>Be me
>work as divorce lawyer
>still single
>most divorce cases I handled involving fat women
I wonder why....
>Be me
>work as divorce lawyer
>still single
>most divorce cases I handled involving fat women
I wonder why....
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tell some anonymized stories, user
do you like family law? just graduated law school and not sure if i would be happy in it. everyone tells me to avoid it.
Men get mad when women get fat
you should be a lawyer for people who disappear on planes
>single lawyer
has no one introduced you to the fuck your secretary custom yet?
dont. get into defense/prosecution if you value justice or corporate litigation if you value money. family law if you value roasties
yeah. ive worked both defense/prosecution as a clerk and i like prosecution. but damn. i don't want to work the same long hours as my classmates and make half the money
What can men do so they won't get screwed in the divorce
go away Bug