Alright 4chin, I need some help

I'm in a serious rut. Despite dual majoring (econ, biochemistry plus got an AS in comp sci and math) at one of the best universities in the world I can't even get a phone interview anywhere I apply, let alone get a job offer. I'm told my face is a solid 7, pretty Jow Forums yet lately can't get matches on tinder or have any success talking to women irl. Most my of my few friends have blown me off so I'm pretty isolated.

I feel like this is all related: no friends, no girl success, no job. I need to break the cycle. I tried not drinking for half a year, didn't help. I'm 27 and worried my life is wasting away in front of me. In my darker moments I think things like "if there is a god he hates me" and consider drastic actions. Advice?

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What was your GPA and what have you been doing for the 5 years since you graduated? Focusing on job first right now

>I can't even get a phone interview anywhere I apply
Then your resume and/or cover letters are shit.

Oh and lately I've been so down, even low energy things like playing video games have been too much for me. Some days might be, get up (late). Apply to a dozen jobs, then lay back down.

I've gone through a lot of revisions of my resume and think it looks good, but give me a min to redact identifying details and I'll post a screen

If you haven't, see about applying for a job where they have a good signing bonus OR will pay for your move.

Pretty likely that you've already done this, but just in case you haven't thought of it, here you go.

If you have, I dunno, make 100-or-so print outs of print outs of this post. roll them up and fuck yourself with it.

>I've gone through a lot of revisions of my resume and think it looks good, but give me a min to redact identifying details and I'll post a screen
You don't have to do that just yet. Just give us an outline of your work experience, extracurriculars, hobbies, volunteering, involvement in school life etc.

Here's my resume, note I JUST added the grad school bit, so that should have been a factor. Though some deaths in my family have halted it at a few times, I've been looking for work off and on for a year and a half now. Easily applied to 1k+ positions, maybe a dozen or so phone interviews, 3 or 4 in person.

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GPA doesn't matter much if you've got a well-rounded resume otherwise.

is that all on one page or did you just condense it for us? I'm no expert but last time I checked, if it really is side-by-side its instant trashcan.

Aside from your out-of-order education, it looks fine to me (for a STEM resume). How are your cover letters? Many STEM students lack skills in this area.

I'm actually a solid writer, got 5.5 (98th percentile) on the gre. I do have a template cover letter that I edit per position.

That's the resume, though I have tried the two page approach with similarly poor results

I'd focus on getting a job first. I can't tell what is fucking you up from the resume, but computer science isn't my field so I'm not the best judge. You need a better in than just cold-emailing your resume out though. Does Georgia Tech have a jobs/ graduate employment office you can use? I assume Berkley does but I don't know how long you've been out.

Are you doing anything at the moment, or are you a NEET?

I'd look into which format is best again, from a reliable source, but just from an aesthetic point it's like you're trying to shove everything in my face in an attempt rush it in before I can toss it.

Also with everything being on half a page it looks like a damn chore to read with the paragraphs being twice as thicc as they would be spread across the whole page.

Georgia tech doesn't offer it to online students (understandable, i pay 1/5 the tuition). Cal's career services is GARBAGE. You have to pay to subscribe and it's all just companies trying to scrape the sperg students before they get picked up elsewhere (e.g min 3.5 gpa shit, which at cal is top 10%)

Mostly neeting. Doing online courses in data science to prep for my masters and working out a lot. Mainly it. I did uber for a while but pay was shit.
For better or worse I inherited a bunch of money after my pops died a year ago and grandpa died a few mo ago, and I don't have expensive tastes so I dont NEED to work for a while. I just hate being a bum, it's not for me.

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fuck if i know op, im in the same boat. got a degree from berkeley but in my field, the recruiters look for current masters students. undergrad is such a meme, unless youre going into finance or something.

Good luck dude. I know the feeling of just feeling like cold product - have more faith in yourself. Best advice i ever got was you cant put yourself down about not getting a job if youre earnestly trying all you can to get one - because that shit is hard as fuck

>Mostly neeting.
Well there's a big red flag for employers, especially if you've been unemployed since you graduated. Go out and get a job, any job. You're not above any position.

>Not above any position
Tell that to employers. Tried to get my job back at sears but they didnt have me. Tried a very entry level job with a software company, but one of the higher ups who interviewed me said "be honest, this position isn't where you see yourself 2-3 years from now"

Companies don't wanna hire someone they know will jump ship the second they get a real opportunity.

>Companies don't wanna hire someone they know will jump ship the second they get a real opportunity.
No shit. That's why you don't tell them about your qualifications.

Well if you are totally hard up, I'd do a dip in the military. It gives you 4 years of work, starting in your case at around 80 (since you would go in with a commission). If you like it (unlikely) stay in, go crazy, whatever. If not, people will be falling over themselves to hire a Berkley grad vet. There is a big pilot shortage right now in the AF if you want to do that (although that's a long commitment) and there are a few other interesting jobs as well. Fuck it join S P A C E F O R C E.

