How the fuck do people say you have to be happy alone before you can be happy with a gf/wife or kids

How the fuck do people say you have to be happy alone before you can be happy with a gf/wife or kids

Like are you fucking kidding me? Who is alone and single but always happy?

go fuck yourselves, how do you truly get a gf?

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Dumb frogposter

Aye, go fuck yourself ok
Stay on topic

most people are not happy with their partners, simply having a gf will not make you happy.
if you want to be >>>HAPPY

I'm alone and single and it is by far superior to being in a relationship, honestly. The last relationship I was in just meant I had to constantly be thinking of someone else's needs and wants.

>Want to go watch the game with my buddies after work?
Better check with the girlfriend.
>Want tacos tonight but girlfriend wants to eat together?
Better check with the girlfriend.
>Enjoying my Saturday lazing around and playing video games?
Better check with the girlfriend.

It's really not all that great. Right now I can do whatever the fuck I want. It's brilliant. Not only all of that, but I can stretch out in bed and fart.

What if you're highly successful but alone

How do you find happiness being alone when you're always alone and it hurts you to see others enjoying their life meanwhile you're still stuck

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No, its actually awesome

I've had a gf before, the difference between me is I actually still did what i wanted sincve I'm not a cuck and going outdoors to do shit is good for me

Another point is being married and having a wife to tell you what to do isn't so bad anyway, beats being successful, alone and traveling the US with nobody to tell the stories to or show photos

I don't get you guys. Why do you have to 'check with the girlfriend'?

I'm married and do whatever the hell I want, how is my wife going to stop me? Get a divorce? Ok have fun being a single mother

Why the fuck do you want a girlfriend or a wife? Women are useless for anything but sex, and annoying as fuck

My wife is my only friend

I don't get along with other guys

Dude, women suck. You’ll understand once you have your first relationship. Once you become satisfied with fapping you’ll never chase a woman again. They add absolutely NOTHING to your life aside from a few warm wet holes. I fucking love being single.

Hmm you must have been doing something wrong. I do whatever the hell I want and she's free to do whatever she wants including loud farts.

>itt beta males complain because they haven't figured out how to be the man in control in their relationships


Fucking this. Women are more bother than they’re worth, and fapping feels better than sex.

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Fuck outta here, bitch. Some of us aren’t masochists, and just get tired of women. I can already tell you’re one of those “just act alpha enough and she will be good forever” tradcucks who think women will ever let up on you and won’t bail the second they get the chance to upgrade. It’s exhausting. The pointless conversations, the whining, the tantrums, the unprovoked hostility, the bothering you when you wanna be alone, dragging you places you don’t wanna go, the declining quality and quantity of sex, etc. Fuck it, not even worth it.

i'm alone and single, but i am always happy, unless i drink too much, then i have no endorphins and my body feels sad and dying

i was more sad alone when younger, but then i had gfs who were such terrible people that being alone feels better knowing the crap you deal with in a relationship

to even have a relationship now, i am really picky and she'd have to be just right, otherwise i am quite happy to be alone

being alone is far and beyond better than being with the wrong one

I wonder why someone as nice and mentally stable as you can't get a gf.

I was perfectly happy alone because I never once thought that some other person was the key to my happiness. Now I'm in a happy relationship, so I guess the meme is true.

Listen son

>Lesson 1) Happiness is not an island you sail to, it is but a bird that occasionally vists you
>Lesson 2) Birds will randomly encounter you, but will more likely come to you and stay longer id you build it a feeder and birdhouse
>Lesson 3) This bird cannot be captured
>Lesson 4) You cannot rely on the birdhouse of another person to bring you this bird. Make it yourself and fine tune it.
>Lesson 5) Birdhouses are diffrent for everyone, find your specific matterial and design.
>Lesson 6) It is common to build the birdhouses from hobbies. A literal, but valid take on this is woodworking.

If you didnt read all of it, make sure you read lessons 1, 2, and 4. Those seem to be the ones you need.

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>dont give me that 2 + 2 = 4 shit

fuck off

underrated post

you are not supposed to be happy 24/7, but if you're always depressed while alone, a partner isn't going to fix that, even if you tell yourself it's only because you're lonely

this, also, I enjoy spending time with my wife, obviously, but we both need time alone as well
and of course I tell her when I go somewhere, but it's usually not a "may I please do this?"

