So I was basically given a sex slave

For a background I live in an archipelago third world country.

I took over my father's farm in one of the rural islands in my country. I was getting to know the place and the people. Because my Family are pretty much the Oligarchs of the place, one of the local families there offered their virginal 15 year old daughter as a wife.

Being from the city, I don't really want this minor as my sex slave and it's not like something I can report to the authorities. If I refuse I'm basically leaving her to a life of misery. If I accept she will have a better life with me. I don't plan to touch her until she is an adult and she consents but if she decides that she wants to be my wife I'll accept and if she isn't I'm willing to annul the marriage

What do you think is the best course of action?.

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Do the thing you’ll be proud of in 30 years.

Just fuck her

How about you accept her and then instead of fucking her you enrich her life so that she can be mildly educated and self sufficient?

Fuck her and chuck her

If I do that theyd be expecting a baby bump from her. What do I do about that expectation?

That’s really creepy.

It would be cool of you to tell her parents that you decline and hope they learn to have more respect for their child in the future.

Poor kid.

They are uneducated hicks

Is this like a Brontë novel or some shit

Lie, say your trying but she's infertile.

They aren't going to they'll just dump her onto someone who's going to rape her more than OP would

I really don't see this ending well.
Is she drop dead gorgeous?
Is she even remotely educated?
You need to spend a good while with her before you commit to anything.

I thought your family were the de facto oligarchs? If they're expecting a baby, tell them to fuck off and mind their own business.

What is legal age there? Asking for a friend.

Are you the guy that had an uncle trash the farm?

(Asking for weird breathing guy)

Are you the fucking Oligarch or not? Fuck what those peasants want, you're the rich landowner, you'll impregnate your child bride when you damn well feel like it.

Shet boys, please convince me not to see this escort.

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>offered their virginal 15 year old daughter as a wife.

You fucking faggot, DO IT. Have you any fucking idea how lucky you are to have teenage tang without persecution? marry her right fucking NOW.

How can you be this clueless

How much?

300/45 min

She's a cop.

>t. pedophiles

But I know for a fact she's not. She's on a site that has reviews, thousands of users, etc. Can you guys try to find something wrong with her face instead that will put me off her?

Well she's blurred her face, and possible body parts, so she's going to look different in person. Why the fuck didn't you make your own thread, this is a pedo thread so not really the place to post

If there was a thread to hijack it was this one. She has multiple pictures where she looks like that or even better. Also can't post them cause this is a blue board. RIP.

OP doesn't actually have much choice in this situation. He is THE landed nobility in the region and there's shit that goes with that fact. He can't just do a total about-face and totally restructure regional politics or social systems just because "that's how the pale people on the other side of the planet feel about it."

Unfortunately the only way forward I see is to either take the arranged bride and give her the best life possible, along with managing the politics that go along with the marriage (this is a political power play by the girls family, don't mistake this as anything other than that).

Or, he can refuse the offer, which won't have any political repercussions and morally superior by western standards but the girl will remain ineducable and inescapable poverty.

Tough call OP, looks like you get to play Game of Thrones.

Why the fuck would you not make your own thread
Or use the GIOYC thread

>Actual, shit-you-not nobility on Jow Forums
I'll be damned.
Is she even a minor in your part of the world? Does the distinction even exist? How many retainers do you have? How big is your palace? Are there any rival noble houses?

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fuck her now, before 16

Allowed to marry at 16 with parental consent

It doesn't matter what they expect. You're the fucking Lord of the town. Tell them to eat a dick and you'll do with their daughter as you please.


I mean if you really wanted to be pedantic about it that's roughly the age at which daughters would have been married off when western civilization was at that stage so it's not exactly out of place for the level of development but would seem jarring to anyone from the developed world. I'm going to assume you're not much older, OP. I'm going to give you advice that was learned the hard way by an american-born African user on /diy/ who fell into a very similar situation with his father's village;
Abide local customs.
You cannot, and you will not, be successful in trying to apply western concepts and thinking to this situation. You must abide the logic and customs of your people, or you will fall on your ass faster than you can say "culture shock", and there is a big risk that people will lose either social standing or physical wellbeing in the process. If cultual norms necessitate you to marry this girl, then I'm sorry, but you're going to have to work within the system to bring about the best possible outcome. I'm not going to try to guess at the social politics of a medieval island people I've never studied, but you're going to need to analyze the situation on their terms and see what you can do from there. If that means you have to marry the girl, then I'm sorry, but do your best to give her the best life you can, if not a way out of the islands.

make sure you know what the marriage laws are and if you can have more than one wife. if it's not a big sacrifice to you then pity marry her I guess? otherwise get a better girl, if you can't swoop that bitch up

Probably the best thing to do is marry her, as long as you don´t have sex with her until she decides whether she wants to bang you or not, it should be fine. Who knows, both of you may get to like each other in the future.

What is this, the Philippines?

>third world
>15 is a minor