I'm a vet and I have to say the hiring resources that are thrown at you are pretty insane.

My mom fucked me HARD. I was interviewing with the chair force and my mom was worried "what if you die" (dad's death hit her hard). One night I was being a dick, punched a wall and made some flippant comments. She reported to the cops I made threats so I got carted off to a nuthouse. Currently in the process of fighting to get it off my record, but til then they won't even talk to me.

What do you recommend, scrub things from my resume? I'm selective about who I tell about the grad school part, but the rest I more or less leave in.

That resume is awful in layout and content. You didn't pad out your employment history at all, confined it to like two sentences and honestly a biochemistry and economics degree are worth a piece of paper if it is just undergrad for either with no internships or lab experience with a professor. Biochemistry is a stepping stone to medical or lab fields or further degree, economics is worthless unless Masters or higher.

Someone without a degree has just as much value with a better job and volunteer history, especially if you did said volunteer work while working or in education. For fun at uni I volunteered with birds of prey rehab and a local soup kitchen even though it had nothing to do with jobs I applied for and they loved the I was "involved" in things during university

Go for a lower employment in basically anything first. Make your resume better in structure and have a cover letter that is actually a cover letter and not a sentence with "objective" as the title.

How long has it been since you last worked? I mean actually worked at a job. Even freelance counts.

That's why you write a better resume, and Sears is as dumb to apply for as K-Mart or Toys-R-Us right now--their companies are tanking and they aren't really looking for new employees in any sector. Go for another retail outlet that is more specific or go for local restaurants and food. Starbucks baristas where I live make $12/hr plus tips, and if you work over 20hrs a week you get insurance. Grocery store front end managers (which just require a degree period) make $19/hr. These types of places are desperate for any staff even if you're a rocket scientist. Because these companies (unlike Sears) aren't hovering around bankruptcy.

A good talk-game can get you any entry level position. You simply have to be more personable.

Were you Baker Act-ed (involuntarily committed?) Because that's the only circumstance that the incident wouldn't fall under Patient Doctor Privilege and be hidden from the DoD.

When it comes to medical shit you can hide anything short of being pregnant or having AIDs from the MEPs clowns. They are just old perverts there to finger nubile assholes 40 hours a week.

Idk, california law it's called a 5150. Can't legally touch a gun for 5 years (which was fun when a month ago cops randomly showed up at my door to search my room after somone made a school shooting threat nearby)

The jobs I'd want require top secret clearance, so I'd imagine they'd be able to dig that shit up in the background check.

I had several arrests and still got a TS. The FBI guy interviewing me busted my balls about it but in a joking sort of way.

Just go for it. If they say you're disqualified then oh well. But make them tell you no. And obviously don't be totally forthcoming on the initial MEPs shit. If you do get investigated for a TS though, tell those guys the truth or they will fuck your face.

>the jobs I want have top secret clearance
Even if you didn't have the involuntary committed on your record there is no way in hell your employment history and resume would let you get a job with that type of clearance.

Go work for some constituent of Honeywell. They have their own personal security clearance and are desperate for employees in their molecular labs. Proving you can keep private sector secrets will make you desirable to confidential public sector jobs. Hell even being a policeman would help you.

As another user said
>you're not above any job

t. never-served

I was a humanities major with several not-insignificant arrests and got a TS. They aren't that hard to get. All tacair pilots in all services have them, for example. About a quarter of all combat arms officers have a TS at some point.

Nigga, if they NEED you they'll get you your clearance. It's not THAT HARD to get a TS or TS/SCI. You've got to have over 100k in debt or some serious shit that could potentially compromise you if you were pressed for information.

It is likely more difficult to find someone with a Biochem Degree than it is to find someone with a TS or TS/SCI.

Source: I'm ex-military and had a TS/SCI while I was in.

Well the office i was talking to stopped responding to my emails, but maybe I could try another. Any tips on how to write the essay of purpose? I basically wrote about how I've always been a good student but lacked direction to put my abilities and hopes the AF could help me learn how to put my brain to good use.

Consider I currently cannot legally touch a gun or even ammo in the US. Wouldn't that be a big factor? Oh and i've been on antidepressants in the past (not currently).

Either way I figure I'll power through my masters before I do anything with them. I plan to get an MBA later, so they could sport the funds for that potentially.

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Let me caveat what I said: If they get you for anything that involves hazardous materials, and being biochem that's highly likely, your 5150 COULD be a serious issue.

Won't know till you try, or at least ask someone still in the loop. For further reference, getting fucking married shows up as an incident on a clearance, so you may be right that its an issue.

