My gf gave me herpes

>be waman
>be dirty whore with herpes
>give it to unsuspecting man
>he has to go to work with herpes ridden mouth
How do we solve the woman question? How do we prevent young healthy white males from contracting diseases from worthless wamens?

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>gets herpes in his grocery hole
you're doing it wrong, Hans.

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same story she fucking tricked me then said she got them from an ex who tricked her

>live in Germany
>have sex with woman in Germany
>have oral sex with woman in Germany
>GIVE oral sex to a woman in Germany

oh shit nigger what are you doing

cold sores are the White man's burden Ahmed.

I cured my herpes btw

How old is she? Did you perform oral sex on her?

Who cares

Kek, he kissed the vagina and got the herpes.

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No it's not genital herpes

You should have listened. Leave this monastery and never return.

german women are ugly sluts, whats new
this is the reason why germans are angry and retarded all the time and invade other nations to steal cute waifus

If you would have kept your virginity and married a virgin you wouldn't have any of these problems.

>not having a virgin gf

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>get drunk
>fuck woman bareback
>whisky dick prevents me from finishing
>realize the incredible bullet I dodged

Thank you, alcohol. You led me into a rough spot, but you got me out safely.

A lot of people get that as children, dude. It's not a sexually transmitted disease. Geez.

im gonna say it

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>not having a virgin girlfriend just so you can eat her out without worrying about this shit

>U get herpes when u finish only
Mutt education.

He’s talking about knocking her up.

And where the fuck am I supposed to obtain a virgin gf? I'm scared shitless of STDs. One wrong fuck and you're tainted for life. That's why I'll probably never have sex.

I'll bite. How?

Stop having sex and let doctors collect ur semen until women stop being disgusting

nerve gas straight to the nose

in all seriousness i just told my body that if it doesn't cure it i'll beat it to death and that it will come into eternal suffering with me

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also water, lots of it.

I was born with hpv i get a coldsore on my mouth maybe once a year, stop fucking crying lmao like 80% of the worlds population has hpv most people's is dormant however

>herpes of the mouth
That's 90% of people, you braindead fucking Jow Forumstard.
This whole board needs a permaban. I'd be okay with getting permabanned too.

Do you know that that shit will move on to your brain and you'll slowly turn retarded?

Why dude? Anything a straight white dude is gonna catch these days can be cleared up with a z pak. Fucking sluts is fun lol

Young and in church, but since you're a godless Czech you're shit out of luck, enjoy your disease ridden atheistic shit-hole


you got half the population affected by this.

>Tfw have shingles right now

>Tfw pissed off but happy it is not on my face like some people get

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Muzzie qt or go to China and get Ughyr or something

If you think virgins can't have herpes I have bad news for you, user