So, uh, what about a “newly” 26 year old guy seeing a soon to be 18 year old boy? The play has been consental...

So, uh, what about a “newly” 26 year old guy seeing a soon to be 18 year old boy? The play has been consental, as well as legal obviously. My partner died at the start of this year, and I finally decided that I deserved to move on, in one way or another. Although I feel like the pitfalls of this pursuit are endless, it doesnt dissuade me from trying in the least. Do you think its possible? For over a year, we had been talking purely as friends, and share a lot of similar lived experiences and interests.

Attached: F7189015-E018-48B9-BADA-5E2BD49D684F.jpg (3264x2448, 1.6M)

You're a sick fuck, first you give your partner aids and now you want to give it to this boy? kill yourself faggot.

aaa yes i had noticed the transgression of r9k over to this place. you guys still cant admit you need help and continue to shit on each other. das nice faaaam. hope you hit rock bottom someday!

>soon to be 18
Thanks for the metadata on that image by the way.

>soon to be 18
So he's 17.

And you've been having "consental" (I assume you mean "consensual") play with this child.

Enjoy your jail cell.

Yeah, I don’t need to clarify that anymore, do I? Age of consent is legal here, I really wish I didnt have to clarify this shit to you retards.

y-youre welcome

Can I get a sincere answer from anybody? Is no one familiar with how painful grief truly is after losing your significant other who youd been with for the better part of a decade.

From what you've said already, you're grooming some child online. That's a federal crime.

From what youve assumed, that may be the case. Thats purely because of how I phrased it, as saying that hes almost 18 makes it sound more flattering.

The fact of the matter remains: he’s 17 - that’s the legal age of consent here.

Extreme creepy.

Attached: 75E7FE58-2DDE-4DCC-A39E-AB24D25BC6CF.jpg (180x180, 38K)

You do you. If its legal in your country go for it.

35 US states are 16 = legal.

>My partner died at the start of this year
I give my condolences to you. May your partner rest in peace and be happy in heaven and free from suffering.

>So, uh, what about a “newly” 26 year old guy seeing a soon to be 18 year old boy?
There's nothing wrong with it.

Thanks, man! I never said I was in the fucking states, though.

In fact, I cant legally enter North America lol.

Across state lines or over the internet = federal AOC, which is 18. This supersedes and preempts inconsistent state AOC law.

Congrats, you're going to prison.

I appreciate your gracious response, user.

Thank you for your well wishes, to both myself & my departed partner. I appreciate it.

You're welcome, user.
Read the OP
>For over a year, we had been talking purely as friends

That's what all the child groomers say.

Do you ever notice how acts which are completely normal interpersonal development suddenly become called "grooming" just because of a magic line you've personally decided on?

It doesn't matter how you define it, the second he gets mad at you, the law can destroy you for grooming him. Which you are clearly doing... because you intend to fuck him when he becomes legal, and you're talking to him for that purpose. Enjoy jail.

>you're talking t osomeone with the intention of fucking them when its completely legal to fuck them. That means its a crime!

Lol. How do you even g othrough your daily life without ruining it?

OP back to confirm this thread isnt dead yet, cheers for whoevers speaking common sense and sticking up for me (or my predicament, at least) at the moment.

this, keep your pedo aids away from the young bois

blood with AIDS in it tastes like coconut milk mixed with metals.