OP was never was in the military. His mother had him committed before he could join the Air Force because instead of just going to recruitment office himself like someone over 18, he punched a wall and "said some stupid shit".

Undergrad biochem degrees are a dime a dozen. My husband was going to go into Pharmacy school (because they told everyone to back in 2006-2007)and got a biochem degree with a minor in biomedical science. There weren't enough spots in pharmacy schools despite him have a 3.9 GPA and work/volunteer experience in a lab and pharmacy. There were that many people with 4.0 and his exact curriculum on his transcript.

Instead he went to electrician school while working as a grocery store front end clerk and is about to make 6 figures installing security camera frames for companies.

STEM is useless if you concentrate on sciences for just undergrad. You have to further your schooling to really matter these days if you want a job fresh out of college with no relevant work experience on your resume.

Jesus, man, always with the fucking emails. Sit your happy ass in the chair and talk to a mother fucker. Look up the officer recruiter, figure out what you want to do in what branch, sit down and get going. He'll want to bring you onboard, guaranteed. Don't say shit about your anti-depressants. Don't say shit about getting committed. If you get busted, the worse case scenario is that you are barred from enlisting ever again... which doesn't matter since you couldn't in the first place for the reasons that they barred you. This email shit is low energy, you won't get anywhere doing that. Just walk into the officer recruiters office with your resume and transcripts, and get going.

If you smoke-checked your GRE you should be able to write a good statement of purpose. Mine just said I wanted adventure and yeah lol patriotism or whatever. And I got hired. Keep in mind once you make O-3 (4 years) it's about a $110,000 job, and tax-free if you're deployed to a combat zone.

One huge thing in Gov/Contracting is who you know is more important that what you know (like most places) if yo know someone who can hook you up, do it.

Use every last resource you can. When I started getting more frequent chronic migraines about 2 years after leaving the service I had to stop school for my teaching cert (already have a BS in Com Sci and teaching Experience).

My buddy who was an IT specialist in the Army who was going to school with me and has no Bachelor's, ended up making 42k in Quantico. fast forward to 3 years later and he's making 132k as a Sys Admin via Contracting. He stated with a TS/SCI and now has a TS w CI Poly.

Even he is using his brother who is a GS-14 and formerly DHS to get a job closer to home, potentially more money (overall factoring in benefits), and is an actual government position.

If you can get chair force and officer side no less, you're fucking set. You can let the other branches talk shit about how you're POG as fuck as you eat your premium steak and fucking lobster from the AF Officer's DFAC, while you don't have to put up with the bullshit they do and/or shit like ruck marches as well making serious bank.

this is probably good advice. I live 50 miles from the nearest recruitment office for the AF, but I should just cruise my ass on down there.

Any room to negotiate starting positions. Like with a masters in data science I should be able to do much more than the average 0-1 pleb, especially bc im interested in the cyrtogrophy and counter intel positions.

Just remember that 2LTs are the dumbest beings in existence tied with PVTs

Kinda sorta but not the way you are currently set up. They will pay for you to go get your MS while on active duty in certain situations, but you'll basically be done with yours by time you in process. Otherwise, you essentially start at O-2 instead of O-1. But I don't think it's going to be applicable in your case.

And I'd gently nudge you away from crypto and counter-int. I know a lot of those guys, and literally none of them are happy or enjoy their work. As an officer the place to be is combat arms. For the Air Force that's flying. I'm sure you can figure out what it is in the other services as well. Being a POG is a better deal as enlisted than as an officer for reasons that are complicated to explain. Post on /MEG/ over in K for more information.

If it's 50 miles away, CALL, don't email, but CALL the guy and tell him when you're coming in. Good luck user you're going to make it.

I assume with my history they wouldnt want my touching a anything that can kill another person though...
Thanks to my mom there's a record of my "threatening to burn the house own and take her out with me" (both complete bullshit). Can't to me any favors even if I succeed in getting the 5150 off my record...

And I did call initially, they just referred me to email.

If you think the military bureaucracy is efficient enough to find out your mom's past aspersions against you then just lol at your life dude. If you'd ever had to get registered for DEERs or get a new ID card you wouldn't have these concerns, I assure you. Most admin fags don't know what continent they are on at any given time.

Cops were able to dig it up when some wacko made a threat to shoot up a school near me, why wouldn't they? Seems like theres probably a database they can tap.

Alright, stay in the rut. I tried.

I mean I'll talk to them man, but don't know how (if i can) hide dirt on me.

Can confirm. Military is dumb as hell from top down almost by design with sprinkles of good troops who don't buy into the bullshit here and there.

DEERs personnel altogether have a cumulative IQ of 50.

Well that's good news. Would *lying* about having previously being prescribed adderall and antidepressants on my app not be that big of a deal (considering im not on it currently)
