Thot's Law

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Venti is so fucking beautiful.

Fuck of Brittany, you weird mutant mutt.

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Hey venti post brapper

>blaspheming against the true queen of Jow Forums

Post brapper venti

>Venti is so fucking beautiful.

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I'm anxiously awaiting for Jow Forums to turn into roastie central.

the day of the rope awaits you zoomer faggots

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Pol isn't social media you goblin

i will never understand /pol's obsession with totally motherfucking ugly female e-celebs.
I can bet her tits are also fucking disgusting, with nipples/aureolas being the size of your head.
Pathetic basement dwellers getting a hard-on for a fucking goblin.

Still waiting for nudes you 1/3 nigger

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How do you figure?

It's anonymous with no social aspect.

Cdc data is rigged. Make a catfish tinder account and see for yourself how much attention women get

>t. boomer

Beautiful digits. Almost as beautiful as Venti.

Stop shilling this thread every hour you dumb faggot and get that ugly FAS mutt-cunt outta my face.

shut the FUCK up.

i have yet to see any venti nudes. how is this possible?

I've seen her topless. She has a nice set.

milk truk just arriv

oh no no no no no no no no

Aw sheeeitt

Lying faggot

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Nigger if I was going to lie I'd have said fully nude. But alas, that's not the case.

If these statistics are self reported (even if done anonymously) then they are already untrustworthy and false.

Bump for Venti

Then you are a colossal newfag.

Brit here, you losers really need to get a life and stop stalking me :)

yea how else are you gonna get statistics like this, by recording people for 12 months?


I'd bleach in a heartbeat.

tits or gtfo

>checks flag

your not man enough to handle my tits

that's debbi wasserman-schulz tho

Holy shit. Literally Debbie Wasserman

I have millions of followers and billions of upboats here
>my profile pic

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Clean your room

all women are thots

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Hi Sadamn Hoosayn

I fucking love WWE

daily reminder that women have no soul

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indeed, hammerhead sharks are majestic creatures.

I love me some big tittied mulatto milkers. Shame we dont have pics of her shaved snatch.


who says it's shaved

t. Brittany

oh for sure my guy

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Thot's Law is real!

4chad being screamed at by this. There is a God.

10/10 would hate fuck with legally binding signed consent form.

she is

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but honestly you guys are fags for real talking about tits or whatever

I mean with thighs like these how can I even notice anything else

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I'm glad some people on Jow Forums appreciate actual data.

kys fucking cucked nazi cockgoblin

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fetalalcahol syndrome as fuck

Whats wrong with your brain randy?

has she paid her taxes yet?

still would

She's obviously the next head of the DNC.

I donate $200 to Brittany venti every week, because her boyfriend doesn't work. Lazy cunt. I think she's into me though. I'm one of her two mods (the other being her boyfriend) but she always talks to me in stream. I always asked if she can flash on hitbox, but she just ignores me so I stopped asking lol but yeah, her boyfriend is a major loser, and she needs to be with someone that can support her.

But she has the thing over her upper lip and between her nose, she's not FAS

not posting the extra thicc giga nigga version.

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She should be dead.

Please be larping

Not sure if nicely done or real.

shes 2fas bro your dreams are ogre

Hit Girl is now a lesbian.
Straight pedos everywhere are crying over their encrypted harddrives, while lesbian pedos are buying up the Blue Ray and extra batteries.

So her hair is actually curly? She just straightens it? Why am I not surprised?

you shouldn't be surprised because it's obvious as fuck

all mullatos have curly hair, what did you expect?

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wtf is wrong with her eyes

they’re affixed to a negro

I always thought more of a frog

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can we get the data for 18-30 instead of these 40 year old fucking boomers


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What do you think of the thot slayer?

Video of the thot slayer in action

I liked the reporting of criminals to IRS, but this guy is cringe.
I dont know why, but i thought that she would look extra creepy with goat eyes.


sounds like OP is just mad hes not in the top 10% of men. Hypergamy is good for the gene pool