>was depressed before all the time
>get a nice gf
>happier than ever
>she dumps me
>back to being depressed
So for me it's not true

You had overly clingy girlfriend. Normal relationships are not like that

How the fuck do you expect someone to just up and saddle your unhappiness
Like what entitled fucking mental process is that? Talk me through it because that sounds like starting a job without qualifications, it sounds like you want your cake and to eat it too.
How are you supposed to have a happy relationship if they're all your happiness depends on??? Why would they willingly enter that? That sounds like a threatening contract, not a relationship.

You make a good point but I guess I sdidn't explain correctly

I'm already quite happy and enjoy my life. I have a few goals, some hobbies and a good career that keeps me busy and I'm successful in the things I do

The problem with all of this, is being alone still fucking sucks

I don't mean I'm miserable by being alone, I mean sometimes you have these moments in a month where you kind of wish you had someone with you to share things with or go out with you on weekly adventures

My point is even if you're happy now and single it doesn't last and eventually the happiness of being alone just turns to being unhappy most of the time since you have nobody to spend time with

I was happy alone, but it was my marriage that made me realize it.

It's just a normalcy platitude. Some of the most miserable, self-loathing guys I know have stunning gfs while I'm pretty well adjusted and haven't had sex in 7 years.
It's all looks, luck, and a little bit of personality, my dude. For women, great looks can make up for the latter, but the inverse isn't true.

Life isn't fair.

I am alone and single and always happy. I do want to get laid though, but I dont need emotional company. Relationships are overrated.

Dont outsource happiness user. Be at peace with yourself, its perfectly possible to be miserable surrounded by people.

How to get a gf: Be confident, be clean, wear clothes that fit, be an interesting person and leave the house. Bars and clubs are good for one night stands, usually ppl get to meet their so through other people, so hanging out with friends and meeting new people will increase your chances.

If you are unhappy alone, you'll have a big chance of coming off as needy and deseperate, thus uninteresting. Enjoy your own company, when you find yourself interesting, girls will do it too.

Because nobody, woman or man, wants to be your emotional crutch. If you have no clue how to take care of your own mental health you'll have an extremely hard time convincing someone that you are capable of being responsible with theirs.

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You've clearly never been in a relationship.
t. Been with several emotionally unstable men, some suicidal

This. Occasional emotional support is one thing, but being someone's emotional nanny 24/7 is unhealthy, and definitely not a norm in any functioning relationship. Adult people should be able to cope with their issues mostly on their own.

I'm a 33 year old man that has been in several relationships. Currently in year 5 of a relationship as we speak. Being with several emotionally unstable men makes you an expert in dysfunctional relationships, user, not functional ones. By your own admittance you probably wouldn't know what a functional relationship looked like if it cock slapped you.

The point is that no normal, sane individual is going to attracted to saving you from yourself. That's not how stable people think or conduct themselves in relationships. Rescuing someone from their own dysfunction is the opposite of attractive to people who aren't mentally ill.

You can definitely be happy and single. You don’t NEED sex/relationships to be happy. Infact, there are many people who live alone because they can’t find the right person.

OP here

You guys still haven't understood a single thing I said. Some serious projecting going on here so I'll rephrase again

I'm not looking for someone to make me happy. I know and understand you have to make yourself and your own mind happy without others

My point is, YES I'm fucking happy and have a good career, and travel, and take vacation but what makes me sad is being around other people who are a couple while i'm single and could probably pay off their mortgage without issues...

Let me say it again, making yourself happy is your own responsibility however what about being outside and in normal peoples company? They don't care about how much value and happiness you have, you're single so automatically you're an outcast

You just had a shitty girlfriend

Then get yourself a gf?

>They don't care about how much value and happiness you have, you're single so automatically you're an outcast

That’s what friendships are for, man

Except you've made an entire thread on Jow Forums about how you need a partner and after all these so-called successes you can't manage to bear loneliness
You want to attach things to you until the unhappiness goes away. But that's the fucking point you retired
You trade the comfort of lonesomeness for the gamble of bringing another human life into the proceedings
Stop acting like there's some little cozy nest in life where you evade unhappiness or discomfort. They're part of life, get the fuck over it

Also I guarantee you get outed because your personality, nobody leaves people outcast because they're single. Like you're sitting there leveraging a fucking mortgage against them like it's the same gauge. Like happiness is some benchmark you need to hit before you're a valid human. Like not being able to shell out to the banks makes you less of a person. There's also the way you measure happiness in terms of raw accomplishments, probably seems horribly trite in person

It may be that you've simply gathered people as judgemental as you, too

I think if you're miserable then someone else is not going to make you happy. If you are generally happy then you are able to make someone else happy

This post and your original post are completely contradictory.

