Eh I’ll be damned
its a really good plant that the jew has tried to keep down
endocannibinoids > phytocannibinoids
weed is toxic for the human body
all of the "benefits" of cannibinoids come from endocannabinoids, which are produced naturally in the human body. using plant derived phytocannibinoids may temporarily ease symptoms but over time the "oils" build up to a toxic level.
eat plenty of animal derived foods as raw as possible. organ meats, raw dairy, and other good sources of fat and cholesterol will help your body heal.
can't even type right now i'm so tired
Too bad this guy is a flat earther
Yup the highest thc possible. Please enjoy the fruit of this plant as much as possible my stocks in the pharmaceutical industry are going to go up with the legalisation of this plant. Thank you goys
Holy shit. Shills descending on this thread big time. It's not a meme nor is it a kike scam. CBD needs at least a small amount (not even really 1 percent) of THC in order to work the way it's supposed to. Any CBD oil that is being marketed as THC free and doesn't have any whatsoever listed in the small print is a waste of money.
I use 100mg capsules, fixed my eczema in 3 weeks. It's so and so in price depending on vendor.
Cbd derived from thc containing plants is better than cbd from hemp.
T.medical marijuana grower/concentrate specialist
I take it for headaches it works pretty well.
Whites didnt evolve alongside weed so smoking it is not a good idea, its a tropical plant and very few whites in history had access to it until now
That is retarded logic. Should people avoid anything that isn't native to their region?
Well whites are in the most shit in a long time and to me it looks like weed is making it worse cultures that evolved near weed basically didnt become human
Example the japanese people left china and their easy access to dope within 500 years their iq skyrocketed
White people started to go on the decline with Rothschild bought his 1st country(UK) in Napoleon's time. Everything since then can be blamed on the Jews: the failure of Prohibition, Thug Culture, Flouride water, etc.
Weed, including and especially THC, is good for you. If you injest it by any means other than smoking, it literally has no downsides. It is a gateway drug. A gateway from pharmacueticals and narcotics to independence from both.
Maybe youre right maybe im just full of shit
Had it in Britain for many centuries, people once smoked long ago here as a treatment for malaria.
Weed grows in tropical locations im an idiot but it doesnt grow naturally anywhere near europe
The extremely rich had it nothing like the access we have today
weed grows everywhere retard, they don't call it weed for no reason
Thats just not true it grows in tropical conditions they can grow it anywhere now because we have technology to do that
Lol based
Afghanistan bro....
But the 1st known use of it was found in a Chinese medical compendullum from over 2000 years ago...
Just smoke weed.
You think natural medicines are a jewish trick but the pills killing our people,whos companies are run by jews, are good?
Are you fucking retarded?
If people ate properly and got all of their fat soluble vitamins, very few people would need medical intervention .
China is a long way from medieval European citizen you think they were smoking weed everyday in medieval europe moving things that far would have added a huge tax on the product , even tobacco didnt become common in uk until 500 years ago
Litterally snake oil. Penis enhancement pill tier scam
Which type do you use
Can anyone in here redpill me on kratom?
Every time I see them talk about CBD on the news there's always a bunch of (((people))) talking trash about it
The same (((people))) who've been advocating for the legalization of marijuana for the last 50 years
Always do the opposite of what Jews say
Pick me up some CBD oil
CBD is great, it helps so many things because inflammation is the problem with so many things. I have psoriasis, like really bad. I've tried every ointment, injection, light therapy, etc even methotrexate has stopped working on clearing my skin up. Pure cbd applied to the areas cleared them up within weeks of nothing else working.
Anyone suggesting CBD without THC is a fucking moron, they work better in tandem. Look up the entourage effect.
Tribal teir medicine thats all you need to know
hey stupid nigger, they exhumed a viking grave and found a little pouch of cannabis on his belt.
Yeah, one reason they’re pushing hash oils thru vaping and the wax with dabs.
No, this was farmers in the fenlands using it.
Rich drugs were/are opiates and cocaine.
Vikings were in the business of killing and Robbing rich people . I still dont believe the average medieval European citzen was smoking weed regularly as today
>medieval Europe
Bro by "first use" he meant much longer before that. By medieval times, the plant was widely spread in europe as plant fiber and religious ritual and recreational use.
