
Hey guys
Check out the uprising
and uh one more thing.......

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Just buy a pass you cheap ass jew.

Captcha being a problem for years is really inexcusable.

>stop making money from your website!!!!!!!111111111111111
for how much Jow Forums hates communism they sure act like a bunch of faggots

Then get banned for posting jannie memes.
What's the point when you have shitty jannies, they're killing the chans.

Janitors do a fairly good job considering it's a volunteer position. If you don't like solving captchas then buy a pass, as I see you have. This place would be a horrible abortion of a board if there wasn't a captcha.

>If you don't like solving captchas then buy a pass
>Get banned for posting jannie memes and go back to captchas.

Attached: 1544120579477.png (255x197, 5K)

Go fuck off somewhere else. No one is interested in listening to your bootlicking.

Attached: 7471C42F-4BAE-40DB-BEAF-9C8BF074CF36.jpg (1024x576, 47K)

Then don't post jannie memes. If you don't know how to ban evade you're pretty new anyway, despite having a pass.
Then stop bitching about Captchas. You'd pay $12 for a ticket to see a movie for 2 hours but $25 is too much to spend for a year of Captcha free shitposting?

>he doesn't know the way around it
I see you.