They won't understand, user. Too many normals and boomer mentalities are on here.

really though, how do you stay single and be happy?
As soon as I'm single again I feel useless and needy. How do you stay happily single for so long?

>I think if you're miserable then someone else is not going to make you happy

This is retarded.
t. Been in a relationship which saved me from suicide

Stop with this boomer-tier shlock about how you're supposed to be happy or content before entering a relationship. Few people are, and even fewer who I personally know are. Liking yourself or not being miserable are not prerequisites for someone being interested in you. The OP's just autistic and/or ugly.

Realize that you don’t ((NEED)) a woman

don't you crave cuddling or some beta shit like that?

Get on pills, preoccupy yourself with dumb hobbies, play vidya, read books, play music, subscribe to bullshit self-help routines, Etc.

That's how all boomers cope.


Yeah i do occasionally. Having a woman can be nice. But what I’m saying is you need to realize that you don’t “NEED” a woman to be happy. Having one can be a bonus of course. But as a man, you’re in control of your own life and happiness. Don’t give that power to another person. Don’t make yourself depend on another person for your own happiness.

This goes for women as well. Women shouldn’t depend on a man for her happiness. She should be able to control her own happiness. A man is just a bonus

Wow, this is pathetic. One way to cope, I suppose.

Its actually simple in most cases

Being happy isn't the hard part, what kind of sucks is when you're with other people who are together and you're single

It kind of sucks to be the single guy

Also, what do you do to be happy alone?
Hobbies, tons of hobbies and I don't really mean video games, I mean hobbies that get you outside and around other people

the problem I've been having isn't "being happy" alone in my hobbies, building my car, buying things for myself and others around me (family gifts.. ) the problem im fucking having is around other people who have the whole gf/wife/kids going for them and I have to compare myself to them and feel shitty cuz i dont have a life partner and only focus on my hobbies

I used to drag race, built my own v8 muscle car and tt, custom tune etc..

what sucks is always being considered a loser by society for being aloneeeeeeeeeeee

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>But what I’m saying is you need to realize that you don’t “NEED” a woman to be happy.

Thats the point, you dont need someone to make you happy but when you're around other people who have a bf or gf how do you feel in that situation? Do you just talk about your accomplishments and explain to them you're still happy, do you ignore the subject why user doesn't have a gf?

In that situation, yeah sometimes I feel a bit lonley. But that happens in life.

>Been in a relationship which saved me from suicide
You do know that your relationship was completely dysfunctional, right? You know putting the burden on someone else to keep you happy and stay with you or else you'll kill yourself is an entirely fucked up thing to do to someone, right? Like its cool that you didn't kill yourself but you needed a psychiatrist, not a partner.

>You know putting the burden on someone else to keep you happy and stay with you or else you'll kill yourself is an entirely fucked up thing to do to someone, right

Actually, anyone who mentions this is completely wrong

My sister age 24
Her boyfriend at the time 27
>threatens to kill himself
>She says okay dont i wont break up
>he gets married to her
>they have a wonderful kid and they're still together

If you feel shes the one, ofcourse say you'll kill yourself

Being happy 'alone' in this context is not actually really alone.

>If you feel they're the one, threaten them with responsibility for your death.
That certainly assures that he isn't. Not to mention, the idea of "the one" is archaic and full of shit.

Ikigai isn't hapiness: it's joy,passion.


>what makes me sad is being around other people who are a couple while i'm single
>you're single so automatically you're an outcast
You're just one dumb narcissist fuck.
Are you the one crying alone in bed while other people holding hands and strolling around in plaza at christmas date?

It's simple calculus daughter
>Can't make himself happy
>Expects to make someone else happy

learned it the hard way he's right user


Where are you from?

I was relatively happy before getting a gf. Then I got one for a short while and I was happier than ever before. Then she dumped me and now (almost a year later) I am still fucking sad all the time because now I know what I am missing.

Happy with yourself as an in having self-respect and confidence in yourself as an individual, not literally being happy all day and night.

Are you really this incapable of critical thinking? This is why Math is important, it teaches you how to actually process things.

You lost her because your a constantly depressed piece of shit.

You are exagerating things.
It's not that people are always happy, they are just content with the present situationeven without a gf.
And lemme tell ya, if you somehow got a gf being a depressed piece of shit, now you are a depressed piece of shit with a gf. Things don't change that much.

That's why people say that you must be happy on your own. Getting a gf won't change that for ya and thinking so is just flat out delusional.