And? My state passed medical a little while ago. Only caveat was you're not allowed to smoke it. They're still going to sell plant matter and it's not like they follow you home and watch you ingest it.
Doesn't matter to me anyways because I prefer concentrates.
Look. Biochemistry is a still-infantile science. Thanks to the DEA and other police agencies, the knowledge of pharmacology has been limited. Medicine isn't as cut and dry as people think it is.
You take vaccines for example. Vaccines cause some nasty side effects. Autoimmune disorders especially.
BUT, the opposite of that is, smallpox, polio, measles, mumps, diphtheria, etc are wreaking havoc on the population causing their own side effects(like sterility).
Of course doctors can't come out and admit that vaccines cause negative side effects because IDIOTS hear that shit and swear off the vaccines for life, and suddenly you got polio fucking up people's day again.
The cold fact is, 98% of the general public is too stupid to understand how give and take works. That's why they play the lottery for fucks sake.
Doesnt mean they evloved with it. But it does imply they were great explorers and came across other cultures that used it.
Will CBC oil do anything for me that smoking a bowl wouldnt?
You fucking mutt
Totally natural for a whitefella to live 15,000km away from where he 'evolved'
You're wrong on all accounts nigger
Being able to control your emotions and not being like an anxious chihuahua is what actually works the best
You fucking mutt weedscum. Weed caused devolution
Its a meme forced by marijuana smoking hippies.
But you can’t put a risk weighted number to the positive versus negative side effects.. so I guess that makes you the idiot, idiot
Try Kava
It has similar GABA increasing properties of ethanol and prescription meds (benzos), and isn't regulated. You don't feel as inebriated as with ethanol, but you still feel relaxed.
Just make sure you aren't taking prescription stuff, as it uses a similar enzyme as it goes through your liver, which can mess with the drugs, making them work too good or too little.
Sure you can.
Would you rather have polio, or a peanut allergy?
O, and Valerenic acid from the Valerian plant is probably the best anti-anxiety consumable without a prescription, but it's hard to find as there's not much of a market for it.
You can grow your own, though.
Ok so the verdict is to buy cbd oil with thc?
I just absorbed 100mg of CBD and 500mg of THC.
How fucked am I?
perfectly fine, worst case you sleep it off.
I feel something already
Like sounds are really fucking intense
Just hearing the sounds of my keyboards
you'll be fine, just remember it's not permanent and there's pretty much no lethal dose, you could have taken 10x what you did and be fine tomorrow.
banning it from the guys for a century is the scam
now start drippiing that shit under your tongue boi
>500mg THC
oh shit nigga if you're not a pothead youre about to get blazed af in a couple hours, fortunately the high amount of CBD is going to make it way more comfy
get some snacks and some anime/nature docs ready fren
and if you get way too fucked up high call a friend and get somje organic orange juice, that'll help sober you
my friend often takes 1000-2000mg at a time, so don't even trip
also a shower is gonna be awesome
Will do, thanks canabro
Smoking weed will obviously damage your lungs and respiratory system because you're inhaling smoke constantly, but the impact will be less than tobacco. If you're going to use it, I'd probably recommend edibles or concentrates so you get the benefits without damaging your lungs.
Whites in Europe always knew about it. But they just totally rejected it as some serious nigger faggot shit.
Psychoactive drugs are chemical weapons.
Well, it won’t get you high. That’s for sure
thc free sounds like literal snake oil, but thousands of idiots are buying essential oils at the same time so it's probably all just a marketing ploy
I mix my own using isolate, way cheaper.
>(((They're))) banning the ways to consume it naturally.
Hmmm... really makes you think (*rips blunt)
i vape CBD flower and prefer it over CBD oil, it helps me calm down during anxiety attacks and reduces my intrusive thoughts
check out r/CBD on reddit, there's a community of people helped by the stuff
thecbd.place for a list of vetted vendors
>pic related, CBD flower from tweedle farms
to answer your question, high THC gives me mad anxiety and paranoia, never touching that shit again